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Glasgow Herald




Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... $ . to act. TO LET, EXTENSIVE WAREHOUJSE PREMIS E S; also, E STOREAGE and YAULTS in Leitche's Court, 157 C Trongtate Apply to Alex. Clark, 87 Union Street. ROO Gar TO LET, and AT IVIIITSUNDAY, Let VPII E SINGLE S1OP, No. 6 RESNFELD STREET, at present Lo o eccupied by Mr. Win. M'Cue. Plal Apply at 54 Gordon Street. We Fac O LET, a Large COUNTING ROOM, situated in West 5. Nile Street, with or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ottlucoia.. REMOVAL. ISSES MACDONALD beg to announce that they have l P1 REMOYED their SEMINAltY from 124 South Port- land Street to 5 NICHOLSON STREET , EAST CAULTON oi PLACE, where, from additional accommodation, they can A receive several more Young Ladies as Boarders. L They purpose Opening their different Classes, under the various Masters, on TUESDAY, 5TH AUGUST. 5 Nicholson Street, East ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TILE FOLLO TVIG A]T V TE1?Y/SIC '.IEYST P'.L OICLED US TOOO LATS 1Oi1, INO S1: t'O1N I V 01IU El.4 Y EDITION. 1 ANT'EDI), as a Regulhr Apprentice, an Active YOUTHl /Y aboeut 1I, for the Ilook3.llinig and Stationery Business. Apply to George Gallic t9i Buchanalil Strcet. ANTED, a 6Stout, Active BOY, to go witlh a Barrow W occasionally, and can write tolerably well. Address A. G., Herald Office. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OST or STRAYED, at Large, on the 29th May last, a L Small PRINCE CHARLES BITCH, colour blackand ei tan.; *nnswerit to te nameof 'Maggie. Whoever may return the same to Mr. oiopkirk, Fish Merchant, Largs; or to Jolt _ Buchan, Accountant, 24 Ilutcheson Street, Glasgow, will be handsomely Rewarded. ii' TRAYED, from the Farm of Andrew Baird, Woodside, et i Catheart, a Black WATCH DOG of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D Y E R'S U T E N S I L S: COPPER BOILERS, METAL BOILERS INDIGO POT AND GEARING, STEAM BOILER, CISTERNS, ]NDIGO VATS, TUBS, TI SToVE FURNACE AND FLUES, LEAD PIPES, &C., BY AUCTION. To be Sold, in Dye Work, 49- Spoutmouth, off Gallowgate, onr,] 'Tuesday the 3d June, B, T HE Wholo STOCK and UTENSILS in said Work, in- Cl 3 eludiig Two Copper Boilers, Trwo Cast Iron Boilers, tic Steam Boiler and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 23tI-hte~I Q- l12b ~ . TO ARCHiTECTS, SLATERS, BUILDERS, &c. SLATES FROM THE MARQUIS OF ABERCORN'S QUARRIES. W ITH the exception of Ensdale or Ballacbelish, these I Slates are superiorto any yet found in Scotland. They are of a iniform blue colour, with few diamonds, of excellent quality, and larger than the most of Scotch Slates. They are the cheapest Slates of their class which can be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - a . . ! P THE POPE'S CONCORDAT WITH AUS;RAIA..- KOSSUTH'S LAST LECTURE on this'impoirnt U. subject will be Delivered in the ClI'Yt H-3AL, THIS EBEU ING, 13th June, 185G. ,, 1! !Ji $(0uncillof Go*A,.N ln~tte Chale; Tce'Unsold Il'Uekets Will be found at the Religious Inatitu- tion Roofis and 'the 'other places formerly advertised. Reserved -Seats, 2s8; others, Is. each. Doors open at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tltbllC a otir se. PUBLIC BANQUET IN HONOUR OF i MAJOR-GENERAL SIR'COLIN CAMPBELL, G.C.B. 'HE Committee beg to announce that the BANQUET, will Isa TItake place ill the City Hall, on Wednesday the 2d July R next, at Five o'clock r.M. . tr The Honourable ANDREW OaR, Lord Provost, in the Chair. fo WALTER BUCHANAN, Esq. of West Slandon, Croupier. 4] Tickets (lOs. 6d. each) will be issued at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOHN MlIKECE-NIE, sometime Victualler and Grocer, 3hu Kirk Street, Townhead, Glasgow, presently Prisoner in the Prison of Glasgow, having, onl the 6th day of June, 185G, executed a Disposition and Assignation Omnite,, bottorum for in behoof of his Whol1O just and lawful Creditors, ait and ptrior to t the Faid date, in favour of tile Subscriber, Jolio Halliday, of 8 the Firm of Halliday & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OO;KS ON NATURAL H1ISTORY, S .j. I FOR THE COUNTRY AND SEASIDE, I Oil Sale, by v RICHARD GRIFFIN & CO., 41 West Nile Street. o Just Published, in Royal 32mo, Price 2d., ,rCATECIIISM ON THE LORD'S SUPPER AND BAPTISM. By C. F. BUCI[AN, D D., Minister of Fordoun. TrRANLSLATED INTO GAELIC, By ANo(Ius MAImSrvnE, Minister of Kinlochlpelvi. t The CATECHISM ON THE LORD'S SUPPE Sepa- ,rately, Price 11d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND EDUCATION FOR YOUNG LADIES. SPRINGFIELD HOUSE, LARGS, AYRSHIRE, CONDUCTED BY MIR. AND Mits. DAVISON. R. and MRS. DAVISON beg respectfully to intimate 1f tliat they have at present Vacancies for a few Additional BOARDERS. Prospectuses, with References and Cards of Terms, may be bad on application to Mr. Davison. Largs, May, 1856. /1UISS E. R. GALLOWAY, from Glasgow, wiho lately I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? goficc%. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND MISSIONS IN TURKEY. HE COMMITTEE of the GENERAL ASSEM BLY of 1 ?? SION of the JEWS, beg to intimate, tiat liavingarranged some time ago with Dr. SCIIAUFFI.EIt to supply tile STATIONS in TuRREY previously occupied by the American Al issionaries to the Jews, and having beeo instructed by last General Assemblyto instruct their Missionaries in Turkey to embraco every ...