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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... CAPITAL CONVICTION OF THE MURDERERS OF MISS HINDS, AND SENTENCE OF DEATH. CROWN COURT-FRIDAY. THE prisoners, James Murphy and Thomas Dune, were placed in front of the dock, surrounded by a number of the constabulary. They both manifested the most perfect composure until their final removal. Of the two, Murphy seemed the most sensible of his awful position. The CLERIK of the CROWN, addressing ...


... THE Board re-assembled on Friday morning at the usual hour. Lord LUCAN, in reference to a request made by him on a former occasion for the production of cer- tain returns, said perhaps there would be difficulty in obtaining a return showing- the number of bag- guge animals from the time they arrived at Scutari to the 16th of January, 1855. In reply to Lord LOcAN, Colonel Tulloch stated that ...


... CRIMINAL COURT-.ONDoX, TIItURDAY. THlE ISLINGTON NIIURDEH T'it morning' at the sittillng of tie coult, C'elestinie ~oinwier, was placed 1,pOvi hlor t rial upon an ind.tict- snout charging her with tile wilfu1l murder of Coles- tine Christmas, upon tile 15th of February, at sliinton. 'The prisoner, tlo appeared very much dejected atitl looked very pale, rermained seated durin the Mi hole time ...

Assize Intelligence

... c?AAOW IfiliellIVIM. COUNTY ANTRIM ASSIZE, RECORD COURT. Tuesday, Aprif 1. Tin Right Hon. the Lord CHsrT-BAnON entered the court this morning at ten o'clock, when the follow- ing Juny wore sworn:-;1Iessrs. Robert Atkinson (foreman), Charles Black wood, Iloyd Fleming, Geo. Phillips, Thomas Scott, Sanuvel Archer, William N. Blow, Arthur Aicken, Henry Campbell, William Gamble, Charles Gaussell, ...


... BELFAST POLICE COUTRI'-YESTERDAY. [BefOrO W. S. TnACY, Esq, R.M.] AtLE.OID POCi(CT-PICKING. Xammaret COonway was charged by Margaret I'Court with having picked hor pocket of 2s td. rhe prosecutrix stated that she lodged the children IF the prisoner, who came to see theta on last Suln- lay; and, whilst Seated at the tire, the prisoner peit or hand into the pocket of complainant to steal he half ...


... THE MURDER OF THE LATE MRS. KRLLY. THE inquiry into the circumstances conn 6ted with the murder of the late Mrs. Sarah Kelly took place on Monday at Moate, before five or six of the inagis- trates of the district, including Mr. Cronin, RIM. It was not considered advisable to admit the re- porters of the public Press who were in attendance Pron Dublin, iand we are therefore unable to give a ...

Legal Intelligence

... poal COMMON PLEAS-DOfl1,1N, TnURSDAY. E Or NEW TRIAL, MOTION. I Dovtgless v. REwing. i MR. JOY, Q C. (with Mr. Ferguson), for the plaintiff, y ippeared to show cause against a conditional order t or a new trial in this case, which was tried before l Lie Chief Justice at the after sittings of last Michael- nas Term, It was an action of trovvr, to recover C the value of 117 pieces of linen, ...


... THE ASsISTANT-BARRISTER, John Gibson, Esq., en- tered the court yesterday morning fit nine o'ClockE, atrd proceeded with the hellring of the civil bill cases. The only one of any public interest was an ACTION FOR DASIA(FS TO A Sa(ACK. Joseph Sheals appeared as the plaintiff, and claimed £30 from Agnes AndersOIl, for the loss of the smack William and John. Ali. JosEPH GIBsoN appeared for the ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-SATURDAY. [Before W. S. T,.;AcY, Esq., R.M.1 THREE persons were fined Is each anti costs for not having any name on the carts of which they were in charge. Jatse Feeney was chqrr.,ed with having been drunk on the previous day in Donegall Street. The con- stalcle was compell.'d to get a hand-cart to convey Ier to the poliew-office. Mr'. TRACY-Slio is to pay a fine of I0s ...


... THE MURDER OF AIRS. KELLY. ADJOURINMENT OF THE INQUEST. ON Thursday a despatch from Mloate stateti that tie inquest oln the body of the late Mrs. Kelly hltd betn adjourned until Tuesday next, when it will be reo surited ii the Court-house of Mecate. The cae is a most extraordinary one, and many strange, rumntn.' are ill circulation on the subject; bet, as vet, no thing authentic has transpired ...


... BELFAST QU ART'EIl SESSIONS. YE~STERDAY, at nine o'clock, thie Assistant-Ilarrister, ?? GinsJO, G O;q., tooki his seat in thoe ceout, and proceeded with thle civil business. ili tile case o t' JnioeS H, oiz ii, s je-iltei', (1 iliiol- ivelt, wv hich was p,.Stpoll Oil o Saturday till this dy, \h.Tl TTty., lie ?? for one of the crtditors, aa ?? of miscilie duct towards a client :,riguinsthe ...

Legal Intelligence

... IWICpt L41 COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. London, Saiurday. 4 Tie Queen, v. the Archbi'hop of Canterbu&ry. 'ruis case came before the court on a demurrer to a retu sn to a mandamus. t 'T'he court, on the application of the Rev. Joseph f Ditcher, had granted a mandamnis to the Archbishop t of Canterbury, cir.imandin) him to proceed unslder the Church Discipline Act (3 & 4 ViC. c. 86) against t the Rev ...