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Freeman's Journal


... _AIRS. BAILIRBOROUGn.-The MaBy fair on Monday was a very large one. Of springers the show was good, and a ?? doenand was experienced at from 91 to 121 perfiead. Store bullocks averaged 41 each. For two year old hbiters Si to 61 10i was obtained, and for yearling St a head may be taken as an average figure. Beef was rather a scarce commodity at the fair, and the quality indifferent; 529 per cwt ...


... : ' . I .. _I : _. _ . - ?? . > i~a~toV3-A r. 1jesty gave a dininer party 4o treada~y. >zardg. The, company, included tlie chess of h'tsdt .aznd'tii eees Itoyal, tle Duchess of 8utberland, the Frenci Ambssador api the Cmuntesa die ersfny, 1the'Prusslaih M~siiftb-ie and :-lte Ccizbtesa Bernstorff Bafen rtinovw (on a &1 .ml~su x fr.y t ?? of Russia),-the Earl and 5 e s~ Gfavle 'ths Marqubs. and ...


... * EA\hICALS - & o THIEATRICALS, O., S- I T* *:-saET 0OYA.-A rioh treat was.afforded to tae lovrs oftthe1elaeslo drama on Monday evening, in the performance *of Heliti Fauelt as Lady. Macbetlh. -More than once we have .witnessed her acting in thia part, and have fully appreciated the truth and naturalness of this, arduous oharaeter as pour- trayed with the power and effect which genius like ...


... ! i . _ . , e ?? ?? A & AG. _. I -BANDON, IS34504AY 11-MAr, -1856.-A fair at -94 Baffinbeassig, anti another at Kilmmiaray, being 'bald this day. geP tended to Idraw off many peraousafromf the Bandan fair;- how' P ever, although noit so largely attended as if those fairs had V not Interfered; it cannot be considered a bad fair. The stock was taken of! qtticklv, and at advanced prites Witch ...


... Ian . w. d __ f . - - J.. THEATRE ROYAL.-Sherldan's sparkling comedy, 2ze School for ,90aildl, wag presented on Saturday evening before a mime- rous sad fashionable audience. Tue part of Lady Teazie, as vperformed by Helen Faucitb, was indeed a chmaoiioer well worth seeing. Several years have elapsed since we have wit. neased the performance of this gifted aotress in this part; and twe rejoice ...


... . - :BALLIbASLOE FAIR. _ . I - , - I, . BALUNASLOE, WEXSiED'AY' bIORVINO, KIN o CLoCt6. -The fair did notopen ieearly to-day awasexpeeted.- The stock began to pour in'flom the ea'liost dawn, and up to six o'!clcck the greia waswviell: supplied.' Sales wrer not as .ealy as last year, but.this id eccoonted for from the2 want oD grass. - oyere'were earlyi1n the market, bA seoned rather s'pw in ...


... LITkRAIUTe , Paovznrfti w ian ~LEZ5WY AsOMSOL~OGIAlu Socra-TxE ~55Or TM ns01 T CBOSS oi CO-NO. .-la the lost ?? issue of the proceediugc Of the Kileizoiy And Sou3thEgat of Ireland Arclbsellogical Society we find a abort paper by Johln O'Donovan, Esq., LL. D., in reply to one Which appeared inna former ntamber of the same s~riea from Mr*H. O'Neill, ori the inacriptiofit of that into- featig ...


... I FASBIOZbABLE INRELLIGEACE. Tnz CounT.-The Queen had a dinner party on Tuesday. The company Included the Duchess of Rent, the French Ambassador and the Countess do Persigny, the Duke and Duchess of Maichester, Lady Fanny Howard, Bareness de Speth, the Earl and Countess of Lichfield, Admiral Jurlen de la Gre. veere (French Imperial Nlavy). Sir George Couper, and Major General Wyide. The Queen ...


... LITERAT'iURE. THEI RAMEBLES. (Londone: Buns a0d Lamlierf; Dalb&, Jat~ mUJo, Hirdman, .-The 6Social lyrnny -e Proteantlaein is ably denounced in the paper on that sub- J1ct in this month'a Rominer, and the veil is tord font the thousand annoyances, insults, provocations, and Injuries to which Catholics are every day exposed tindetrthR smooth, hypocritical surface of English'asociety. This is a ...


... 7, - I IA6LG C Oh.Catle, on Sundiay.',Tldoid b~lsas' 'ispied 11'lv D9' ihng'Hsllcfe~, h~r Let na e sue iht * Prodat 'of ?? fs cdnihts(Tes) the Unokasli~ of.D61nhlnChdral.Socletywhhi praen , at te xof 'oft c ,nir 'the ?? nrdy theth XbOTflkj`t1y-A'L VjjToR 'TO Ki~iAWD.-*e * (M~alg 'C jt- ~e sqei~e~~t6.chlwln leterfrom a, At grceat-pleaaare tfat'sfry-Ia~hs.oa'HihastetO of, gent' of- Bude~ ...


... ) FASBOAABLRE JNIELElIBACE. . I ?? OSBORNEts MAY 15.-The Queen and Prince and royal family wvalke I and drove in the grounds at Osborne yester. day. The Dueh,sa of Rent visited the Duchess-of Gloucester yesterday at Gloucester House. On Monday te lEmperor.Nappleon's guests at dinner were the Ring of Wurtmburg, sthe Prince Napoleon, the Princess Mathilde, four ministers of state, the Marabsals ...


... -AVSIjIONABLE INTBLLIGENCE. , ?? W;llk;m nf VPnaa ?? 1 ;I a I FredericK WlSiiam or rtnisaa Will, it 3S P*nD LoDdO to as to be ptesent at the court on the sai. SW fe Qucen'es birthday. vera.g D. looked ,upon ascertain that the Prince be dĀ£iosepetied .11hnmg-toberesenti t th. corona- 004he maji chiones of Ormond, accotiipanioed by Lor rlies Butler, left Kilkenny Castle on Monday for London. ...