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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? R FORT PHILLIP direct (has great part r' F of her cargO engaged~), the splendid Britloh frigate built clipper slp V ARIA hA.1Y. A ~13Zars1,801 tons per reitioter, coppered and copper lootened. C. 11. MILD LETON, Commander; lying 0h Es loola D~ock'. lhas beautiful accommoodation for first and second clams pss~ngecyso and will bo found a roost desirable o rtunlty for Elditopers. 1or freight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C-ALCU'TA~ Dirfect.-NOTICE to SHIPPERS. JAn GOODS Inten kdfor the ROBERT MIORRISON. DAVID et NI.NING. Comman ler~usut he longside and cleared in the London DO~kS' bv T(TEri'DAY unet, the 10th ?? to TOULMIN, Ll0-lNGSTON~.ayidCo., Zil. Great St. Helenes, Blshoppinte-street. riERalSON and TWEEDDALE'S LINE ofl G PACET SIPS, ll frst casswill bo doespatchedl as under Ships. I Destinatln. Docks. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEDICAL pUFPIL.A Sureo ?? wiiae vr ?? him fo Vfetac oai~ring a th~orough ?? yP~ ipc flssion.Address, G. 'Staffordshire knowledge of. the Pr'l~tjleStaffrdSbire- Advertise~r 'offer. Nesre'~ls q'o NERVOUS SUFFERERS. ARETIR.ED CLERGYMAN having been reod to Pfealth in. a few dare, after many years of great osreous' ,afiring as anaroos to make knownto others the mreans rfoerefl lai e will, therefore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW SCOTCH HISTORICALJ TALE. N No 417 of REYNOLDS'S MNIISCELLANY (to be rsblshred on 1thie 11th of June), Pr-ice One Penny, beautifully Illustrated, will be comnsenced a New Scotch Ilistorical T'ale, entitled 31AR- GARET; OR, TIE DISCARllDED QUEEN b; by George V. M Ricynolds. Also, in the saeIC Numnber will be commenced a series of ILLtS- TRATINSSS OF TUR, CRYSTAL Pt.LAcr, pictorial and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ATTN NEWS LENT TO READ, in London, -IVat ?? ;.e qu;orter.-.SENtT by M OR NIN G M AIL, at £1 2sa. 6d. -L\g IN; - I'Is, li. '3d1. per qr.-lI. ADAMS. 9, Pardiatueot-streot. Woatninstor. NearAt . t NEN EltRAL Dtomls'riO SERVANTS': G Tl EVO1'LENT;' INSTITUTION. 392, Sarkvillostrcet. *Estalti'el \!a)'lMG4, for the jurpor- of affording ermrianent Belief in old sueanld Ii t. Under the lostrusico of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At PPEALS.-CAMPBELL T. CORBY.-At Privy Council TO-MORROW morning counse arid others ran ?? Campboil's evidence against John CorbY.-Leltters to Poet. orffice, Charing-crolis. RT TECHER' CE'IIFICATES- A The HLF.Y~fRLY EXAINATIO for CFRTIFI' u~'ES llCOMENE a Mrlbrogh oue, on MONDAY, the Canidte rnettn inthirappictin, ccmpnid by the qui- woewors, efoe he th f Jlyan wil ten ecevenotice if tasy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOICE_ TO MARINE'RS. TRANC To TIIE THAMES. kpy,. lA jI3~1.1O0AL LIG IT. .I'IIN'ITYdHOUSE, LONDO'S, JUSB 5, UatiS. heon detesrminfed that, for ti- i`1'tler C havin of 11w Princes Chalmel, an additional light shall I ?? aiirc notice is herebv given that, previously to ,sir;'itext ' LIGHT VESSEL will be mooredi on the tt rier Ihi nlelbsu midway betii('ween the Tongue .~0i~tic oilth~a RD RVOLING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~t5tc ?? ~~ il St L trdlat .and S tllitdt. ai ii t i A the lollownig 510oat't inciat wSINRAILWA1. CHEAP i~ ?? BII IIot Sunt'ittv, Jott 15, returti~nt tLI sasie Ccaliti' feoltn I 'Iock. Fitres IBrisliol, 10s. atid d N01 ~ i luggage ?? Y.- CIHEAP I .iO\EO1, BabrLeaminigtoni, ?? Iisii rist'O h, West Brransiche, Wcdnes- I~il' ?? oil Suaittiy Joaoe 15th, at fit tlictt Itigilt iroitt WYuVerbarltollt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORTUGUESE DIVIDENDS.-The HALF- P5. YEARLY DIVIDEND, whiich becomes due On the Ist Of Jaly next, on the NEW THREE PER CENT.,BeONDS of 1Sft3, will bW AID on that day, and orery follovring Tuesday and Ir!iday, between Elesen end Two o'clock. . The Coulporasare to be loft f rr exauniiation eight days previous to tbitppasment to commence on Monday, the 2.d inetant, and eve.;y rollowming M onday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT EXHIBITION of 1851-COUNCIL G MEDAL.-EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, 18S6- GBANDE MEDAILLE d'HONNEUR. GALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. BARBEDIENNE and CO. of Paris, respeetfully inform the British publio that a complete collection of their MATHE- MATICAL REDUCTIONS, by the process of M. Collas, from the chefo.d'ceuvre of Antique and Modern Statuary in the Galleries of the Louvres, Florence and Rome, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ':ThPORTANT 7; MmH 1'EOPLE7S ..LIFE AND FIRE ASSURCANCE SOCIETY,' IEnrolled by Act ?? Piirllameoot under.- the name of ~,The l~nlied Poltrots' .Ktoioltti rrovidettt Life enid Floe Asjsurance S ce y (Chief (O fice,. St. Po t r s -A l'tat t, (corge-strect Eto1;~ton-squx rc L tondont tioltit tbf ottles' th or iughoout Cite cou ottry), to meet tiot requirtootetlo of the ?? Clootoes, toy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TF.VENS and SONf 78, Bichop1gate-street.- I LIGHT SUMMER NVINES.-WhIret., fine qaallty 3ft, 42s. pet dozne; hmelorYinrdioairo,0so. t awe dozen; Ch'srnrcsce.,i46 per dozen, MobttO finest, 64s.; Hucel- to a I-ror drozou; Mo-tl ehachrotzbr'rsr. 45. ?? GeisenholmD, 49o.; menl )tarcobrunl, ydo,-Teroo, cash on delivery. root UIEDGES and BUILEkt, Wine Mercbants, &c., ?? IJitnsl , S etz nt ...