Advertisements & Notices

... IODFSRXTOR LAMPS.-New and elegant designs in Bronze, Ormolu, and Bobemian *,,eceivtd. every week from Hadrot and Co., aind other eminent French makers. Families want~ing Modemator ei pI,3N' onoacrssediff1 initedk trominspet the STOCK ?? on Sale at BYRNE and CO.'S, which widl be found the largest in w ~ l~t ?? SE~R'S P~A'EN7r CANDLES 91ways kept in stock, at BYRNEand WO.'.e Lamp, Tray, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, T WO Self-contained LODGINGS, Nos. 2 and 3 Viewfield 1 Terrace, Hillhead. Apply to Mr. Langlands, No. 1 Lansdowne Crescent. VERY CHEAP. T O LET, till 15th May, a FURNISHED HOUSE at 1Dollar, of Two Sitting Rooms, Four Bed Rooms, Kitchen, &c. Rent, 24s. a week. Address V., Herald Office. HOUSE TO LET. 7jO LET, at 13 Ronald Street, a HOUSE of Four Rooms 1 and Kitchen, with Plunge and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE A.TRE ROYAL- DUBLIN.- T.. J5t Night but Tao of the Engigemest o4 f Miss BEBECCA ISAACS, Last iigbt but Ons of the Pantomime. O THIS EVENING (Monday),-Uth of February, thio pOnm¢3 THIS ?? menco Itb' a new Elestro' Bologieal Persm written expressly for Miss 'Isams,' intlild ALoSZ(9 TEIE BRAVE AND THE FAlIt I1OGENEL AID1:S Ch,'Srave, Mis 'asse ; Phizotinico, Mr Vandxi;- Stiletto, Mr Honey; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REAT EXHIBITION of 1851-COUNCIL r E ,AL.XIiPOSITION UNIVEBSELL~i 1355- GR-A-OpE IIEDAILLEd'O EU ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. I.) BAIBEDI NE an CO. of Paris, respectfully inform el, Bitshpuli tata ?? of their M~ATHE- ?? EDUCTIONS by the process of M. Collas, from ~ C~fsd~s~vof ntquke and Modern Statuary in the Cohre ofth Lseses Forence and Rome, Museum of Naples, ~,dBetih slueo, on beten t esrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D7ERBY CGIFT S F OR 1856. On thc payment of TWENTY-SIX SHILLINGS, Parties will be supplied with the ERA Newspaper for ONE YEAR ro, the date of Subscription, for which a Receipt will be given, specifying the NUMBER OF THEIR CHANcE in the ?BRA DERBY GIFTS OF 1S56, which will be dis. tributed according to the following Scale:- First Horse .100 Second Horse ?? 20 Third Horse . .. 10 Every other ...

Published: Sunday 03 February 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1201 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGH WATER AT LONDON-BRIDGE THlIS DI. Morning ?? 13 min. pasto. | ?? 27 ia M ARK YOUR LINEN.-The Pen Super, 1VX -The most easy, permanent, and best aelbl 10: ing linen, silk, cotton, rough towels, books, &c., ir vlitht TENT ELECTRO-SILVER PLATES ;by means otwhichil articles can be marked in ten minutes. Aly ?? them. Initial plate, Is. ; name plate, 29., crest plate, S numbers,2s. Sont freeto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUR-AND-.AHALFaud TEIREE PER CENT. F ANGLO-PERUVIAN BONDS.-Holders of the above Stock are requested to take notice, that, by order of the Peruvian Miinister, atteldance vill be riven at the office of the Financial Agents. Messr.s. ANTONY GIBBS and SONS, 15, Bishopegate- street Within, from Monday, the 11th inst., tilt Saturday, the 23d inst., b -tie inclusive, between the hours of Eleven and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUGINGS ?? situated at Brandling Place, 3fronting thce Mzoor. Enquire nt NO. 7. * ISHzAPiARl i6NT$. - APARTMENTS F UTO LET, eoa forobiY F~urnished, at Mrs Slate''e, iildficid The house laitely oeeupied by A. Nichol, ULEND.-l,'W, 0cO0, ;600, 300, IfI , 00, annd other zums, to be Lent, on approved ,curociy. ?? to G. and F. B1UntEL, Solicitots, Rorpe!'i, -- ~L; ~lDI of MIONEY TO LENfD.--Al000, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO iSMITH1-S AuND -OTHERS.I T.About Twenty. Tons of New110nld, Square, and FIat BARBIRON to be SOLD cheap, at ABRAHAM BA1LEY's Iron, Mbtal, and Rag Stores, 101, Thomas-street, Briatol. (g T BESOLD, aabargain, aCOPPER SL FT~tCE.nealy evvwil hod 4 CalOD. AlKO, a Se.: *of BRElfING UTENSilS. rith :.$ix Casks, and Beer-horsee. =Apply to~ Mr JAiMES BIQGS,10, .)amaioa.street, King- .squnl'e. C OA:L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIAN MAILS. FASSAGE MitONEY, £14 AND UPWARDS. TACK BALL LINE OF BRITISH AND S, BAUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL PACKETS. .VI'C Contract to carry Her Maijesty's Dlails in f5 - . i i.n. Sailing from Liverpool on the 5th of each 4 \Nillith, for MELBOURNE, forwarding passenge s D by w nn to all ports its Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, S. Jt ship's Expen1se. Ship. Tonnage. Captain. Date. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. No. 27, FRIARGATE, DERBY. jV MESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLD are favoured I with instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on a THURSDAY, the 28th Fcbruary, 1856, on the Premises, No. 27, Friargate, Derby, the excellent HOUSEHOLD I FURINITURE, Bed Room Items and Effects, including ti capital Spanish mahogany pedestal sideboard, set of v telescope dining tables, sofa table, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRTEERS AND AGENTS. WE beg to announce that we have made every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage and delivery of our sienstame&I papers in the principal towns through_ out IJlster, in order to meet the req uirernents of the public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically ibe made, consistenitly with our aim to furnish the earliest and best ...