... di MEXICO D ITS RELIGION. ,t Jfeico axd its Religion; twithi lucidakfs of rrdeI8 in that Courstry during parts' of ilU yearr ai16 52-53-54, and Hisoricdl Notices of EMents Cn- n^esicted toitf plaes eisited. By ?? A. WLSON. ,X Loudon: Sampson Low, SOns and aO.- a- The writer of this interesting volume, imho is an ., A~merican, has eadopted- thie Sparkish~ oustom,,of l mingling historical ...


... LIT ERA T UR E. A MANUAL OF TUE DOMESTIC PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. By W. B. Kestevon, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, &e. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. 1856. Tans seems to us to be a valuable addition to a class of .works which has extended year by year since the days of Buchan. Its principal merits are that it is easily understood by non-pro fessional people; the ...


... SKETCHES ON ITALY: ITS LAST REVOLUTION, ITS ACTUAL CONDITION, ITS TENDENCIES AND HOPES. London: Hamilton, Adams, and Co. 1856. It is not possible for any Englishman, whose happiness is secured by and based upon the fact of his being an inhabi- tant of a country whieh possesses liberal institutions, andE the utmost amount of freedom which is compatible with sepurity, to look with a cold and ...


... P'OETRIY. -YI'Tii iliL l S AND PAt AVAY. a A little blird brusltvd ruy w ?? 1by . A Twixt ?? level Streut nniI tile Ic:vel 81yY T'he level rouvs o house5 tall, ge Tie blank noon-soit on the level wall it And ,ItI that tlio little bird did say T Was Over the lhills aitd fitr avay.s dt A little bird sang behind my chair, thi YI-o0n tue level line of cornitelds fair. di ?? hcmotil green hce ...


... COVENT-GARDEN The rival managers of the two great theatres carrying on a ort of war of squibs agin each r. neither of them, we should think, with much good to b, self or much injury to big adversary; andcertainl w very little entertainment to the public. Druyoly Wt believ4 was the aggressor; Mr. Charles 3 ftbe0, h begun by personsting the Great Wizard of the Nirtb , 4 giving ridictlout ...


... EVENING SOLACE. The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept ill silence sealed; The thoughts, thie hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose oharms were broken if rOvOeled. And days may pass in gay confusion, And nights in noisy riots fly, W'hile, lot in lamie or Wealth's dlelusion, The memory of the past may die. But there are hours of lonely musing, Such as in the evenilng silence ...


... LITEBA TURR. ThwentlglishwornlZlson Arerica. Murray. dwe it is a pity that the 1pirit of candour and good yeni humovur which animates the au~thoresfi of this Work and bas not been more frequently displayed by former of travellers. Much of Aw.. power which the lower no, portion of the American preftexercise over the inha- tial] bitants of the States is gatied by professing a in- sympathy #ith ...


... FASHION AND) VARIIETTllfS. THE COURT. WINDSOR, MONDAY..-Prince Albert, attended by Colonel F. 11. Seymour, left, Windsor at nine o'clock this mornin, ?? visited Aldershot Camp. Tbo Prince returtued to the Castle at a quarter before fori. The following visitors arrived this afternoon: - -.the Earl and Countess Stanhope, Lord and Lady John Russell, Lord and Lady Stanley of Alderley, the Righkt ...


... TIHE T1W) MlRRORS. No matter Whlere I (l1vell or stray, ?? I may go, 'Iwo Mdirrors are alwavys With mc, Ana this i Ilvh:t thei sholv:w The tirst is hriglht Ld(l glean,11ing as glass, And o'er it in gay pirocessioll pass The pleas jajt scesles of former years- The dmis that hal no futitre fears YoUtllfUIl 1,)tIIS, aniid tiarmimtleuss3oy, Andi time ?? niig life or a boy FreelOlim ir,'l'l cale, ...


... THE OPERfA. The management keeps faith with the public, in the production of works newv to Edinburgh ; and we think we arc warranted in adding, produces them in a style which more than realises the expectations ex-I cited by the announcements for the current season. Ernani is not by anymcans a light opera: it abounds with beauties and 5with difficulties ; and last night the beauties wele ...


... - - . ?? ?? I I Messrs. Ricbardson and Son, Catholic publishers of Derby beli 147, Strand, London; and 9, Capel-street, Dublin, had thb stre pleasure, a few days back, of sending, free of all costs of j-el carriage, &c., by the kindnes of the Rev. R. Glegg, her Ma- r jesty'e Chaplain General to the Forces, nearly one ton weight Th, of books, consigned to the Ren. Father Cuffe, of the 88th, the ...


... Sittra t. T.z QUARTEeRLY REVIEW.-NO. CXCV. ITaE articles in the present number of the Quarterly are chiefly of a literary character, but the style in which they are treated is so masterly and agreeable that this will excite no regret ia the reader. We rise from its perusal alike gratified and instructed. ?? Table Talk, the opening paper, gives an admirable digest of the best Ana which have ...