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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... l' 0 1 1 SO 1 D, A FULL-TON1N E) (GItAND PIANO. A FORTE, 6P Octaves; Drilled Brass Bridge, Metallic Plate.lMetal Braces, &c., by Joirs BROAD- WOol) & So,-S. Apply to Rev. TFIOMA S 'lOIIOMPFS0N, ])fr- riagliv, LisburnI. 2024 T ( 13 U I I D E It S pROPOSALS WILL BlE, RECEITVED BY mie, up to MIONI) TAY, the 14tit it it., at Nomli fot Il1ILDINO a TANK atLtiloG nivnkj, la-'rn Plaits ntIl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PARCEL OF TEA. JUST TO HAND, A PARCEL OF TEA, in which will be found those ESSENTIALS SO much sought for by Families, at 4s 4d per lb. Very Rich and Perfectly Pure COFFEE, at Is 8d per lb. - JOSEPH ANDERSON, 1589 122 , NORTH STREET. JOHN FINES, DEALER IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND D FURNITURE, Nos. 64 and 9, SMI I-HFIELD, Belfast. N. B.-New and Second-Hand FURNITURE Boulght and Exchanged. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Suit Of West uf England Black Cloth, WVoaded Colour, May be hlad Ready-Made, or Made to Order on Short Notice, for £3 17s Gd, at A R N 0 L ) 'S, 45, HIGnt STREET. 1937 IRISH AND RICA FLAX. M CCLURE & CO. ARE HOLDERS OF Fine and Medium Irish Flax, carefully so- lected; also Rigt Flax, of different usarks; all which they will sell at fair prices. Belfast, 14th July, IS5G. 20SS ON SALI AT MAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN FINES, TEEALER IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, Nos. 64 and 9, SMIrHFIELD, Belfast. N.B.-New and Second-Hand FURNITURE Bought and Exchanged. The highest price given for Job Goods. 1187 BY REV. DR. 1I'COSH AND DR. DICKIE. tYPICAL FORMS AND SPECIAL ENDS ILTIN CREATION. Crown 8vo, with Woodouts, price 7s Gd. Edinburgh: THOMAS CONSTABLE & CO. London: HAMILTON, ADAMIS, & CO. Belfast: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING TO-MIORROW EVENING. THE ORPHAN REFUGE3 FOR THIE DESTITUTE CUILDREN OF MIXED MARRIAG5ES (Founded 1830). A MEETING IN AID OF THE ABOVE e (V.) he held oi TUESDAY next, 29th July, in tho WELLINGTON HALL, iay Street. Chair to be taken at Half-past Seven o'clock. The object of this Society is to bring up in Pro- testant principles those destitute Orphans who, not having had both parents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ORPHAN ,REFUGE, yOnS TUE DESTITUTE CUILMDREN OF MIXED MARRIAGES (Founded 1830). A MEETING IN AID OF THE ABOVE A:L Society will (D.V.) be held on TUESDAY next, 29th Julv, in the WELLINGTON HALL, May Street. Chair to be taken at Half-past Seven o'clock. The object of this Society is to bring up in Pro- tostant principles those destitute Orphnns who, not having had both. parents Protestants, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GL ASS CHAN DELIE RS (FOB GAS OR CANDLES,) T HE MOST CHASTE AND BEST MADE 1ever Exhibited, at J. T. BUCKLE'S Glass and China Furnishing lWareliouse. ADDBESS:-THE DRESDEN ROOMS, 11l, DONEGALL PLACE, BELFAST (Nearly Opposite tie Imperial Hotel). Parties are respectfully invite to inspect the SHOW ROOMSS. 2195 GENERAL :P:RI TI:NG-T~ OTI:F'Ic 10, BRIDGE STREET, BELFAST. JN THE J ° B I N G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING THIS EVENING. THE ORPHAN REFUGE, VOR THE DESTITUTE CUILDREN OF MIXED MARRIAUES (Founded 1830). A MEETING IN AID OF THE ABOVE -Ch- Society will (DA'.) be held on TUESDAY next, 29th July, in the WELIANGTON HALI,, May Street. Chair to be taken at Half-past Seven Trho object of' this Society is to bring up in Pro- testant principles those destitute Orphans s'bo, not having had b~othz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dress, IFiack, and Aforninp tJOA TS, VESTS, TROUS'ERS, HATS, 4-. at the HEIMATEMPORION, 45, HIGH STREET, J. ARNOLD, PROFRMTOR. 1935 COUNTY OF DOWN. A COMMUNICATION HAVING BEEN A received f~romColoielLARCOM, to the follows- ing effect, namely-T'hat with reference to an Ap- plication mado by the Secretary of the Grand Jury. sotue time since, for the reduction of the Police Force of the County ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIME QUALITY SALO.NICk WHEAT; Ditto Egyptian Saidi WHEAT; Fon SALI., BT ERSKINE & NICHOLL, 11, Corporation Stroet. Belfast, 14th July, 1856 6 2098 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BALLYMACARRETT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. THE REV. DR. CRAIG, OF HAMIBURGH, 1 one of the Assembly's Missionaries to the Jews. will preach, D.V., in this Church, on SAB- BATH next, 13th inst., at llalf.paAt ELEVEN o'clock, and give some interesti lg reformation re- I garding the state and prospects of our Mission to R tho seed of Abraham in Germany. 2004 FIRST ARRIVAL RUSSIAN TIMBER. AMES P. CORRY & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 COUNi Y Ol 'IHE TOWvN OF CARRICK- FERGUS, TO WIT. THE GRAND JURY OF SAlD COUNTY T amtl Toe n will be sworn before the Iligh Sheriff in the Court-Houise, Carrivkfergus, on TIlURSDAY, the 17th instant, at the Joliol of ELEVEN o'clock in the Forenoon, after whicil the Fiscal 13usiness will be plroceeded with. They will he re-sworn in open Court at Belfast, on SA'j'UIl- DAY, the 19th, at TEN ...