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Advertisements & Notices

... R.~ ELSA1WS ESTATE.-The K etosesce forhwih togendearlcu]c5 teref to us5, the Ufl3 Cs' solcior fr heinpeloa 1 har ~sut, hoare about tolditribte Mj.. Ito ond whch avecometo hsibisds.Allcruditovs wihe Omit to - sed n hirclim n r eor te ~t ayo Marchinstlt will be T ILOdJwyCabes ?? the inspector. T NJ OTICE is hrb ieta h atesi JLectu ers, endrthotle or, S rin of ?? 1, tosn~iil'b teen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 5ot k 4bnt. WTANTED, a Good, Plain COOK.-Apply at Lonqcoight Hall, fitockport Rlovad, Lonigsight. i~ANTED,, a Respeotable SERVANT for Genle- in ?? to-aay itadijMonday. be~ ANEin a stuall family whrorethe washing Ls pt ou 1.1respectable English 1UIRL.-APoilY at 43, B3ridge- ATrOetr. raascilester. - TANTED, i.MAN-ISERVANT, to, Iattend ~to`- W ' to a Uer~e arid Gianslcr. Te w.ill be expected to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rp A yL 0R'S Eau Athenikune and Qtailimne B1lALSAMS, for stopping halir falliog ONf, sail o-produehcii do. I ,aelIair, Ster ?? be had gecinineo onily fit S. TAYLORI'S red - -IA mOSH IPPERS. - OILMEN'S STOIRES pro- T s ~t h reateit care by JA.COB3 ~TIVENS'S Ori-ina1 GREEN GINGER WIN`EJE S1See tcestmoutahl of ita Vecrity on each bottle. sTOWER'SOAG Oi 159acatytnet iseoa3 16old retail by grooers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ETABLISHED A.D. 1849. ADVERTISING AGENT TO ALL TRE PRINCIPAL MER. CANTILE FIRMS AND TRADESMEN OF LIVERPOOL. TTENRY GREENWOOD, General Advertlisin' JJL Agent, is the AUTIIOIUSED AGENT in Liverpool fer receiving Advertisementa for the following Nowspapers:- London Gazette (bi-woekly), Manchester Ezaminer and London Times (daily), - Times (daily), London Shipping Gazette, Midland Counties Herald, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESTON UNION. CI)NTR&CT FOR PROVISIONS, CLOTHING, AND BEDDING, &c. FInST, FOB PROVISIONS AND NECESsARIEs. A LL persons desirous of Contracting with the Guar- A dians of the Preston Union, from Saturday, the 29th day of March, 1856, to Saturday, the 28th day of June next, inclusive, for the supply of, viz., best First and Seconds Bread, and best Seconds Flour (household use), Oatmeal, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... urn ESTABLISHED A.D. 1849. B ADVERTISING AGENT TO ALL THE PRINCIPAL MER. CANflILE FIRMS AND TRADESMEN OF LIVERPOOL. cc T1rENRY GREENWOOD, General Adverimti AN w A Agent, Is the AUTIIORISBD AGENT in Liverpool for ir receiving Advertisomenta for the following Newapappors.:- w Loldon Gazette (bi-weekly), .anchester Eaaminer and ac Lonidon Timnes (daily), Times (dal'y), Be ?? Shivpying Gazette, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO C0Th'i)NDENTS. 8 'We canuot undertake to retr C netoa fwic ec do o aa s of whior we C :ommnicatio ns ehould alsoasy. ltegbll~y written, erand on one -aie e' te ape ?? on, itinreaes hedifficulty of j End~ng spactforbthere a and addressof the wrir, not necesiarilyfor publica- it ion, but aus aB gua ranitere i' hic Zm0 faith.E Coliny.-About 3000 mi'es. ?? H. Tf.-Lord Lynodurst, we think. t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIGULAYt 1,INE OF PACKET SHIP. To sail on the 13th March, for HONGKONG and CATNJ the wellmown10-f-l s,~ rthli-busilt Ships _ Al 2 ers 0 tn rg~tiSAI RL BE wN Co0 sanor l g in QCl TAPSCOT1S LINE FOR NEW YORK, g Sailin Weekly, COPE'S LiE FOR PHILADELPHIA, Sailing on the 12th of each Month. And first-clasm Ships to other American Parts occasIonally. T .For terins of passage, and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 1. OGDI'S FRER mid EASY, open every vJ - E aVlNING, for voca hd tistrumaentsal dCie.-A. REAV, OGDENil violilist. -EXW PARASOLS. rith Satin Borders, from 29,J ?? J. JAM'ESON'S, 80, Olillasnl-treet. F BE Neow Patterns in SHIRTINGS. Best T qwality God. per yar.-PEACOCIC'S, M5, Dcanegate. UHREEFOLD LINEN COLLARS, every shape P 1a and siiZ, fromn' %l. thehaf ilazeii-PEACOCK'S, 58, eansgate. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE.-If yousufferfromanyof thevarious forms of a secret disesse, and wlbh for a speedy and perfect cure, forward immediately Bs. ed. in postage stamps, with all particulars of the case, to Howell and Co., Northumberland- street, Hudderafleld, who will return the required medicine, eeretly packed, to any part of the ?? writing, state In wbat paper you have seen this. 10 SERVE MARES this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESTON NATIONAL SCHOOLS. oW SUNDAY), March 16th, 1856, r0 O' a5 illbe preached in the various churches, 'j sb5l0;°' tbe aboInstitution, after which collections, sill be ma:;ie will Commence at half-past ten in the pse 5@dait ?? six ia the evening. PRESTON BALL. take place at the ExaOTApSO, ASSEMBLY BALL will tkest opan TsoosDAI, the 10th of April. R ODgS STEWARDS: John Swainson, Esq., Dr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rO FARMERS--G B. HORSLEY, Agricul- nand Hop Merchant, 11, Todd-street, Manchester. $ URTON' PEDRAMBULATORS-Maciiittos D .sporlum, Old Exchange, Mng-streot. .A PHTHA^, NAPHTtA.-Gireat Reduction in j 1 Pl~e, at . H[ARVAIUSWholosalo Druggist, 208, Deanagate. FSINGLASS in the leaf, stronger and superior to thecut.-- C A&M AYWA b, Nhaolesa ggit, 208, Deanegat's. JIJR. JOHN A. PHILLIPS, Architect, ...