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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... L0ST, on the ANilrnoon of Monday lst, a stall Black Ma L TanriENIRVASH TERRIER BITCH PlUPl? Any 'prson havin, Tcutad the same, by reaturntri her to 71 Itutche- J ?? Street, ?? I be Rewarded, and if ?? an the possassion of uny party 9t'er this date, they will be prosecuted. _ 4th X~mbh, 1856. AJONEY INVESTED freeofwpense to !,ders), now or ,1 a t Whitsunday, in Stuns of £100 or tipwards, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~jtintCU gticc¢% ?? XOYAL BOTANIC GARDEN. f THE Directors beg to intimate to the Public ihat the 1 ANNUAL TICKETS for Admission to the Gardens for 1856-57 are now being issued, end may be had, amongst other p=aces1 at the Gardens or Secretary's Office, 1 South Frederick Family Tickets, 10s.: Single Tickets, 5s. ; Lady and Gentle- man's Tickets, 7s. 6d.-giving admission to 1st April, 1857. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. BAYNE'S FOURTH LECT TrILL be Delivered in the Merchants~Hall Iutclicn V Street, THIS EVENING at a Qilhr.Fitst Eight, JAMES GOURiLAY, Esq., in the-nair. Principal Topics:-Thought and Action, with remarks on the views of various writers thereon; R=man Senate; American Congress; British Parliament; Influence of various forms of Civilisation on National Character; Present forces operating on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W3oWo, &C. FOREIGN BOOKS. EORGE WATSON, 58 Ingram Street, has always in G Stocka Large Selection of ELrIIENIARIY and other WORKS in the FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, and SPANISH LANGUAGES. - CATALOGUES Jruatxt. The EIGHTH THOUSAND is now ready of rPHE ltEV.DR (IU'l'TIlE'S SERMONS T FROMl EZEKIEL. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, and all Booksellers. BLACK'S GUIDE BOOK ADVERTISER. CIRCULATION 10,000, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, &a., &c. ha T& R. TIJYNE, 60 Bachanan Street, have now received Ae their Supplies of GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS, Catalogues of whichl may be had on appication. J. & Rl. ?? have also a Large Assortment of Ornamental - Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Bo., &e., at moderate Prices. T HE Subscriber begs to intimate that lie has now got to T hand all the most approved Varieties of E. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (itO SALE, BY PRIVATE, BARGAIN, ET VF'Ity Substantial and Elegant Corner 'rENE ENT,' ,sstgof lops, and Dwelling Houses of Three and 1~aa anlg ofitcheu. Rents from £20 to £45. ~'eo Il~~~g Bods ay e alowe tolie undisturbed for to Wlie& Michel, 16 Bchaan Street. ELFCNTAIED HUSE OR SALE. ,N FxeeClent SELF-CONTAINED HOUSE on thle V Great western Road, containing Dining Room, Drawingf l. ibrary, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOREST PLANTS, &a. ; L~~~ .~SOTCHSPRUCE, and SILVER FR;also, T g and size fo~r this Season's planting. o Priced Catalogues on application. 0 o JOHN DYKES. o Kilmarnock, 10th March, 1850., 0 6 HE IVANAND ICHABOE' GUANO. or'1'H Subscribers have onl Balo Two Ca'rgoes of the above 0 J. qaiiso UNrcnl aded. o rmaayiteyso ag e centage of Ammonia an ?? aresaercmended to use tliems o EE0 hMO AIKMAN, o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q- oul o Evil,, ULt, o r Sell. TO) BUILDERS. i RO UND to FEU in the EastandtWestPartsof Glasgow; - u also at Govan and l'artiek. Liberal advances made to respectable palties. Apply to J. Smnellie, Property Agent, Moore Place, Glas- gow. ARGYLLSHIRE. FEUING GROUND IN THE KlLES OF BUTE. b3t by XTERY Betaetiful FE;US will be given on the LAMONT Gh V ESTATE to any extent that suits offerers. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISSING, YOUNG MA~ 'bout 23 years of age1, fr in btiI, C ?? complexionl, tairishi lmfir.; blaock het, blnok ?? cm* strip~ed v aunA grey trousers. Ay inforrnatcn re- pr nardieg lhim, adaressed WV. 2., 8 George Street, will'be thalik- Eully received. _ .TANTED to BORROW', £300, on a Life Pelicy for £500 .nd othdr undoubted security. ht Auldrsas X. 326, Heralb Otffce. w r O1EY to IEND.-£27'50 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ice CI.Ty CHuRCH; SEkTS. o HE SEATS inl the: C1'TYCHURCHES will be LET, T T or ONEx YEARi frotH WIITSUNDAY' (1'5th ;Miy), 11856, aw~ till WaITSUNoDAY, 18157, in the res betivw,0htrbbe9,t as fol- GO STr. ?? ..8th April, 10 A.M. till 12:noon. .BLACKFRIARS' Do. Do~. 12 ?? 2y rasx U on ST. GEORGE'S,, Weilhesday, 9th April, 10 A.M. ?? 1P.M. liv ST. ENOCH'S, Doe. Do. 1 Iw r.m. 3;mae1,: 'aid ST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ' (t tion. VA7ESTOF SCOTLAND INSTTU T Io.N fr !oVl- W BOARiD ald EDUCATION of YOUNC r ?? blc, uinder the Superintendence of the Misses 1laIril F-v, ',le tnts Fouie'a QUARTER of this Institutioit will Cet;liteltee oa MONDAY, l~thf inst. ve- I Claremont Terrace, 7th Match. s~~ ~ ~ ?? ef __ __ A _fIIl idas. EDUCAtTION. N ISS HOWARD begs respetfullyto ailluc that 1}lFourthl and last Qliarter of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ___1rovertiv foir Malc 0 SALF,, sveral Excellent 31OUSE PROPERTIES F If desired, timc given fo~r pfiyilg balance of Price. Apply to M~r. WI'Corkindalc, Ioouse ?? Land Agency Offiec, 5 Iloward Strtept. ?? FOR SALE AT DUNOON, r *rl1E PROPERTY of MARlCHIIBURN, of' the Bulivood r Road, next Mr. Malcom's Property. The Grounds are 1 about a Scotch Acre.c Apply to thie Proprietor, JOHN TAYLOR, Jun., ...