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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ,CARDS , HA. .A1 -3U il!f,'eet Sake eo~ire e ?? thppezr neetbeuv Itls f.Iayeae Clotbijnr ?? mabe mbee 13' ENTS, (ReantS o aes), oL Whboet1e SOD Retail at J. M'RVOT'S, ?? ae oe and Suspender Warehouse, 18, LOWE BRD . TRE, of Verchanat's-qOy. -WPatch Work suited for Schoole. Country Orders Par- ?? attended to. 3TEW PINNEIISETS DJust l s open several lots of New inne Sevice, Pain nd It, at prices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATlE T 8 9econd spppearance this season of Mr HARRY WID- DICObIBE- Engagement of Mr T POWRIE, Mrs C DOYCE, Mr T GLEN, and Miss SANDERS. . On 1T9IS EVENING (Tuesday), the 22d July, 1856, rormances will commence with the celebrated Musical DPaa oi JATE KhEARNEY-Lanty O'Loghlin, Mr JStin- ?? Byan, Mdr Foster- Ka'e Keurney, ?? E San- ton; Rose Kearilsy, Mis5 E Webb. ders, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ~lIC -NVRiY DUBIv'ULI BIS~VENUlG, at igha, Mr. Ro~betien wW, Lecture e r TH~OMttAS} So'BATTONt Sece.tarY, Catholic UniverCity, . - STOCK EXHANGFr -SATT1RDAY. (iUVk;eN~hUNT k8ULUN~. 5ihree per Cent Consol, fr Account, 12tb T August .. 9ff .)G aW 3 pe? OCent stock i 991 De'n&* pe~ _w SH.k for WicPaolIo r1O Min ?? 227 01^33: 1~s .&Z3S. ?? done. Dtbagi.,e~rDS~sre 02r 60 2e Sf p II VrCs t oarc e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. 7 IOtIARD ALLEN'S HALL AND GALLEnIES, 28, LoWS? * 11} Sackviilel8trcat, are conetantly supplied with the newest P.yles of Re:allymade CI,,thOnL' of beps materials. irPPUBLICA T1ONS. BOOK S Ful TH ' iE MILLIONS. - TAMES DlUFFY begstoantiounc that he baan0OWeI55d3' el in Royal B2mo., 32 Peges, Dcatly printed, p WiAT EVERY ClRISTIAN MUST KNOW AND D DO, containing Preparation for C ff5iO Hl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rn QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATBF. 1 T On TB1IS EVENIN1G (Tdesday), lot July, 1856, j the ?? will commence with tbe coelebratd, Drama TE TOE WOOD DEMON; or, OuE 'CLox.-lHardy- t Mr Stirlingi Willikind, Mr Ellertein;oiWf, Mr J. 7 Stinton; Clotildas Mrs Vaughan; Una, MiassMlej; Paulne, e Miss E Webb. - Grand Pas de Deuxr, Mdlle.1B. and K. After which the laughable Farce of. HUNTING; -A t TURTLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . CARDS.. ' 0le,1iAD ALI.EN'S iALL AND GALX RIES, 28, LOlOW *1,Sarllgestre, ware con1tlautly supplied with'the newest f it' Vse o If Reddy-made Clothing of be t materials. P1P'.SSL AND LUBIN. -r PL R A N IPANN1 PE R F U M E, 2S. CD. R FRANGIPANNI SACHET, Is. Gd. 4 FRANGIPANNI SOAP, Is. I FRANGIPANNI POMADE, 2. I FRANGIPAINI INCENSE, is. Id. PERFUMERY FBCTOBS, 2, NEW BOND.STREET, LONDON. Sold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - AEDS ?? etceked svith the rnost fa hionable and durabl j0llARD ALLEN'S HALL AND GALLEaxESr, 28, Lower 71' Sack e..alreel, are conetantly supplied with the newest f i .of M I.P ,ne (n9,,thinh, of ,e-t mntprli'l. 1 SVAn, LAU. Zd, Lea- IL L: UALk ?? -qL., Uo UB 9-6 a hands a large and well-assorted variety of ROOM P4PERS, at pricem considerably lower than usaally offered. HOUSig PAWITING, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. In the press, and will be r~adi' ala few d5ai5, rHE CATECHISM OF FRSEVRANCE: An Ex- _ A position Of the Catholic- elig'la in itS Letter an i ite Spirit, its History, ita Do8ia, its Moral, itI Worep P i,`s Nature, its Meansand its Eatin Time and lyterny, from the beginning of ?? tte presntdy.rders Dublin: JAMES DUFFY, 7, Wellingtnrqay. rdr receivel by all Booksellers. wi BOOKS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t _ . ?? 0IHaNXD ALT S LlAi& AND GALDEOIES, 28, Lamer al JRt & b, skdrW are oonstantly supplied with the newset Pr styles Of B1eady-made Clotheing of best masriale. St jJEgZOTINTO PHOTOG AaptT.- Professor GLUKMAN'S new and peosliarstyle of PRIN rED PORTRAITS, surpatssing the ?? and ! 'et retaining the most unexeeptionable likeness, may be seena at THUE PL1Oi,1GRAp 1 jS'l[tfTlItO1 te _ UPPE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rI Eggesgsmet Of Mr T POWRIZN Mrs8 PlCE, Mr T GLEN, and M! SANDE RS. on THls EVENING (Thutsday.) iO± uI, 1856, Co will commence with S nait;'ad Comedy the perforW500 ?? Wildrake, 'Mr Powrie; of THE LO di r eb masterWal'ar, Mr Si- of TI 1im0nalove, M~r Webb, Sstr5a lr i tir- Sir sr Trnewortb, M-rVaughan; Constance, Mrs CBoy,; ?? Green, Mrs Parkier; L)disrMA& S Miles, C Boyca; Waltz, Mdlle-l St ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - .rUBLIOATIONS.1 3 APPBOVED OF BY HIS GRACE MOST REV. DOCTOR CULLEN. L IFE OF THE BLEF.1.ED MARIANA OF JESUS; On, THE LILY OF QUITO, The Secular Virein of America, To be had of JOHN MULLANY, PRiNTER and PUBLISHER of CATHOLIC WORKS, coner of Parliamest-streit and Dsme-atreet (opposite Royal Exchange). t' A large and varied Stock of ?? PRAYER BOOKS, in, VELVETr, MOROCCO, RIMS, CLASPS, &c., &c,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUE IN'STHEATRE T~ ggsneut of rT ¶RE MaO'- T i nd~ Mis .SNDE;BS . ;7t ;Tl T GLES- a VNId G (Thursdy),7 July, 1856, tinD T GLE, will Cto~maa withflbe 1llatoricl Drams - T the TUAiT, QUEEN OF SCOTS: LoGd .George, palei of MARYq 'orie; queen Al T ry; 3 Wy Lady DouglBC- M Parkaer.-: D.,ugl5ai M Waltz, Mdile -St oiiin. ' . A ter vibich TH CHILD Op Tjj M UQMENTZ- I sergot Anfibal SOlId5, Sr il Webb ...