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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... LEE & SON. '?.3 Jewellers to the Queen, Watchmakers, Silversmiths, and Opticians, 57, HittIl STrEET, BKU.AxcST. A CARD. TOTTON, M'GUIRK, & CO., GLASS, PAINT, O[L,,COfOUTH,AN T)GENERAk], CO .MMISSION AGENTS, 61, VICTORIA-BUILDINGS, B1E13.FAST. Sit) TO WATCHMAKERS. 0 BE DISPOSED OF IMMIXIEDIITELY, T a lWACIE l ESTA13LISH1.11ENT, in the TorrI of BAlILYCASTIE, with the Stock in 'Traike, Tools, &c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlIS EVENING. 'TlHE CiHURCII OF IREl1IJAND YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY, ESTABLISIIMI), JANU1a.Y, IS50. APULIC MIEEITING OF Tl-S SOCIETY A will be held (D.V.) on V1,U)NESi)AY Even- ila' next, 12t 1March, in the CORN EXCHANGE, at ElIGIIT 'clock, vali tku Rer. GE'ORGE PAKEN HAM DESPARD, B.A., up VIliFo~N, Will deliver an addres onl l'he Patagonian? lis- sionary Societv. All parties frienlfiv to this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIE BXTTLE OF TIHE TAMPB. A SERMON ON THIS SUBJECT WILL A (God willing) be PREACIIl,) in the PRI- mIIrVE WrESII.YAN ME'mIulum ST CIIAPEL, DONEG.iALL PLACE, on SABBA'I'TH EVENING, tilhe 1th March, 1S5(, by Rev. J. WHITE. Service to commence at SEVEN o'clock. .3pThe ANNUAL COLLECTION, in aid of the Sabbath-School in coinnexion e ith this place of Wor- siup, +vill bo taken up after the Serinii. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TILTS EVENIN G. THE CHURCH OF IRELAND YOUNG 31EN'S SOCIETY, ESTABLlSHIED, JANUARY, 1S50. A PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE IfEll) A (D.V.) OIn WEDNESDAY Evenilng le'Xt 19th inst., in thi VICTORIA HAILIL-tle LOan 1lSio,. tOF Dowa, aadCONNol o ttd P)'ONRIo'te ill the Clir-vjle an Andress will be delivered By JAMES WIIITESIDE, Esq., Q.C., 3Lp., On Romc-(tbe City)-Ancient and 1Ioderjj; a Peep at Naples ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIllS EVENING. 0 Lord, how mtattifold are Thlt Ivorks! in wvisdlom hcast Thou made them all. D CIENTIFIC LECTURES, FOR YOUNG i Persons, will lie Delivered (God willing) in the M)AGDALENR SCHOOL-ROOMIS, on the Even. ijms of TI-IURSDAY and MIONDAY, the 27th and -tilt March, 18356, otl the followintr sublects:- LCTraB I.-TIITRSDMAY, March 27tl: 1Instinct aml illot,-1By RICIHARD Dmvtsox, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN ARNOLD Is vow receiringk hie Sp)-ing and Summer Stochl of T R O l' S E R I N G S, CLOTHS, V E S T IN G S, HATS, &C., AT 45, flig/ Street. .1,1 TO CLOTHIERS, TAILORS, ANiD O''lllitS. r 1I E DIRECTORS 01 THlE 1.1LSTEI Lr RAILWAY COMPANY lOle piepl:iep to ceive Tenders for tle supply of Clothing l;or tijil. Guards, Porters, &c. Particulars miay lie had oln applicationi to ll,, Undersigned, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I am fea):fully atnd wonde)ftilly/ mnade. 0 O Lord, hoto ,naoifold are Thy works! in wvisdomt hast T'o/u made thent all. a CIENTIFIC LECTURES, FOR YOUNG S Persons, will he Delivered (God %villit1g) in the MAGDALENE SCHOOL-ROOIS, on thiu Even- ings of THURSDAY and M1ONI)AY, the 27th and 31at March, 1856, on the fqllowing subjects:- LECTURE 1.-THURSDAY, :March 271h: , Instinct anm lteason. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To OUR SUESCRIBrERS AND AGENlTS. X\'1' i)e-g to alitlloneC that Nve have tmaule CIv ry p i- siljl(! ain'aonetiqicitt rot the carria-ge lild delivery of O1r Uthustmpp'i/ epasi'sill thil)lillcihpal towils tlioltji- oult Ulster, il trdor to Ittlet tHite I cquitlt lilli; of l ! pubtlic, auld retl'edl the cost of oub jJourrnal ;as Cheap its it Call practically bo otlade. contsisteiily with oulr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CH-IURCIJ OF IRELAND YOUNG MEN'S SOCIE'I' Y, ETABLISHi.i~D, JiANJAilty', 3S:;O. A PU 11IIC MlEET'ING OF THIS SC()l'iETY w vill be held (l).V.) in the VICTORIA II A LL, on WEDNESI)AY Evenin-, the 19th inst., when an Addrless will be delivered hv JAMES WIFILTESI1)El;:sq., Q.C., -M., On oRnme-(the City)-'incient andi 7dode'n; a Peel) at Naples and Vesuvius. 'Tickets, O(ne Shilling eLcil, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 47, CASTLE STREET. H. & L. J. SHERRARD RESPECTFULLY INVITE ATTENTION to their present Large and New Stock of First-class JENVELLERY, WATCHES, AND CLOCKS, Readly-timed for immediato wvear, which, for extent quality, and cheapness, cannot be equalled. Prices of Watches, from Twro to Twenty Guineas each. lholosole tie ad Retail Jewellers undl Iatchrnakers, .12, 4, & 47, CASTIE SI''RE'I', Beltst; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fluls i),Y. UT l IS IIHli lflY GIVEN,TIiA.T TMIS .N fuil tlr I u(llily ilito ill Ibliturs ( cul llilg TIU RN PIKE' TRII US'U, ui tle 'lOWNXI- AlA., 131iFASi'' a djaurtid to 11111) \y V u.t, tho 14th div of 1Mirch, at ['ell o'kIouli; in the lurkIoon of said1 dal. Givlln uludv ilq handl, at lke Tow;n-ij~il, :13ll:.a;t, this 12th day ol'. tielL, is -5. ELDVARD CIl1,ENTS. S;2 colilii.xiiiioi. A C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST IIAIR-CUT'rING ESTABLISHMIENT, No. 21, CASTLE STREET, (OPPOSITE FOUNTAIN STREET.) ROBERT SHAW (TATE FOREMAN TO llb MM. W I.01 PAGE, of Castle Place), mnost respectfully intimates to his Friends and tihe Public, that he has commenced business in the above Premises, where, by attention and punctuality, he hopes to merit that support and patronage his long experience in the trade entitles ...