Advertisements & Notices

... ATMP.salOFFICE and bottom RO0fiI-Addlress T A ATC a Sacor~d Ian~l HJEtaSE, ingoodjc ..anition4t. i 8Y rsV'1, Meteor3 othier __ PC jj ANTI 0 a iiligt Siecoed-hand OMNXIBTS, ngo re. Sal W¶ odesV 16, Merccry-olliae.Igodr ?? c.)a sai Firnelid OT~L.Rent not to exceedz£1 AN ipe wt~- t'drala ?? PATtlilOu~s, V 40, Mereoryxonrce. ;~ANTED0 for a penrianasncy a (.0_-1kAC'd end Garden, wvithini. li ia ml ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P B I N T I N G. nHOMAS ALLALN & COMIIPANY, I LAW GENERAL PRiNTEllS, Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PRINTING en tire Shortest Notice. 260 Idiots STIZEET, Edinburgh, July 1853. UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND. B RANCTES of this BANK will be OPENED B Or the 7th curt., in MONTRIOSE, under the anan t of Me lesrs F ?? Iurl Gitrec s nd ;IIhtlEEMUIEI, under th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PR IN T ING. '11HOMAS ALLAN & COMPANY, TL LAW & GENERAL PRlINTERlS, 'Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PllINTING on thc Shortest Notice. 265 HIGH STREET, Edinburgh, July 1536. HIGH SCHOOL OF EDINBURGH. HT E OFFICE of one of the MTASTE1RS having F become vacant by the Death of Dr JAMESs Boi,4 CANDI- DATES are invited to lodge their Applications and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E, FFICACICOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, JU (tALLOSITIES, &I. WITHOUT CUTTING. or canaing the olebteet polo, by Mr. EISiINHERG, Author of ' Practical Erpos. Uion on the Hiuman Foot, and DIOea.Oii of the Fooit.' Mr. EISEISBEicG S opeteon 15 at once navel, and based upon long experience; iG hoe received theB asuction of the Royal Pamlli,0r Eulrope, anud the firet of the Nobility and Oentry: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REAT EXHIBITION of 1851-COUNCIL iMlEDAL- 97 EXPOSITIONUNIVERSELLE. 1855-GtRANDEMEDAl LLE d'HONNEUr.. GALLI;RY of BRONZE2S d'AIRT.-F. BARBEDIENNE G and CO. of Paris, respectfully inform the British public that a complete collec. tion of their MATHIEMATICAL REDUCTIONS, by the process of M. Collas, from tne chefs-d'aosvre of Antique and Modern Statuary in the Galleries of the Loevres, Florence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESSES. MONEY WIGRAM and SONS' ?I PACI4ET 51111'S for AUSTIIALIA.-FOr pour P10 ILIAP fret Grs?rOOOd en theltlb October). the splendid clipper 35??tdO?*?5tl i? ? ? the Ens India Docks. ANTHONY 5hiP???53,?.jiitntder. 'lies tavourite ship has ?? and elegant SCA?i?te3?vursriir.t.secotsds nad third class aaocsgers!st moderate ?.eedesnrie?aesloeete?st ?? Ireight setx?o. many 5iLhUi? ALLi??lCT. end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Th:E UNITED TOWNS' ASSOCIATION and NATIONAL LICENSED VICTUALLERS' DEFENCE LEAGUE IAt the iNNITAL DELEGATE MEETING of the above ASSOCIA- TION, held the 26th day of August, 1856, at the house of Mrs. Marrian, Sea HeBrse 'Lnn. Bbcl'street; Birmingham, Mr. Councillor JOSEPH STINTON' President, in tbe chair, the following Resolutions were Unansimously adopted:- Moved by Mr.. Couneillor. J. ...

Published: Sunday 31 August 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3753 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... TEHE GORDON HOTEL 'AND TAVERN.- PIAZZA, COVENT-GARDEN.' C. MORDEY Proprietor (of !! The Sam,'. Long-acre). t Excellent accommodation for Commercial Travellers. I Wines and Spirits not to be'surpassed. BED AND BREAKFAST, 2s. 6d. PROUET'S TEMPLE-BAR HOTEL, 19 Jo 205. FLEET-STREET. TAVERN AND COMMERCIAL BOOMS. CHOICE WINES AND SPIRITS. PLYMOUTH GIN-CHOPS AND STEAKS.' BED AND BREAKFAST, 3s. WITER ...

Published: Sunday 31 August 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5942 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... BARRY ISLAND.NEBARO':ARDIFF. FOil ALB.' m w4R.T. 'ATKINS is instutd yI.0 ARMS HOTEL, in tetw fCRIF tTeefrFu 001lo0k In the AfteroonTUSAtethdyf August, 186,' slobjeottsuhCniinofSlaswlbehe .an~ there produced The valuable ER2ATO knavrn as Barryv fl1and, in the paris of BULLY, in the county of'Glamorga-ncontaining 183 Acesl, of I/AND Arable,,.Pastutre, and Warren; situated on the Noerthern'Ahore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VIt'~fC Coffe. ' ?? I NOTICE. S LL Parties having CLAIMS agahist JAMES M'MUR- rl A RICH of Stuckgorere, Arrochar, are requested to lodgej tbesnwith the Subscriber, within Fourteen Days from this date. CHARLES R. BAIRD. b4 West Nile Street, 'L Glasgow, 28th July, 1856. J NOTICE. - LLpartieshaving CLAIMS against the Late ROBERT A Mu~tDoCH, Esq., Cranhill, are requested to lodge the s us with, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE ARTS. TpHE FINDING OF CALESTO, a Magnificent Work o f f Art, with Four ot her Choice PICTURES of equal merit, bave just been added to the Collection in the Royal Exchange Rooms. , TI ME w O R KS WO N D E R S. In old'.times, only kings and In our times, every working sioble8 could have a Malery of jm an m eay have a- Gallery of o ortraits.- j oPortraits. SEE YOUNG'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS; ObIHAID ALLEI'I'8 IALL Alt ALIM,5,L5 EAuSackvi455'tet, are constaniitly plI With the newett Sityles of Ready-made Clotlihin of bsetr mnater S h. ,. ZZOT'LNTO r aloT3 A ro ist ?? .LI Professor GLT~ifiANS' nt annd peculiar style of PRINTED PORTRA1T9, surpaissg the flit hon~rtyVItu, and yet retaining the most unicoeptiflltbleI ?? THE PHOTOGRAPIIC INSMtttTION, 24, UPPErR SA0CVILTjr-Tl1Etia. ...