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Legal Intelligence

... Wfol INSOLVENT COURT-SATURDAY. (Before Mr. Commissioner Flatchell.) In re Denis Doyle. Tim insolvent was opposed by Mr. M'Nally and Mr. O'Driscoll, on the part of a Belfast creditor, with whom it was st:ated the debt had been fraudulently contractvd. It appeared that the insolvent was a grocer in Belfast, an, had purchased gools from the opposing creditor for ready money, but whenl he got them ...

Legal Intelligence

... Wvilill ??111telligow. PREROGATIVE COIJRr-LoXoox, THuRSDAY. In the Goods of John Stedleir, Eslq. (a telo dose.) 'inv Queen's Advocate saili that Jothn Sadloir, late f Gloucester Square, ?? Park. died on the 17th t Fetirutry, 1856, intestate. 13y an iiqoisition, aken at ?? oi the I Iths of March followilg, wai found that the ldtcoa-d did feloniously take is Own life, and a verdict ofd tlO ide ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURW-SATmnDAY. (Before W.H. Ve1n3n1 , Esq., and Dr. 'GrE.j] Tien dock was filled with improper women, charged with having been disorderly on the previous night. Three of them, named Leeson, Al'KIenna, and Watkins. were charged with having been dikorderly, and making use of' indecent expressions in Talbot Street. The last-mentioned prisoner was further charged with having, at ...

Legal Intelligence

... T, Oat guidligence. ?L? f, INSOLVENT COURT-DUB.IN, MONDAY. [Before Mr. Commissioner IIATCaErL. 1 TnE following case wvas at hearing on several suc- cessive days:- Ine re Tilliam i ecl. Mr. D. C. HctuoN opposed the dischargeo of the in- solvent on the part of the Rev. Andrew Cleland, of Dundonald Glehe, Belfast. Mr. Leech was employed by Mr. Cleland as confidential solicitor in 1546, a&l in ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY. [Before W. J. C. ALLENx, and J. MACrNAMAHA, Esqrs.] ALt.rotiI) LARCENY. M1ary M'Kee and Rose Ml'.;lMahon were charmed with having stolen a shawl, the property of Margaret M'Kibben. I1Thre owner of the shawl declined to prosecute, and the prisoners were discharged. .Mar'qaret M3'Gabe was charged with having used threateninrg and abusive latnguage to Mary Ann ...


... THE LATE RAILWAY COLLISION-COROU NER'S INQUEST. THRt following is the evidence taken before the Coroner, Mr. J. M. Magee, during the inquest, held on Wednesday afternoon, upon the body of Terence Harvey, at the Wellington Inn Bridge. A Jury having been sworn, Charles Harvey, the father of the deceased, was the first witness examined. ?? stated that his s0oi, aged about 17 years, was employed ...


... Tit3 quarter of the Fiuthotirg St. Martin has jlast been thle scene of a fvighifoll n urid u. A bout fo ir 'clocLk the moridng, before hlat tile atteotin ?? . lie porter of at ?? ill tile Rue deu Ia l lelir to we -x- cited by a nioise in one of tile upper stoiries. 1 . inr thelt some of ik ledgou(s w. wr abhoiut to e,-lct at ciadodestise rofli oval, ?? g(t up ;llan m w iit oii of his ?? r to ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTaD&Y. [before Dr. M'Gnm and WILLIAM COTES, Esq.] ASSAULT. John M'Fall was charged with an assault upon his brother on the previous day. On the npplidiation of Constable M'Nellid the pri- soner was remanded till this day (Friday.) as the complainant had been admitted into the General Hospital, and did not appear. ASSAULT BY A iMMAiL. Ellen Jane M40ance, an elegantly ...


... LIVERPOOL ASSIZES-WEDNESDAY. JUSTICE WILLIS took his seat on the bench this morn- ing, at nine o'clock. EVDrV LFFECIS OF INTEMPERANCE. Afiles mAelia, a porter, was placesl at the bar, charged with having, at Liverpool, on the 12th of July, feloniously killed and murdered Francis Welsh. Martin Kelly, ax carpenter, said I was acquainted with the dcc .~ ed, who was a stevedore and master humper. ...


... IBELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY, [13cfore W. J. C. AiLr'N, Esq., and J. MIACNA2,1.A EsIq.] Tilcnt was scarcely aI A OIidilY' In ?? ra of ?? for Idispiis;II toi-day, aid al tle simple with but one or two ?? form of delinquency. A CUN1 HAI1l)D 'rst'I. A venerable female, named M'Li'St Ninuw dressed in scanty, lack-lustre co0tume, and we known to the police, was chiarged by Constable Ne 32, withl ...


... SomE extraordinary intelligence has been received- by the late arrival from Australia, relating to the- treatment of emigrants, but especially of female emi- grants, from the United Kingdom to that country. The particulars to which we refer are of the-utmost importance to 'all who intend emigrating to any of the Australian districts-to all who have charge of poor emigrants, previous to their ...

Legal Intelligence

... IXtod vatt you. BANKRUPT COURTWcDNESDAV, JULY 30. (Before Mr. Commissioner MACAN.) In re Alexander and George Clendining. TnaE: was a meeting for audit, proof of debts, and dividend. Mr. Meldon, agent to the commission, was in attendance. Mr. Creighton, QOC., and Si'. Levy, appeared for creditors who had put in proofs of debts. Mr. Dillon was for parties who had ob- tained an order in Chancery ...