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Advertisements & Notices

... -[THIRD EDITION.] Established ill 1850, in connection with tire North Wales Chronicle,' to be had every SATURDAIY Afternoon, of ROBFRr RoBERTS, at his Shop, 9o, Wellingtuii Road, and at the Book Stall, Railway Station, in time for the early posts. - -. - ?? ?? I lu- T.vnnlh. Ireland ?? ?? Stevens 4 ?? Mrs Foreman NOTICE. The Puzlisheor of tho - Rhyl Visiter and Directory,' respectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RHY L. WITANTED, on Wednesday next, a pleasantly situ- T I ated SITTING ROOM and BEDROON.-Ad- sdress, stating terms and situation, No. 101, Chronicle- office, Wolverhampton. TO BE SOLD, A SIDE SADDLE and BRIDLE, nearly new. A Price Five Pounds. Apply to Mr. Pvaos, saddler, Bangor. TO be .I6ld by Private Conatract, Ai, PRINTING OFFICE, situate in a thriving A town in North Wales. Apply to tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FELT. PATENT ROOFING FELT, MH E cheapest and by far the most durable yet pro. g iduceid. Portable, flexible, and so light, as to save its whole expense in Timber, -PATENT BOILER FELT for clotbing, boilers, R cylinders, and steam pipes, thereby effecting great nt economy in fuel. v PATENT INODOROUS FELT for lining damp T walls, deadening sound, and a non-conductor of heat G under slates or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Voz Popoli iin a uttore number. In our report of the proceedingos of t6 Bangor 1oli e Comii t last week, in the case of William owen, fot amlt.t Ive st nted that he was fined aIS, andtl costs, whereas he Nvas fined -2,. Gd. on:ly nnd costs. Owing to a heavv press of nratter at tlhe close of the veckvarious articles of local sews are unoaoidably pontpon d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEIOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITURE. HIR. M. HASSALL PHILLIPS, begs tosannounce that his Glass House is now ready for the recep- tion of Visitors at 7, Tudno Street, Llandudno. HENRY HAYN, TNEALER IN WINES and SPIRITS, 4CTIIEJ E VAULTS, LLANDUDN0. 4 l Allsopp's and other Ales, Porter, &c. Gninness' Bottled Stout. N. B.-Families supplied with small Casks. BALL AT LLANDUDNO 7J5HERIE will be a BAIL in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL, UPPER BANGOR. T:HE OPENING SERVICES will be continued .Tin the new Sanctuary, on Sabbath next. In the Morning, at a quarter to Eleven, the Rev. J. W. C. DRANE, of Hanley, will preach. In the Evening, at half-past Six, by the Rev. THOMAS ADAMS, of Stone. A Collection will be made after each service, in aid of the Building Fund. t B A PI Q U JE T IN IONX OIJ(I 01' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [THIRD EIDITIO N.] I Established in 1850, in connection with the I North Wales Chronicle,' to be had every SATURDA Y Afternoon, or RoBERT ROBERTS, at his Shop, 90, Wellington Road, and at the Book Stall, Railway Station, in time for the early posts. - NUTICE. The Publisher of the Rlhyl Visiter and Directory, respectfully ventures to express a hope that as tihe Paper is calculated to do much ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WASTED, A MASTER tt bake charade of Peumoh School from A the 7th of November iext. Salary-£40, and a ( BIouse. He must be certificated. Applications to be made to the Rev. P. C. ELLiS,\ Beaumalis. W A N T E D, A RESPECTABLE YOUTH as an APPREN- TICE. Also ?? Man es an IMPROVEP Applications to be made to Mr. OWEN ROBERTS, Grocer and Draper, (Successor to R. M. Griffith.) Bangor. NURSERY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [THIRD EDITION@. II Esalshdi 85,il -nio ih h ?? hoice'tob a ?? BETRBETa ?? 9,Welnto od a ii Established in 1850, in connection with the I North Wales Chronicle,' to be had every SATURD;ky Afternoon, of ROBLRT ROBERTS, at his Sliop, .90, Wellington Road, and at the Book Stall, Railway Station, in time for the early posts. ho 0 41 I if NOTICE. The P iblisher o' the Rhyl Visiter antd Directory, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLENFIELD PATENT STA.-A.H, Used in the Royal Laundry. 11E LADIES are respectfully int !rtaed that thiz 'fStarch is EXCLUSIVELY USED iU the RoyL,, LAUN- DEV, anid Hier Majesty's itu~ndresi says, that al. thotgh she has tried Wheaten, Rjee, and other p'owder Storches, she has foutnd ntone of them equal to the GLeNFIL-D which is the finest Starch ?? ev~er used. WOTHERSPOON & CO,, Glasgow and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CONSECRATION OF LLANEDIVEN Cl-HURCH, ANGLESEY, ILL take pla:e oll TUESDAY, ?? 19th of . W when a Sermon will be ireached by tht Lord BISHOP OF BANGOR. Divine Service will commence at Eleven o'clock. The Holy Communion will be administered. Evening Service, (in Welsh,) at Five o'clock- Sermon by the Rev. El. 0. HUGIIES, Rector oft Llanddeiniolen, Caernarvonshire. The Collections, both in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LLANDUDNO NATIONAL AND INFANT SCHTOOLS. NN-SUNDAY MOIUMNG NEXT, 24thi instant, k- TWO SErRMO0NS will be preached on behalf of the Llandudno National and Infant Schools; the Ser- anon in SAINT GEORGE'S Clurtcu, by thle Rey. J. BOWLES, D.D., Vicar of Stanton Lacy, and Domestic Chaplain to Her Graee, tile Duchless of Inverness. The Sermon in the NATIONAL SCIIoOLRoam, by the Rev. GEO. SCAREsBROOK, ...