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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ,ICgLETING- HCKNEBUIRAGE p UVI BYlE LAS TO THE F.TGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR. E, tbe Underdigned, request your Lordship will be l eaged to convene a Public Meeting of the Citizsns 01 Dublin at art early day for the purpose of Memorialing .is Excelleacy tbe Lord Lieutenant to interpose his autho- rity to have the 4 5 t h Rule of the Carriage Bye-las rescinded, ,hich requires the Drivers of Outside ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. All Leowtr to be ore-)aid.) ANTED for a Inu-inesi Establishment, a reeptotabic, W am:ddle aged Womnac ta not in the capecity of Tho- rough Servant and General MIanager of hou3ekeeping; her cha-taoter must bear the etrlctect scrutiny, as the situation is otse of confidenne and trunt. Add rees L B, Office of tbid Paper. eacosilus relerreaeee. &o J7,18 'VVANTED, it young Maf), to attend ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e e ?? - , - =M-S-r -i--|R99M LET US REASON TOtiiTHEiL. H OLLOWAY'S PILLS.-WHY ARE WE SICK ?- ]El It has been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by disease and sufdering. Holloway's Pills are specially adapted to the relief of the weak, she nervous, the delicate, and the infirm, of all olries, ages, exes, and oonstitutlons. Pro. fessor Holloway personally superintends the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cARDS. j 0l IARDL HA LL AN GALL13=111, 25, S; constantly applied with the ne west fi.91ea of lieady-nsde Clothing of bneat ovaterlaii. nEEZOINTO PHOTORAP .j,1 protessot GLU~KMA1N'S new and pevnuliar tyltc of P'RINTED PORTRAITS, surpasesin~g the ~nest fl~grflTin~lp, and yet retein og t'he moot toneiceptionabie likeness, may5 be THE PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION, 24, UPPER SACKVILL7-STREET. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EN~E'S RsOYAL THEATrRE.1 T Egage of Mr T POWRlE, Mrs C BOYCE, Mr 1S WIDDICOMB, Miss SANDERS, and Mr T GLEN. On THIS EVENING (Wednesday), 28d July, 1856, the perrmarnnca will commence with the celebrated Drama of MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS.-Lord ;George Dougla', 51r Powrie Queen Mary, Mirs C Boyce; Lady D)Ouglas, DIrs -Parkeir. Irish Lilt, Mdlle Luiza. After wbich the Laughable Farce of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; Q-U EEN'S ROYAL THEATRE, T E B olt of Mr ,T OWA1E,. r3 C BO YOB,,Mr T GLES; EVENM (Wednesday), 16t6 Joly, 1856% O° T 1ce will commence with the oelebratred Dranl. tbe [P°TED TRAVELLERS; or, RAYYOND AX4D .-Robert, My Stirling; Baptiste, Mr Webb; Don Reanioed, Mr Vogan ; B argeruette, Mrs C Boyce; Spirit,. M~r9 V5~gba Scotch Pas Saul, VdllaoLuizs. Alts, which the laughable Farcq of THE LADIES' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS., TO GROCERS, SPIRIT, A;D PROVISION DEALERS. m O BE L13T, for sacb terms as may be agreed on, the T JU EIOUSE, No. 19, STONEY-BATTER, with Retail B Spirit Llcnase, having extensive Concerns in the fere If required. For terms apply at the Premises. m10 LET, FpiSIr CLASS OFFICES, in Ono nf the Meat T . positions in Dubl n for a Solicitor or Public Coin- ce pany, having thorough ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAkl)S. T~lC~ 4 I~s ?? hLL ofo tALaL~ltEs, 28, L(.r5' ILUJ, ?? arc' conouttlysupitplied with the newest 83ei~e4tf Renify.made Ctthflo f osesr eaterirde. Ll- ff>FtUNi~ AnI, ?? is ?? ?? Hcl5esI0 ?? t' e Citv fcr Shirt', Cellars, }lo iery, and Glovee`'-R- per HIJ'l' ANS Co., B4, WlESTMORLAND-SREET' Ge- act airal Ontfittere, &c. o 3 in. R I N ?? E D- M U fS b 1 N S. Mr PRILSCOTT, BELL and CO; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. 'tW 1 iA L N ?? DA AXD GALLR5S. 25, Lo d tare conetanty euppiled VIth the Ced Ityles cS leady!made Clothaiur of best teris. A O O 1) T E iL- . In order to hare really good Tea you mast have Strength and Flavour combined. In FAWCETT AND CO.S t Celebrated Black Teo. At Your Shillings per Pound, Both these qualities are concentrated, which are indispen l sably necessary to copatitote Good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. E) ICHARD ALLEN'S HaLL AND GALX.NrHs, 28, Lower R Sackv ,fred. are oonstautly supplied with the newest Mtyles of Ready-made Clothing of heat materiai1. G EZZ OTIN TO PHOTOGIA P HY.- . L Professor GLUKMAN'S new and peculiar style of PRINTED PRTRAITS,.eurpa sing the finest Engravings, and yet retaining the Moat unexceptionable likeness, may be T E PHIOTOGR&PIIIC INSTITUTION, 24, UPPER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ni LIE QUEEN'S ROY.L jTXiEATItE. T- Eegsgeme5 of Mr WIDDICOMBE, M~i SAN- DERS, and Mr'GL . On TW Va EINpG (Wednesday), 80th Jqly, 1856, the perfrmances will - coramence with, the Mdeieal Drams- of PAL AND VIRGINIA-!-,FatMteiEs Sanders; Vir- giD5 bss 6,haracteristic Dances, by Mr T Glen-. Aftar which, the WAITER AT CREM1ORIM-teer Pathetic, Ur Widdicomnbe., . , A Grand Ball2S Divertlasemnt by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -E§NiOYOYAL THEATRE. Tf E~ggeiflit of Mr T POWRIE, Mirs C BOYCE, Mr' GLN.en MssSANDERS. 71} 18 Ef~lRVENING (Wednesday), tbe 9th July, 1856, ?? will commenee with S Knowles's Comedy THE4 LOVE CIIASE,-Master Wildrake, Mr Powrie; Williar Fondlovo, Mr Webb; Master Walter,. Mr. Stir- 1'Dg; Blaster TrtWOrth, Mr Vaughan; Constance, Mrs C boyce; Widow ?? Parksr; Lydia, Miss S MIles. Waltz, Mdllie K St ...