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Advertisements & Notices

... W0 MORE GREY HAIR.-The Head of Hael N permanently restored to its original colour, brown or hhack, In an hour, whiekrs in a fe'. ollnute,. The inereasing atrenage of the C0OlMIlIIAN INSTANTANISOUS li.At DYE hs inducewi the proptietore to arraugo -everasl additional hair-dyiing rooms, where Mr. and Mrs. ?? may be cousulted drby. and will give every informa- tion required for i one their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOKINOGGLASSES.-The C'OviMERCIAL -U PLATE GLASS COMP kNY. Mraager, 0'1! OILFiSM LEAY, ,fS.ant]19l Fleeo'vtr et and 103 Oaford-,tret i lic an the 1aL=tb MiMVcR , very re~jo-flfY iovite the oblit l Trade. tO 1iusct their e stvill ie not moagnficei rsvtt o yf COSSOLEnd PIE ER L.LtiS. framed In Ce =,.£o e0440 an jerohga ?? 4~hiv nibogant !tbl ?? orr glsses B I G I NAeL, a nd pih r i n O d a na ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YCEUlM THEATREP.-Great Attraction for I L or, cunght only, THIS EVENING, March h , M rth. BEoNEd M i cf f Mr. ALLCROFT, whose sudden a id severe indisposition hasi rendered himtincaptble of ttenil Btobisinees. Mr. Aroldbac a generously given th e Theatrep and she follo emienet atiste I volunteered their services on thi O~c'otn r. SluiniReeves; witOtI ope'sa of FRA DIAVOLO. Fra DiavolO), Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMPERIAL TURKISH SIX PER CENT. .3.LOAN.-Tie Contrmctors for thlisLOAN,B,~aroiil. L. deGold- sid 410 J. Horslcy Palmer, ?? notice that the HALF.YEARLY D TVIGEND on the BONDS for £LOO,0,00Di negotiated by taie. due on the 10th April next, will be PAYABLt these t office of their agents, Messrs. PALMER MACf tILLOP. DENT, and Co., ?? rln-vI, London' 'ad Nic.;rs. Bischofr~nclul, Gold- chdt dXAnti, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TWRPBRUSELS, COLOGNE, HAM.1 ?? w, pledid an vey pwerul team-sbip thle St. Hatharifleb Wharf, Tower, every Sunda y nt~welve ie5ye ?? fronn Antwerp every Wednesday morning at ?? ellelrO 1113y proceed by, railroad from AntertCogn, Ii. 1'crln Leilizie Dresden,&-c., with tbe shotil sea passago o'r Ip jplicstiozis for the shipment of goods fle ~ ~ onnoflagents, Meslsrs. Lightiy and Simon, CU~t hunh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BILL STICKER W.ANTED, of soberand atteer vc hahits, who ,B. can Drse and take chssrge or of Poonv aninl Cart. None ether need ?? by letter, stating lull particulars. 7, Crown- ?? street. PAPER HANGINGS.- a . B HEAPEST HOU tTCIE In LONDOsN for ceery kndvn styie of IPAPElt HANOGIN-S is Caos'' Whrlesale Warehouse,9, restt l'ortbeod-stteet, 'vlibnrRatreet,-sehere the Public and the'iradd are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARSHALL and EDRIDGE'S LINE of AUS- MTILALASIAN PACKET SHIPS.-For PORT I'IILLIP towr I si hso snst~diaC d-yach. to cdodid Americtan elap~er OIJEICUI StlltON 1,3: tos. ~3~s 1Al J. A, BURGESaS, Cosonsl issinoat ?? Dck.This remarkaobly fast- sstiucstit tSS sedacoto ,ditil5 fr laoetlers and preoenla an eclentrpirtoif fe shpprs ?? to HA~tOII ALL s~d ED~tIDGE, 34. Fenohutch-otroeC. ARSHALL and. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM- N, L EIpZlCDRESD-E,&C.SeS c.-asage tyi(;oBERIc, ate'os and 20s.-rindh 26TWe * 1Y.S ti° j, a plendjd. asid very 1overfyl l team-ahip .: ARtON OSY, F. . i Iacp, Coluiuinder, In Wharf , Tower, every Staday at-rwelve e c 63thrlet every Wednesday msorsting at ' -cerdt hr° bv railroad from Antaerp sColgomie, r *osS I . Dersd A'ia T zic.Dr, &ctt osithte asea passage > t-rb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GI~E.NERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COM- rIjsjTEM HIS leave St. liatlinrmoe's Wharf for- pdvr hrtat', at 12 noon. 21s.' or 27s. ANT~F11.Weee~ii3ard Saiturday. Aporil 2d, at10 ant. 25s. ~~ctiyadSaturday. Lit It 17s. 6d. ~ W~oe~dY an Saturday. 2d, at II ala. I Is. 0ta 0al; 10th, at One afternoon, 10s. nol0fdtol~ltridtge Il'harf, For- I~rLQ~EIicsa3~Fridii), anld Sunday. April 1, at 9 am. II.Lt~ar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DMNITATIVE REFORMd.-The PRO- A POED METIG ontheFALLofKARS is for the pro- aentPOSPOND. Diglt f te Sarting Facts in the Kars By oderof he S~io~iS Committee, Offlices of the Asociatni', 80, K'ag Wiliram-street, City, March 13, 156, ATOIUAN CONVERSION.-Notice is JUI hereby tivell, that the CONVERSONoCLOBA BONDS bhving deficient Coupons has now been COMMENCED at the Office, 11, Austin-friars. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. --O 2ead ye that run the awuli truth, With which I charge my page; A worm is in the bad ot youth, Anld at the root of age. CowPnzr DEBILTl NERVOUSNESS, AND BEXHAUSTION. Just published, o ew Edition price Is.* &ee by post for 1S stamps, T He SCIEsNCo of LIFE;, or, How to insun JLMoral an nehscl apnss; with Roles fer thc Preserve, ?? of Health amdeStrengtb, and Precautionary slnte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WET~RAILWAY.-EASTER IEU TICKETS isened on Thursday 11LiP~ ui floigdays, will be available up to antd 8dV Exeter and South DevonRiwy eu ..cW`Teailable Onl sii~~ ~eT~j~~wil ru ason S-indays, with the TpyIDAY -Dow1n ay Mail from Paddington. and the tc 10 rist.1which will r'an Rs onl week days, ~dljfrm ,1 Maidenbeald and Wycombe, 0 t ,tvbetween Chippelihalin. Fromno, and War- ;aUs ~d lirerord, ...