Advertisements & Notices

... tf S T. PETE R SBURG, OaIaitt at D~T~M T he~ ..en -rI0 suerio and rstpectav i~st-oa shtip hi FLORA, ~ R. DIXONt Conkmander, th aoy port& On the 30th April.-ror tcidd to soil rorl jh als ?? potemar..p Stemamsip ;itlolrcr to Smith, Sundus, ad l o,7,or 041 .ie 6 vwed by thd Cares, onl the 14th May. WESTERN RAILWAY.The DirecD reby g iv notico that thev Will ?? MONEY on L hrI or Debentures failing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTHERN SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICE, (ESTABLISHED 1851,) 9, ARTHUR STREET, Third Doer from the Theatre Royal. ri H E PROPRIETOR BEGS TO REMIND T respectable and efficient Servants who are about changing their situations at the ensuing term (Ist May), that they will be consulting their own interest by forwarding their testimnonials imme- diately, so that he may be enabled to make the nu- merous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * oubtIWNotue.ΒΆ VbP'ris CO'NOERT, &hiroday.; April Fifth.T .ESTNIGFT inl ['ced of the talented Sisters, SOPHIA and . Adbunision 1,.. 6d., and 'Id. ~ADAM JENNY GOLDSCBMIDT LIND.J r1,i-'rfiYAL~ CONCERT ROOM1, YOUK. n 3 1r itcrinet. of Lo,,don. respectfulily announces that 3IMADXNv,,n, .JNNY GOLDSCRMIDT will giv'nii EVENING CONCERT, in~ YOUR. y.,fl~ t0 ttk.-~ place on WEedtaentdats, April .ZXinln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L&lT US8REASON TOGETHER. ][][QLLOWAY'S P1JLS.-WHY ABE WE SICK E.- e L It has been the lot of the human race to be weighed e down by disease and suering. Holloway's Pills are specially radaipted to the rellef of the weak, the nervous, the delicate, and is the iurm, of all climes, ages, s exes, and conatitutions. Pe.' y teasor Holloway personally superintends the manufacture of his to medicines, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUnSCRTBERS AND AGENTS. Wi beg to announce that we have made every pos- ;ible arrangemerit for the carriage alid deli vely of )uV Inl.tUi/Jtd)e} palp.i's in the plrl ncipal to oVoI thl rough- mut Ulster, in.order to Inset the requiremen ts of the Hlilic, aii(l rendir the coot of oiur j ourinal a- cheap Is it can practically be made, cuiisistenuly Nvith our Liln to f'urnisli the earliest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFFICACIOUS CURB for CORNS, BUNIONS, CALLOSITIES, &r., WITHOUT CUTTING, or causing the slightest pain, hy IMr. EISEN BERG, Author of Practici Exposi- tion en the Human Foot. and Diseases of the Feat. Mr. EISENBIE G'S syoteen is at once novel, and baaed upon long experience it has received tho ssnetion of the Royal Familaes cl Europe, and the first of the Nobility and Gentry; he haring, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOANS AND INSUIA'NCES. 1M1TIE, GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPAINY. Apply fit the (MfCe, 72 t'amrES SrscotclT. Tewozorcww dranres of`.Vaiall Amiount and upicardsc. Apply as above. ~~ISS CICELY NOTT, of thie Queen'~s Theatre I L arid Opera-liouee, begis to intimnate that, by special per. msonaln of Air BLtACK, she fins accepted engagemnents to Sing at else following Concerts ?? on the Ist of'April, ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... 1RO1'AL ITALIAN OPERA.-Mr. GYNl .seg ~ most respectfully to a~nnoance that he will durinr the present Season give the Opera atthe ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE, and trusts that. his axrrargements, affeeed as they are by the late sudden and dreadful catastrophe, may meet with the kind and in- dulgent eonsiderati~or of the subscribers and the public. It has been Mr. 0ye's chief aim to keep intact the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEAT;ET ROYAL. DUBLIN. BY COMMAD: OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT. On THIS iAVENING j(Toaday), APRIL let, the perfurmances will commence with the Comic. Drama of the WONDERFUL WOMAN.-1Marquia de Frosntigeac, Mt Huastleby; Viscount di Wlilefidars, Mr Baldie' Crepin, Mr Granby; Hortense, Miss Mortyn; Cecile, MzissSimme I To conelude with an Original Grand Comic Extravaganza entitled KING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iOx(CING.GLASSES.- The COMMERCIAL C X I'LATE GLASS COMPAN Y, Molancc, Cli NRLEtSIM EakNd E Ol~l(eoNALthe 1,11111 antd th yS.D',and8o. Ficet-strpect and 1,)%xford..trclt t the livt.he OUPONSvery repectfuly iit th e NVa; l I. teCV O n Trade, to irepcut their at c ansi nArD lt ofIC t C.F COTS.rand PIER GLASSE3S trandil is r ofe OiS.The public fn h il OELBER tTuRErAT 1 in ?? of tlhe extent of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jND~ CHNAAUSTRALIA, and CAPE of~ MIA CH y0. YON G Nill desiatch the following faot- 0liinA 1 u~erSiI ti daltU 11:0n oed as under: Ta, C,rnminaders. il-stlnatlefl Docksi. To Saill. 142 wl.MaO2.IWbhaombay Li1,verpoolApl5 ?? .(onbna 'linjrraheho 'London.: . Il ?? ?? w2loo('ulkidata, 'London. Ap15H C1550. 41 ?? ?? -i Llvorpooi Apil 5t - V5iifthll ajI0T.Il 1.I BeohOC0 ?? .a &C t SnI. India.. April ...