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Advertisements & Notices

... Sales ii) %uation. Sale of virrable CRRIAGE HRS ES, Til Ich Cow-,CsrriugE, &rC. This BY MESS~RS WALKER AND ACKERLEYC T'o-morrow (Satur~day). the 1.7th insa'nnt, ?? Two o'cloak pro- Th ct-~ely, at ParlifcUI, Aightittti-rrrtid, Liverpool, ohi A air of bandsone Bay CARRIAGE HORSE-3, ga £.spixt een han,18 hiagh, two first-clasis bay mares, each with a colt foal, hy Mlarigold, a one-horze cart and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wregh byth ~ NOTICE. ;~IAby kdire team4 ers to, HAndlifax and Boston, and to No ork direct6. 4peratoh and 5pw per oent. primage. Xtelqhton. Pacl e ahadu rds, according to lsie, PARCELS for different Cos e8 collected and maode up III ding'.e fackag~es, ?? 0 ton0e party for ?? ID Cmrc, o h purpose Of evading: the payment Gof Freiht wil po eainiaatio5 in Americtaby the CUuhtooss,be charged TI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ?? JO w '6 Des C ILT AL' P1 Edde mixed adVW salemr B PT'. Is the desired Gnd 1a H T, For eliver r Mine lverya STEA C Jude iD aa Are an' C! Cali gune of coo nay t sithos A 1, 1I, Cr DARASOLS.-PeADFORD AND SON, MANUFACTURES P A M~~~19 I~A R K BT-S T R E T, (%3Ppoite B`. Hyism'e4ER) THQMAS JUBILEE WOOD, Hat Manufacturer, 33, Market-street and 51, Markipt-street.- - ?? Btranlgeway. Manchester. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BL A CBIu RN. GRAND WHITSUNTIDE FESTIVITIES. T IE Committee of the United Socielies beg to inform the Public of Blaekburn and its Vicinity, that in consequence 1 of the Mayor and Corporation having refused the use of the Park; after being promised, the Sports will be held Field at Higher Ouzebooth, adjoining the Park, on WHIT-MONDAY, MAY 12th, 1856, when A G RAXND P RO0C E S S I O N Of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? --I reone STEAM COMMUIINICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, AND HAYVRE. bEA TA - --::ptain JOHN~ HAluRiON, DELK77: Xaptain. Lirma, ,or other suitable st~eamtrs, are intended toI F ail (with or without pilots) from the Hus. Itilson (or other) Dock, as follows: FRtOX LIVERPOOL To HAVRE DIRECT. DELTA - . ?? next, June 2, at II, A.M. Ajr ShiPPvfrs U1n'us describe in their Shipping Notes the contents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1W PartIes ansawering adive tements In the mercuery aze requsaeted to attendi to the following eiplanations., jply ait the Mercury-offic, means that pci'eoseal Address[capita letter nd numbr], Mercury-office, 0 zneals that pplfetlom mst be nsideby loiter post paild, T 1j Applientiona not i confornn~ty withthese directions ~~ssnot he attended to. ~~rooms WANTED, a Snug SPIRIT VAULT, In or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARASLSat JSEP A.SPIMIS, 90, Deansgate.-N.B, FURS OF ALL NATIOS ARASULS, at JOSEPH A. ?? in 3823, , IrALIAIN KID GLOVES in the Neweslt Spring and Summer Colours, at 18. 4d. per pair, aitA Di. RAM.SAY & CO.'S, (bulitle clove, 33, Locwer llroaok-sireot, ChrtenonMdok anchester.A TCHOMAS OLLERENSHAW, 87, OXFORDhSTREET, NEAR ALL SAINTS _~_Extra Light, A T1. Ventilating, Elastic PAltISIAN 1UNS; keep ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?m. TO CORRESPONDENTS. We inneot tndertake to return communications of Which We donot avail ourselves. COmmunictions should always be les3bly written, and on one dide ofthe paper only. If fong it itnsreaue the dliffculty ot Bnding apoce for thom. Whaever is intended for insertion must be authntleated by tbe n-e and address of the writer, not necesearily for putblla- Men, but as a guarantee of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SATURDAY EVENING OONOERTS. 0ONCMT HAIL, LORD NEqaON~nM To-imoanow (SArURDAY) EVAITIN0, the list Instant. THE SISTERS SOPHIA AND ANNIE WITLL OIVR, T~lSiRi VOCAL AND MIMIC ENTERTAINMENT, ESTIITLED SKETCHES FROAM NATURE, IntroduciuZ the New Character of 1SALLY SUDS.,, Ift eonsmence at Eight ?? : Body, Vd.; Sidc Gailerlts, 6d.; Reserved Seats, is. SINGING CLASSES.-Singing Classes, under the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACK, BLUE BLACK, RED, BLUE. & VIOLET -INKS.- - t D OBSON & SON, Cbronicle Office, 23, Fisbergate, C D Prestos, havejust received a large supply of the above Inks, In bottles of various sizes, both stone and glass. TO LANDED PROPRIETORS AND FARMERS. i THOMAS VICKERS, hi BONE MERCHANT, AND MANUFACTURER Si OF THE BRITISH FERTILIZER. t Wo ?? HEATH, NEAR MANoCHESTER. C TAMES GRIME begs to call ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~T ST of Etigalad and Yorkshire WvOOLLE N CLOTH and FASHIONABLE TAILORING WVV'.ETB~IIE ,Vcoi rde acetr BIHgJAIVELN1INOHULIEFE, Froprietor. J OSEPEL A. SPIER, Furrier .to e0aet,96, DEANSGATE, come., of St. Mary's-street. T U'AGENT for tha OAC FR N LIFlE ASSUIRANCE C64dI'ANY. X -UNGLA~ND AND FRANCE.-~LEW' AS'S Venletian and Roller Blind actions, patented for both ~ JJ countries. rrirs IS. Gd, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C oAbM FINL TM TRI-WEEKLY XEBtUmlY. WWAMPND EDITION. Pad in Advazoe. On Qtedlt. Yfer._ ?? &a.Od. ?? 10s Od. .. . . ?? 4. OC ?? ?? 5s. qd. STAXPRD EDITION. , Year . . .. .. 14. Od , 17a. Od. ,, God. . ?? w~ 1. 6 d. ?? 1^ Ss. Od. H EMKAWN 1UR TgH WEEXILY MEIIOURY. ,. .. STAXPBP DITkON. £ PaUInldvanc& 011 .ouput IN .v v ?? .: ?? I O . . ?? , T. 6d. STAMRSD EDITION. FMe . i .. ?? 10s. ad . ?? ...