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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~0 ilc~ ?? P SSENGERS per SERINQ%- I ~l fir 31ALA)SAIl COAST and IBOMBY-ft5si 1 PAlJA* ,; ravesend T'IO.MOltltoW (rueeday. thu 15ib), aod rot0 to Iducdy, thu l13th ilnstant, PASSENGERS aft), ton eq t1ltob5llo during the nioroling of that day. ~ WUBRUSSELS, COLOGNE, HAM A BUR BERLIN, LEIPEIC, RS. N e-e asg fI7 5olA,.%Reo~uo lse~are 27s. end 208.-The ANTWERP C*l IINNz BARON OSY, F. W. PuiRcOS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jjDURSUANT to in Order of the H~igh Court of1 Chace iiast.s ont the 18th day of December, 1855, in the mate f he1th and I1th VIctoria, chapter 96 and in th miatter or the will of Martha Jane Barr, deceased all persons 'claiming to be the NEXT of KIN of tlie said MAkTHA JANE EDAUt late of Trafalgar Villa, Cold Harbour-lane. Brixt~a, In the ze (toiltty of Surrey. widow, whodled on or aboutthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIOATIO1~ NEW NOVEL By THE AUTHOR O TE DSCPt 0 LIFE.' ICP~~ Now ready at all the Libraries, in 2 vole 1 H FA Y 0 U N G . ¶T By the Author of, 0 A cc Tine Discipline Of Life, '1 Clare Abbey, &e Hurs and Blackett, publishers, suocsors to Henry Colbini, SIR EDWARD RELCIE. In the press, in 3 vol. TORATIO HOWARD RE~T H 1-A Naval Novel. E T , By Captain Sir EDWARD BELCHES NC. Hurst and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ta ' Tt.'I ' NIAtINI'7RS. CIIA>NI'.L, ENTNlAN NTO Tl THiAME S. A li ,)I;INAL LIGHT. T 'INlIT-IIOUSE, LOtesoec, JUln 5, 15.50. he'a helt ttler., lI0- thar- 6l01 elr IT . ,r th Princes Chainnel, an aidditionall Light shall 'Ail iA TIt-:' is lie i 6 borel)v given. Otha prltiohsly to I r aIll(IT ! VESSEL will tte ne, w lod ota thle 0,lr i ow 'ii tliat l~-atl, about midway aaetwveett ti h Tonaguae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CjjLIV~ALL F LINETI ILSSENGE~tS for roilt' PHIlLLIP, pi* O WEL. ' neoc n her ay to 'jvou~th, 1AsisimmintIsare 4 thr, redyj to EgIIBPtlth, by Ofeeclcolcki. cltliere re.1 t.t. i 10tw liellillt Poop1 Cit- I .41 ti.e L.6t 111i 101it. tw n tpll~ih 10(111 IleX ar~,at1 noon. t p o moth 1-cd.I B. vilturday &S. d, adutal.'~ 7 1'roni hsillblC wharf, for- r ur - I o-j01i~ an ola.Ot t la. U s. ~ l;~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P ARISIAN PAPER-HANGINGS and INTE. RtIOR DECORATIONS.-JACKSON and GRAHAM invite the attention of the Nobility ?? to their extensive STOCK, which comprises the newest and beat productions of all the moat eminent Paris manufacturers, Numerous specimens may be seen fitted up in the Show-rooms, suitable for the drawing and dining room, library, and chamber, together with ARTISTIC DECORA- TIONS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .INI I ~il~t.il¾ t D.N~it, J k 1.Y 1, iSSIO. .o rutelitedit L I .oii 0)rj'Iat til t11 0 ?? '5 0.,erzi ;;ait. -sodotr iecly li set lii tier lire tIlr.,.Ij 0inhoe i. hattin rol arisk of touchillld (1 thle, Cli- Nl~l~lr~l~lJ UOY has heeni labi inl seven II oo .1rllgLidlwitli tile followinit, mark atid hood'lilnlall iarll,, . . W N. W 11 ?? ?? .E.Ny. I. ?? . . . . .EON ?? ?? V C.Di . ylL.; Or.d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L~VERLND RUE.-STXAM to INDI A and IJC ILANA D'C RO']~E y- PENINSULAR aird 0S-SAL SEAMAA GAIONCOMPANY BOO0K IXASSEX- r STS n ecev gos n pAVI rc ?? I-ie Mudlerranvalci, Egyp'Jt, In ?? Nfa arr,~idCrrielitta, bly their urrili packets', ,Ad% irrs, Cet; Ionor Ade ii'strarrrtriontie 4th and 20th 01eer isoi ndii 15vjtr lu the Straits by those of the 4th of thoe uret, qoe urtiher piirticular,. apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K E MAJ iSTY'S TILEATRE.-1 LATRtAVE.JAr Midllie. PICCOLOM. Nl l'S fHNETl'i. On Thurnilay next. July 10x vi.ll (by gemcmr:l dleIre) Will ?? pireientd Verdi's oircra, LA THAVIACTA. Viictfa, N1l,11. I'ice Inimian ; Alfredo, Sig. C;Llzolari tiu:rouie l'iphil.ii -ll. i niro; Dut- tore G. nyvil, Sig. IHilhlanu ; Hea Gell Iit lrgia, Si.. 11 nevit ltIL1o. W~ith otber Elitortlinuilents, port-tculars or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~WRBRUSSELS, COLOGNE, H1AM- II AujRG' BERLIN, LEIPZIC, DRESDEN, &c.-Seat Pasa AL u,,F. W Fresac, Comm ander,.-h AT ER lfive bus Olt;S.-lahRifd' Whs' oeeey udya'' iv Deore uriit8 ro A1lntdi r endvery Po dnerday afternoonhl at Sloatlisr, Leipri, Dreeduon, &cw thtie siots Bo sets pasa ~ tre 'ar oov.-iiapplications for tho sinipienet of goode ~ lietinl to ito ondI aensrto, Ifessirs. Lightly anid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I) ~ o~dili~s nvoeeqCOD C t delivery Parel rnd 1lckae to CAI- 1' lit 'a.IItI Cey iii, 4tfl and 200th; to Sidlit I' ' ?? received till Augosil 1.- 14 0 _p~tiuaito G. W. 1WIIEXTI.EyadCO (late1 eetlilii5 i~ and Chaplilis', R6ltiit-eiruiiM Vt'tilA (LON'DON) DOCIKS. SAlj,l' OF STORMS. a~ y iflci' Ith priu11plt1 Officers of Her [5 ~ ..t list ~ to be SOLI) hr PUBLIC AUC- ala;I (Ltlt) Ihck.o 'l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IsNOTIjCE TO MAHINERlS. IIXNELNIRACIO TO THlE TIIAME - B ben dtermiltled that, for tht, better I PrifloCbeo Ctimanadditionial Light shaillI ii - l' horebvgiveli, that pcoe'yto thori; ' 'UiiYES~i~will be moored on the lii itie tiititmidway lbetwicfln the Tonue-u occitiiA of that day. a nodelLitlit5511 c publ ishe in due conorc. It re, ?? 11. I;ERlTIOX, Secretory. I I,,,gjit hov the( Mailt ...