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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... liRE MISSES VEID, 3 Cortinna Street, St. Vincent Cres- 1 cent, Sandyford, intend IIES U.MING their CL ASSES, oil te FIRS1T MONDAY of AtUGUST. The Misses Reid can accommodate a Few BOARDERS. Terms and references hay be had on applieation. 3 Corunna Street. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. - lE Principal of a first class Boarding Sehool for Yonng TL Ladies in Scotland, is agrecable to take Two PUPILS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-voertiv.4 for 51119 PROPERTY IN GEORGE SQUARE FOR SALE. To bo Sold, by Public Roup, vitbin thoe Hall of the Faculty of Procurators, George's Place, Glasgow, on Wednessay the *23d day of July, 1850, at One o'cloel Afternoon, (if not pre- viously sold by private bargaiin,) ?? E Westrost TOP FLAT of that TENEMENT on the 1 north side of George Square, Glasgow, entering by the comlmon o passage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9 C~~alc% bil Auctiont. TO CURRIERZS, LEATHIER 1)i ' A lRii., SADDLERS, A ND SIIOE IANUFACTURErlS. 7 To be Sold, by Auction, by Mi'. Eaton, on Thursday nnd Fri- day, 5th and 6th June cui'rrcnt, at Eleven o'clock Forenoon prompt, on the Premises of Messrs. Reid & Sauiders, J unior, Carriers, &c., Perth Road, D)undee, HE Whole of their Valuiable S'TOCK-IN-TRADE, both ?? and Uncurried, coisisting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o grot~C8~ fo iik ?? PROPERTY IN IIABIILTON FOR SALE.._ E 'There will be Sold, by. Public Houop, within the Town Hall, here, onl Friday the ?? day of Junie, 1856, at One o'clock AL nd WHO0LE those HOUSES and G4ROUND in the Afl'u'ir Wynd of Hamilton, known isa thc Meal Market Tenement, belonging to the Corporation of the Burgh. Usi'ssr Piiuce, £250. TheT Title Deeds and Articles of Roup may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF' SHJIP 'I MALABARAN HE CA O OF TIMBER. rrHE above Sale, Advertised to take place at the Hotel, T Portree, onl the 11th June, is POSTPONED UNTIL irURTIIER NOTICE. CURRY & CO., Brokers for the Sale of Ships, Walmer Buildicgs, Water Street, Liverpool. YOUNGT BOY AMISSING. I EFT his Father's House about three weeks ago, and has L not since been heard of, JOHN STEVEN, about 12 years of age ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F tho A ppliaant for the Situation oft fBook-keepetr, under |I thc signatureof J~ A. C. No. 5l, Hferald Olce, ?? eall l N there, lle willfind h letter to his address. has' ?? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ £15 R(ppED, a MEDtORANDUM p(10K, filled with A DL Mleasairevcmnts, &c. Auy one tetming it to Mr. Haire, - 52 Gordon Street, will be Rowarded. V L OST,o ?? E-Veilig or Friday Forenoon, a Small a gc li (i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 111;;*Mtftot NMo Rdt, ort 51.otg1 TO BItLI IS. r,- 0 l.D to FEU in the Eastand West Parts of Glasgow; G 1 also it Govan aud Partick. L iberal advances aade to - rerite tahle parties. A1ly to J. smeiiie, Property Agent, Mloore Place, Glas- t( 0i geu tn GROUND AT BOTH WELL TO FEU. 1' 1-.vrllA L LOTS of very icaitifully-situsaited GROUND ON atitlhowlI TO FEU. Apiply to William Ambrose, 116 St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OST, between Kinning Place, Paisley Road, and Jamaica Id Street llcidge, a SILK BAG with Brass Clasp and Chain. Whoever will return it to Win. Gilmour & Co., 193 D Argyll Street, will be Rewarded. iTONEY WANTED-The Sum of £1000, on first-class .ilL Heritable Property in Glasgow.-Apply to Messrs. Howie & Lockhart, Writers, 14 Miller Street. hItfuationS awanwf. a W ANTED, a BOY for a Grocery and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAL OF StIP 'MALABAR AND HER CARGO OF TIMBER. TIHE above Sale, Advertised to take place at the Hotel, T oteon the 11th Juneis POSTPONED UNTIL FURTlREl NO'rlCE. CUcURY & CO., Brokers for the Sale of Ships, Walmer Buildings, Water Street, Liverpool. TO NEXT OF KIN, &c. TAN TED, the Next of IKiu of PRoFESSOR JOIIN V Y(OIING, of Glas-ow College, Who died in 1820; of Miss. GORDON, who resided at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -The! ROPERTY A.T,,PARTICK. GI TO BE SOLD, 13Y .UCTION, p 'Within the Faculty 1-Thu, SL.Guorpe'S Place, upon Thursday the 19th June, 1850, at, One o'clock ra,(if not previously' -.dlsposed of privately, - ?? ~ O 'E R ERTY called ROSEILAND PLACE. There. T * 1. is at prsent Two Teneents thereonoccupied b~y four Squi ~enants, Mr. ~illiam Patersos, end others.Thesiltuation, is duto *lovale and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE, FOLLOWING 1DVEMPISAVMENT1S BEAMIlCD L US TOO LATE FOB INYSEI.'TION IN 0 UR' EARLY B EDITION. D F BARONY PARISH POOR'S HOUSE. , TANTED, by the rai-ochial Board of Barony Parish, W CONTRACTORS for FURNISHING the POOWS HOUSE, at BARNHIILL, near GLASGOW, andofor the OUT-DOOR POOR as may be required, for such period as , may be agreed on-not being less than Three Months from the date of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLO WING ADT`FE.SE[EU1VTS PLEA21C1JED . US TOO LA'E FOR INSERTION IN OUR EARLY EDITION.' s ALE of HOUSEHOLD Fl]RNITURE, Adverti'ed to - take place in the Union Strtet Auction Sala Rlooms This Day, POSTPONED till WLEDNESDAY First. JAS. SOMERVILIE & CO., Auctioneers. S TOLEN or STRAYED, from Uddiiigoton, on Friday last - a Black NEWFOUNDLAND DUG-answers to the name of Bob. ' -Any person ...