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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLOWINVG ADVERTISEMENRT, REACHED US TOO LATE FOR INSERTION IN OUR EARLY EDITIOX. p)ARTNER WANTEI) to jmill an Engineering Esta- i ish lt, withl a C,'npital ot £21000 or £ 3000. This is a lavouranes oortuttity for a Gentleman either brought up to tbe ~ 13usinesshorio canl take eharge of th Office department. All esnlunuulaictonus strictly confidential. Address, free, ; Engineer, Herald ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST. r1HE Person who Found a WEAVER'S PASS BOOK on ' T the Evening of the 8th inst., is requested to call on M. Si Norton'& Co., 73 Miller Street. ?? who lifted a Black PORTMANTEAU in IL mistake from the Eagle, upon Saturday Night, may - have his own by applying at 209 North Woodside Road. T OST, on Friday Afternoon, between Bath Street and Can- bc L.idleriggs Street, a GOLD RING, sat with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I, ~ ?? . ,q BESOLD, BYIPUBLIC ROUP, Within tbe- Fnonulty HaBl, St. Gleorge's'Plce, Glasgow o' t WednesdAy the 1ohi day'ot Stptembier inext,- at One bb'loctk , Afternodli, - i ' . TPE'WtAT. 'TENlEIENT forning IWop, >23 and 24 Lynedoeh ] 1: Street.. 1ents, £45, £47, a~d £55; ipoupting to £147: Fdu-duty, £t, I8s 5d. ?? 2 E years' purchase. ~~it1 i;] Th Vberl .Tement' is situated ik the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY AND BURG H OF GLASGOW. __ W REGISTRATION OF PARLIAMENTARY VOTERS. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVENI That the Magistrates of Glasgow have nominated and appointed JAMES DONALDSON, one of the Assessors for the Burgh of Glas- Jo gow, under th e Valuation of Lands Act, 17 and 18 Victoria, t(i cap. 91, to be ASSESSOR for the Burgh of Glasgow, under the Act 19 and 20 Victoria, cap. 58, entituled, u An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. HlE PROPERTY in COBURG PLACE, Advertised for I TSale in this Paper, HAS BEEN SOLD. JAMES SERVICE, Agent. C Glasgow, 15th August, 1850. NOTICE. 'F the Parties who got the TRAVELLING BAG and k UMBRELLA from a Woman in Great Clyde Street, on bi tile -rival of tho Stork from Bolfast, on Friday last, will de- _ liver te same to Mr. Blackwood; il Macfarlane Street, off Galltwvga they will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (Iy TlES FOLLOT'IVA ADVERPlIS'AE ENT'S REACHED nir US TOo LATE FOR I9SER'1'ION IN OUR EARLY er EDITION. all LAD AMISSING. A NGI US lM'GREGOR, aged 15, left 10 Roslin Place, Cow- A caddens,'on- Saturdaiy Evening last; and has not been seen or heard of sinee. ?? on when he left-blue pilot cloth rjaket, trousers and vest alike, striped shirt, tartan cravat, iy, and blue cap. Any information will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiAKEN from the Steam r LocIE.0o1L, about the 1st instant, 3a Brown PAPER PARCEL, containing some articles of Wearing Apparel, Fishing Lines, &e. It is requested that the same be returned to the Captain on board. rOUND, a BLACK1FACED WETHER on the Farm of F Kepeulloeh, Parish of Drymen, about five weeks ago. If not claimed in Eight Days will be Sold. Apply to Mr. Macadam, at the Farm. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLOWYIG ADVEmTiSEAaTS REAACHEL US TOO LATE Ji'OB INSBRTION IN OUR EALLI EDITION. - STRAYED, From a Field near Polloksbaws, A BRE WN and White Speckled STOT, during the night ol ASaturday or morning of Sunday last. Any person giving information that will lead to its recovery, will be handsomely rewarded by Mr. David Dow, Flesher, Pollokshaws, the Owner. Pollokahaws, 5ith Aug., 1856. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d THE FOLLOWING ADVEBRTISEME T REACHLED - r US TOO LATE FOR JNSERTION IN O.UB EARLY i EDITION. 2 A N T E D, an APPRENTICE to the Lithographic ,VV Drawing.-Apply, with specimeus, to Gardner & Stevenson, Lithographers, 45 Gordon Street. I WANTED, a JUNIOR CLERKC, for tile Entering Desk; IVV and a Stout BOY to assist in the Packing Room and I go Messages.-Apply at 37 Queen Street. e UTANTED, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEIRS WANTED. 4 INTIMATION. ( TN tbe Process of Multiplepoinding and Exoneration'raised j in name of James Reid, Eq., Receiver of Crown Rents, . Exchequer; Edinburgh, only surviving and actin Trustee and Executor under the Trust Disposition and Sett lement of the late Robert Kay, Architect, Duddingaton, near Edinburgh, _ -againat Peter Brown, Farmer,.Lawrencelaw, by Penicuick, and Others, Lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Harmn, kc., to ON{+ FARM TO LET, For TcREE YEaBs, 7]'HE LANDS and FARM of FLEMINGTON, on the 1 Kirkintilloch Road, opposite Cowlairs, and irn tho imme- diate vicinity of Glasgow. 'The Lands extend to about 30 Acres, of which about 19 are in Crop, aud the remainder in Pasture. The Soil is Of good quality, and the Lands were'thoroughly Drained last Spring. having been for many years in Pasture, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ffatmn, &c., to grct9 I FARM TO LET, IN AYRSHIRI:E, Entry at Martinmas next. It IIE FARM of BARUNA11ILL, in the Parish of Stewarton, fri T containng ratiter more than 200 Imperial Acres. - This Farm is in a high state of 1agricultuitral improvement, - beinig alt thorouightly drainied, and hiavingann excellent Steading, with suitable Offiee., over whlichi sho Water ia conveyed in lead pipes. ...