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... MURDER IN STAFIORDSHIRE. The county of Stafford has again been the scene of a fearful and revelting tragedy, the horror of which is how- ever, very much mitigated by the conviction that the perpe- trator of it was the subject of mental aberrstion at the time of the commission of the terrible act. Alstonefeld, where the frightful occurrence bees taken place, is an extensive pariqh in ...


... POLICE IW{ELLIGENC. BeAN SIO N-EOUSE-Y~T SaTTnRAT Wia~we Lswarsrd and Wiillio'i Wecrdg were brought be- ml fore the Lord M~ayor, charged with having stolen lead from re Psae,67,8id At half-past four o'clock this ornint h I wae in Helfinon-atroet, Bashaopegateand. arpassng thed lyimg ond the topavement ~of lookin poup, ve I osserve the er led hand beenh ?? ofvrthe dwo.s thefrace tiehe cor ...


... ,STATSTICS OF CRIME IN ErGLAND. lA blue-hook, just issued from, the offlice of the Queen's printers, gives the 16th report of the inspectors appointed to visit thc different prisons of Great Britain. It contains general statistics of crime, extending over a period of from 8 to 10 years, between 184~1 and 1850, to enable the insti- tution of a comparison between the progress of population in ...


... ASSIZE INTEJ2LIGEIWE. IIN FO)RD ?? h [Before MIr. Justice ORESSWE LL.]t 6 ~FOR PERJU'RY. III this case M~r. Skinner and Mir. Vaughan Richards Cs w ere counusel for thse pulainltiff, who is a niaclsine maker at Bristol and Mir. Smytisics and Mr. Barret for the defend- ant, who lives at Newfport. Monsuouthehlire.i 'Pus iition w as brought to recover a onus of £22. for a V beer-tira? alleged to ...


... POlMCCE INTELLIGENCE. BOW STREET-YRSTERDA, hi A young man from the establishment of Messrs. Prow in and Ce, tailors, Holborn, made an application in reference b to the ease of Wllta7a Thompson, who was lately committed a for trial from this court, for uttering a forged £5 note at Il Messrs. Prew's, and also for attempting to utter another bi at Messrs. Moses and Sons', in Hart-street, ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT-LyezwooL. NISI PRIUS COURT. [Before Mr. Justice WiLLES.] ACTION FOR LIBEL AGAINST A LIVERPOOL NWVSPAPBLI PROPRIBTOB-DABBT V. OUSELET. In this action Air. Edward Darby, a tidewaiter in her Majesty's Customs at Liverpool, was the plaintiff, and Thomas John Ouseley, editor and proprietor of the Lwer. pool Herald newspaper, the defendant; the action bein, brought to recover ...


... LAW INTELLIGE NCE. COURT OF APPEAL-Y1iSTERDAY. LBefore the LORDS JUSTICF-3 of A PFeAL in CHANUCcR.1 S31IT11 V. LAKEMAN. This was an appeal from the decision of the Vice-Chan- cellor Sir John Stuart, by which the plaintiff was bound to certain accounts, dated the 22d of January, 1853, and tho 23d of March in the smlae year. The grounds upon which the accounti were impeached were fraud and ...


... I RELA.ND. VTC:EP.EOAr coUrT. Thec Duchess of Snihlerluild lefrt thle C'astle at a qularter past twvelve GS1ock on Wednlesdlny, tol pro- ceed to Kilken, ou n X isit to thle MIarquis of likldare, accomnpanied by the Marqw~uis and Mlarrliioness of. Kildare, Lord and Ladyv Grosvenor, Lordl Othlo Fitzgerald, and lion. Captain ]'lliott. His Excellency thc Lordl-Lieutenant andl a (1i5- tiugmished ...


... COURT OF BAYERUPTCY-FRIDAY. it [Before 3fr. Co-mimicner FA .] I I RE COUEN AND LUBRIINEn. g; The bankrupts wore goldsmiths and yeweUers, of Hatton- o garden. They now passed their examination unopposed, d on accounts showing, unsecured debts, £l.6,553; liabilities, ,s £5,344, and assets about £9,000. r- Mr.Lawrance appeared for theb:nlkrupt; Mr.Taylor d for the assignees. n IF BB JAMES TOMLIN. ...

Law Intelligence

... Kab) lllttlltQtUCC4, NOTICES-THIS DAY. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERY.LANL, AT 10.-For judgment; Brown,. Butter. Motions (the Secondl Sel) Causes, &ec.: Ilsddelaey V. Adams, ~art heard; Cox v. Parker; Rinderley v. Jervis; Andrewsv. Tindal; Thompson v. Fi ;Lan . Cowan; Edwards v. Ctlehtom. VICBCHANCELLORS' COURTS, LInCOLN'S.TNN. Ar I0.-~BxvoR% Vicn.-CsrAxwmaou Spa B. T. KINDS21tir.- Pdotionsp (the ...


... I.5 'SOL VL'NPi .DEBT 1.OR.S CO Urty-rESTEYIDAY.t, [Before the Oirnnv CoMXMtISION'BU.] IPITS UESTION-Ifr TIE MArTT2n CF CHA&RLES IIACE. .lrllOlryapDlsed for leave to tile a petitionl under Ivery peculiar circumistanlces. The ilsuolvenat had been con- fined for debt inl Lanlcaster (Jostle anlce October, anti his|I poverty had prevented him from applying to this conit. IeniFbtar hs detaining ...


... .iILITAR~Y INQUIRY INTO THER CRIMEAN RtEPORT. T ?? attendance yesterday wlas much greater than on either of the previous davys At thle opening of proceed- i i-gs there were not lees than 4003 persons present in the wasline w nlthe peetatea, r- vincilly ladies. The board iaeosenhlecd at twececy minutes pact eleven.t r -clorhd Lva eentue byofe sayig ha it walls wfith grea re- l ...