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North Wales Chronicle



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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... BANGOR AND HOLYHEAD. TWO CRANDB CONBCEMT s. B`ATHS ASSEMBLY ROOM, BANGOR, on D5THURSDAY, February 7, 1856. Morning Concerts to commence at 3, and Evening Concerts at 8 ?? Seats, 2a.; Second ditto, Is. For particulars see Programmes. VOCALIST: MISS SHARP, of the Liverpool Concerts. SOLO-PIANOFORITn: MISS A. J. SWAINSON. soLO-vIoW.fN: Mr. IH. ilULSE. SOLO-HIARP: MR. T. D. MORRIS. THE above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECTURE ON PRINTING. HIE Members of the Bangor News Roomn and I T'Literary Institution. and the public generally, nre respectfully informed that the promised LECTURE I on PRINTING, by Mr. MARTIN, will be deli- vered on MONiDY EvENING, the 25th inst,, at the RE IDING Rcoom, over the MiarLket Place. The doors will be opened at a quarter to Eight, and 5 the Lecture vill commence at Eight o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMENT OF ACCOUT :FOR. 1855. STATE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oi 11 Sal Subseti~ileflO in oi'l19 6 6 Jiiflati~Snitgs BnkuptoNo. 0,85.. 0 5 7 £C31 2-0 t Coal. per1 Juno, 30 tona ricws., £C9 16 7 IV at Os. rd ?? 0 Freight of ditto, at Os. 6d ?? 41 MEi Iiiochurging and wveighing out ?? Sli £C15 99 I Coat per' Diatna,20 tonsI15ewlts. lig at Os. Od. per ?? . £6 e 15 0 Va Freight. ?? -Il,~ 4 6 3 mll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. T HE Directors beg to intimate that a BRANCH Tof the above Establishment has been opened at CONWAY. FLINTSIIIRE DISPENSARY. W ANTED, a HOUSE SURGEON or DIS- 'Y PEN SER at the above Institution. fie will be required to live in the House, and visit all home patients within one mile of the Charity. Salary, Eighty-four Pounds per Annum. Such Salary to rover all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. In the condenisation of tle rePortt, publishled in our last, oftle case 0 tried etfore tilhe Eithit Pollee Coucrt, respectinig inseasornable C Rabllots, the ?? reloarlks frotms the Bellch wvere utmittedl:-E lce.. c t of QuiarterScssions have isistruected Ste Slcer- a inlteident of title Polhee for-e of tlse Decnbigh district to Uise eseryeerticla, aid to s^tare ho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRtICES OF THE 1 Cll IRNiCLE. gtampedperatnnunm,oticredit , , . 1 I a St.jipnd per mmitim, iii advance . II 0 1 St~nip.-d Ain-ile cepy 04~o Unom pt~tipl. i l-rg copy (to be hllii w1 a IlRaoior) 0 VULat ?? per adr, nol crper t. ?? . . . 0 tnscwin!,e 1, per rit it in :wlvate, ditto 0 BANIGOPt, SATtJRDY, F¢3. 9. 18,5. TUE P1a01'0P1.) VAL1 OF CL\VYD 1tAIL WAY. Conls:rletirerr the iiteresi whicil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER SAILINGS. ?? (;CITY OF DUBLIN-COMPANY'S a: S ?? 1 favourite Iron Steamer - k P R I N C E 0 V* NV. AL ES, 'Of 400 tons bu'then, and 200 horse power S) 'TiHOM.As DAvi~s, Commander), Note le) . ?? BRIDGE, on MONDAYS adA FRI- DAYS, at 10 am.; from LIVEUPOOL, WEDNESDAYS, and 8A'rT~flAXS.^ at the same hour. City of Dublin Steam Packet Company's Office, Menei Bridge, 20th Oct.. 1855. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIAN MAILS. FASSAGE MitONEY, £14 AND UPWARDS. TACK BALL LINE OF BRITISH AND S, BAUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL PACKETS. .VI'C Contract to carry Her Maijesty's Dlails in f5 - . i i.n. Sailing from Liverpool on the 5th of each 4 \Nillith, for MELBOURNE, forwarding passenge s D by w nn to all ports its Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, S. Jt ship's Expen1se. Ship. Tonnage. Captain. Date. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROBERT tVANS IS T INEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPER, SILK 1.4 MERCER & UNDE RTAKER, NEW LONDON HOUSE, HOLYnEAD. I fAVIDSON'S CHEAP MUSIC, (and other Mu- d AL sic at Half Price) to be bad of A. R. MARTIN. Stationer, &c., Caxton House, Bank Place, Bangor. _ DR. DE XONGE'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL III T RESCRIBED with complete confidence by the es RFaculty foi its purity, efficacy, and marked super- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pilt C ES tk T H E C it Nl IC L | V Stamped, per arlliniil, Ol elcdit £1 10 Stamped per aliliiti, itl advance 0 19 0 0 Starped, nilne COPy E 0 .,1 Unsumiiped. sillle its iy (to bie 11 nit olliv it Bitigor) 0 3 ittI~snalpti' l(CI ittititii, (iii creilltt, dlitto . , . 1) 163 Uullst,, ped. ?? iiilrtil. ill ctredte, litto .. . . O I ?? Yoitivge Stalllps t i be illuleiied with ordeirs for jiuiglc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIAN S rASSAGE MONEY, £14 AND UPWARDS. _~ BLACK BALL LINE OF BRITISH AND _ }AUSTEAIIAN ROYAL 5tAIL PACKETS. Under Contract to caroy Her Majesty's Alails in 65 S C iling from Liverpool on the 5th of each w \l _ ± M;: ihir .MELBOURNE, forwarding pal ly Steam to all iosrts in Australia, Tasmania, anid New Zcal-nd, at Ship's Expeuse. Ship. Tonnage. Captain. Date. iCHAMPION OF TlE. SlEAS -170 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1rICES OF THTE CHRONICLE. Stamped, per anintum, on credit . £1 1 0 siamnped per annum, in advance .) 0 Stamped, single copy . . I I Unstamped, single copy (to be had only at ltaiinoe) . ?? 3 Unstamiped, per annum, on credit, ditto . . . °ll Unstamiped, per aninum, in idvancc, ditto . . O i TO CORRESPONDENTS. We are requcsted to state that thie parish ,f Komy, it, ihi'ih the Rlev. Mr. Puigh, ...