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Advertisements & Notices

... REAT EXHIBITION of 1851-COUNCIL r E ,AL.XIiPOSITION UNIVEBSELL~i 1355- GR-A-OpE IIEDAILLEd'O EU ALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. I.) BAIBEDI NE an CO. of Paris, respectfully inform el, Bitshpuli tata ?? of their M~ATHE- ?? EDUCTIONS by the process of M. Collas, from ~ C~fsd~s~vof ntquke and Modern Statuary in the Cohre ofth Lseses Forence and Rome, Museum of Naples, ~,dBetih slueo, on beten t esrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D7ERBY CGIFT S F OR 1856. On thc payment of TWENTY-SIX SHILLINGS, Parties will be supplied with the ERA Newspaper for ONE YEAR ro, the date of Subscription, for which a Receipt will be given, specifying the NUMBER OF THEIR CHANcE in the ?BRA DERBY GIFTS OF 1S56, which will be dis. tributed according to the following Scale:- First Horse .100 Second Horse ?? 20 Third Horse . .. 10 Every other ...

Published: Sunday 03 February 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1201 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGH WATER AT LONDON-BRIDGE THlIS DI. Morning ?? 13 min. pasto. | ?? 27 ia M ARK YOUR LINEN.-The Pen Super, 1VX -The most easy, permanent, and best aelbl 10: ing linen, silk, cotton, rough towels, books, &c., ir vlitht TENT ELECTRO-SILVER PLATES ;by means otwhichil articles can be marked in ten minutes. Aly ?? them. Initial plate, Is. ; name plate, 29., crest plate, S numbers,2s. Sont freeto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUR-AND-.AHALFaud TEIREE PER CENT. F ANGLO-PERUVIAN BONDS.-Holders of the above Stock are requested to take notice, that, by order of the Peruvian Miinister, atteldance vill be riven at the office of the Financial Agents. Messr.s. ANTONY GIBBS and SONS, 15, Bishopegate- street Within, from Monday, the 11th inst., tilt Saturday, the 23d inst., b -tie inclusive, between the hours of Eleven and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OO:KING-GLASSES.-Te COMMERCIAL J PL P GL ASS COMPANY, fanWger, CHARLES M LEAN. 78 9ad0Fet-atreet, and I&5,Oxford-srtrett (note the name and the jumbersn, very respectfully invite the Nobility' the Public. and the Trade, to inspett heir ectensive ace magnificent Stock of CliM 1NEY, CONSOLE, and PIER GLASSES. tramed in every variety of style; console, centre, andpier tables tolid mahogany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NDIACHIN, AUSTRALIA, and CAPE tal T GOD ol'. W 0. YONG swill deopatch tho following ftl upeer il IS at the dae ntoda nd T n.Coltrinifnders. Deatlnatlen Decks. To Sail. of 'jc ii . II J I.K.larri-no Iicilomt? . Lodo. Feb.15 Se- ' 107,,Rioht, Bir--ol 1-Iforuba .LInepo F~b. .,3 .1 ptuclott Calcutta E 1. Idia Feb. '10 'Nil .li t ( I hik-o alcutta Liverpool Feb. Gkitlkr ** i0 M' Arti - . Clctt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E FFICACIOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, lo.. WITHOUT CUTTING. or cauaing the ielightest paao, by Mr. EISENBiERG, Author of Pactical Exposl- tion en tho unsan Foot, and Diseases of the Feet,' Uf r. EISEN BE ItG a s yH tem Is at once novel, and based upon long experience; it bue recived the sanction of the Royal Families of Europe, and- the first of the Nobility and Gentry; ho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. W. S. WVOODIN as RACHEL in Les Horacea:' R. W. S. WOODIN'S OLIO OF M^ ll ODDITIES.-This new Entertainment, illustrated by Fifty Instantaneous Metemorphoses of Voice, Character, and Costume, and a Panaroma of the beautiful Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, will be given in the new and elegantly fitted up Polygraphic-lhall, King Wil- liam-street, Charinig-oross, EVERY EVE, ING. at Eight ...

Published: Sunday 10 February 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2826 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... -l ~ttD ,OTE.-STElAM to INiDIA 3aud CilN*A, .tc, via IEC1PT-Tho PENINSULAR and U0 SITEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY BOOK PASSEN- 021ETL£ ?? altd parcels for the Mediterranean, Egypt G6F.5 asol11,. Ceylon, Madras, anidCalcutta, by their mail packets, Bicn' Ila'spton on the 4th and 20th of every momth; and for Iailli the Straits by those of the 4th of the month. r l'ratal particularsm apply at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ELHOTION.- DAYS OF POLLING. ~Thursda3, February ?? n io 4p.., Frlday, February 8tb ?? and -Sturday, Februstry t .. . 1 7 p m. to i.39 pm., Jlottsy, February 11th.., -atd VTaeeday, Feb. 12th ?? Prom 10 ahm. to tp.m. Mr. DENMAN'S COMMIITTEE SITS DAILY at the Trafalgar Hotel, sprbixggardens, Charie g Cr0 5. WRD H. BUNBUBY, Chairmen. CIAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ELECTION.- V : The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LY STEAM COMntu- bit5i, LONDON Ad' NEW OTORK, cal.. ON 5dpwrfal steari-shliP 300 liorse powrer, L. E^5D' A C 0TD, Commauuder, s arch !. Cabin passage (including rinors bhich can be obtained on , 31 .-First fifteen guineas; selolld crte rates) ?? iratg.., is Feiht n, third clascgs; una.Fegd£ ! .-caSa an fie pr cat. ticods ibr shipment . a et ' and FoVe PinSteamn Wharlr, Lowcr East Smith- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pROFESSOR WILSON'S NocTES AMBROSIANA. Edited by his SonuintLaw, Professor F E R R I E R. in 4 votl, crown svo. Vols. I to III are pub- fo be completed lished, price 6go each. risof dialecaeS in cauheraflie of life deligehtful, it ir5 Duorolsiogr ceiticislo, witheriog satire, mtanly pathosh, aol ot~:tJ oil his eooteiupoearies. -The Times. williau Itackwood and Sons. Edinburgh and iLondon. Sold ...