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Glasgow Herald




Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... N D ERSO NIAN UNIVER SII I A FRENCH CLASSES. The SUMAME R SESSION begins on MONDAY, 31st March. WRITING, ARITHMETIC, AND BOOK-KEEPING, CLASS Rooucs, 3 BA TH STREET. 5X. R. MIFARLANE'S MORNING CLASSES are now in Ott. full operation from Seven till Eight, and Eight till D Nine' Day Classes from Ten till Two. Evening, from 1 Seven till Nine. Ladies taught a Fashionable Angular Hiand. flest FRENCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ia, TN ItI N CII CONVERSATIONAL MEETINGS on F .Healt I, Weather, Business, Travelling, &e. Series of 15 Meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Eighth of the Series takes place To-Morrow (Thursday) Eveniing.r MiR. MORTON'S ACADEMY, 280 GEORGE STREET. , , ?? i sto Sell o t . TO SELL OR LET, A N Extensive BLEAC HFIELD, in the neighbourhood of A Glasgow, fitted for the Bleaching and Finishing of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .t 5 V. V V I U, F IVI v POUNDS IZEWAVDl LnOST, nn Weesday Night, 27t.N oIl.. a qGOLD Ir, El1 M L` CAT CI ' (OD LD F( lM CHAIN, and CAIRNO ORM SEAL. Mtker is namle on ?? iGeovr. Ionels. Whoever will deliverthe above to Ja mes Simptstil, Jeweler, Bridge to Street, sleh i receive tie isteio loeward. JO `1P I between Cathbeart nid Pollokshawi;, a V It V H E L V A ?? C H. Whoevet'returns it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELMBANK FOUNDRY, NORTH STREET. JAMES ALLAN, SREt., begs respectfully to ifitjirat6`th4l foir the convenience of his West End Customirs and the Neighbourhood generally, he is now keeping in his Warehouse 163 and 165 North Street, a varied Assortment of FURNISH ING IRONMONGERY GOODS. Orders loft at this Establisment will be duly attended to. ]JOBERT W0EI11 & i9~E$aSltEN S rll' be tointi mptte ta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -r1O SALE, at Boti, 61l' MANSONHUEbat-Te F fuily situt~t near twoethope, ?? Tnherieo ~ad every c(i'vlvlience for the accommodation of a ag aml. tx Apply at the House; or to A. J. Sommervle aifed cu! Lo(dge, Botihwell. A COUNT]RY HOUSE.ig Et~ltS. 3. & Iii. C. GRAHAM, 0 Dixon Street, hav tlieie of SQ Ve~l Rooms AGE, abot two miles fromnti alea ntr Excil~~lige, and Kitchen, ~~~Bath 1(oomn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTING AHOUSES. 20( r( BE LET, witlt ihmmediate 1nry Several Excellent DX TI .COUNUW4'G.'H'o,6E& i!ontamning Two ?? ioms i St. Vill at ul5 Renfiqld Streets. Aitplyto Kerr, ABirA6drn llr Acdie Accountants, 33 Ren- field Street. iii~gT 4th: Nov.,: 1855.Oj TO BE LET, Near tbe B;shQptoII Station of the Greenock Railway, be 1st, A SH()P at Soutli llosiland; long'occupied'for tbe Retail ar Ai of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE O' PROPERTY ADJOURNED. VIIE r3IXA r.sdverlised to take plaee This N~Y, in the i TItRoyal RNN'tabge Sale Itoonms, et tbat Proptttv situated | tit Ashley Granis, uenr Bellsilill, in thle partsh of Bothwvell, II contarlihig I R1t(l, 7 Poles, and 3 Yards Imperial measutre, WILL NOT TAKE PLAC.j 'I'hG Property will, however, be expemed to Sale in the 1 Rolya! Ex&Mhaigo Sale Rooms, at thliallme ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'AO Tj'OUND, on the 15th: inst., a. -ENGLISH TERRIER tioioe, 12 BITCH. If not claimed- in ?? Days, will be Soldi g Apply to H. Livingston, 73 John Street.. ?? T 1) ARTNER WANTED to join' ?? conducting WET L a large ard paying Business, withi no risk. ' The Party WEI r, wanted is one who can take chargeof the Counting House, and ANI bring in a cajpital of fiiot less tlan £500. - Nonebut ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,I . Sako cti - Iw- PAGAN AR LE will Sall,, in their Rooms, 20 ?? Street,' Glasgow, 2d April, at Twelve o'clock. Noon, various kinds of. Suprior FUIA NITURE, consisting of several Chests Drawers, Rosewood Chiffonnierej superibr. Mahogany Bedsteads, also Birch and French Bedsteads, Pillar and Block Tables, Chairs, Sideboard, Writing Desk, &o.; also, a Lqt..of excellent Tables ?? well'idadpted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AiLE of MACHINERY, Forbes Place, Paisley, is POft- I'ONED ti114TH MARCH. Particularshereaftet. HIUTCHISON & DIXON, Auetlonrrs. NOTICE TO HEIKS. rrjli NEXT of KIN of the following Parties, ull Natives T of Glasgow, viz.:- ARTHUR HAWKINS, ALEXANDER 1tOSS, JOHIN FIZAV, ABRAHAM GRAY COLIN M'ARTHUR, anA IILUHARD T. WALLACE, a'ho have( died in the service of the UrAied States since the Moxicali War, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FRATERNAL ADDRESS ilOM the Iniabitalits of GLASGOW to thc Initabitants of J gOS'l'ON, t.S., deprecating WAR between the two ,Nations, lies orM SIGNATURE at 'tilhe Roylal Exchange; the Tontine Coffee Room ; the Atien- *elnt Georgc Gilie's, 99 Buchanan Street ; .Johni Smeal's, 265 Argll Si ret; J. & 1. IlolgOe's, 3 Argyll Street; Samuel Wilsoen's, 6;5 Caiidieriggs; IV. & R. Smeal's, 161 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. THE SALE at No. 8 Broad Street, Mile End, advertised for This Day at Twelve o'clock, is POSTPONED. JAMES IAAM ILTON, Auctioneer. 90 Argyll Street, 17th March, 1856. 5 R1EWVARD. T OSTI ol the Paisley Road, a very Small Black and Tan LB BITCH, answers to the name of 'Tiny.' The Toll keeper on Paisley Road will pay the above Roward. D OG LOST.-On or about tile 13th instant, a Smell Black ...