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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... E, FFICACICOUS CURE for CORNS, BUNIONS, JU (tALLOSITIES, &I. WITHOUT CUTTING. or canaing the olebteet polo, by Mr. EISiINHERG, Author of ' Practical Erpos. Uion on the Hiuman Foot, and DIOea.Oii of the Fooit.' Mr. EISEISBEicG S opeteon 15 at once navel, and based upon long experience; iG hoe received theB asuction of the Royal Pamlli,0r Eulrope, anud the firet of the Nobility and Oentry: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESSES. MONEY WIGRAM and SONS' ?I PACI4ET 51111'S for AUSTIIALIA.-FOr pour P10 ILIAP fret Grs?rOOOd en theltlb October). the splendid clipper 35??tdO?*?5tl i? ? ? the Ens India Docks. ANTHONY 5hiP???53,?.jiitntder. 'lies tavourite ship has ?? and elegant SCA?i?te3?vursriir.t.secotsds nad third class aaocsgers!st moderate ?.eedesnrie?aesloeete?st ?? Ireight setx?o. many 5iLhUi? ALLi??lCT. end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HuE GOVERNESSES' .INSTITUTION, 34, A. Sb qure~-ro.WAGHSJRN. who has resided nmany years abrod, eopotfllyinstes the attention of the nDoility, gentry, and pr~nipal 01 choos tobeeREGISTER of ENGLISH sod FOREIGN I (~ENERAL DOMESTIC SERVANTS' kX BENEVOLEN1T INSTITUTION. 12, Sackrilleotreet. Estblihet My.104, fr he uroseof ?? Relic! Undr te ptroaceof er ?? his Rsoyal PlACES WANTED.. . CTh1racter 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CnoR1oITB AY (to Bail from Gravysend early in K1 '-nlt lie-'c'- co irt Icy teakbtuilt regular poe- L' ?? 1 179 ?? car rerc-ter. belornring to eel. 0cc'h' . .i i'krecall, 'fIQIMAkS BREMINER.k lat I ci: .0cC', j~tot',d in thle Eot,.t India Decks. This, co 'c Clcc eccltlcton (or tco.-.-ene'ea. and willI, n - or frcic,ht o-, Ic-coe apply tot OR ]'WJ AIELAIDE I)cre,,cr (lind will Ilave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -I ,(IOUGHS. Golda, arid Aaihrna are instantly re*.l ?? lieved by Dr. LOCOCK' s PlLMOiO1 WAFERS, to be boughti of all Druggists, at lsa. ?? and 2s. 9d- per box. They b~am a pleasant. taste.. l~EMALE (,OM. LAI.N'S.-Leldies auffering' f~romNERVOU ATTA~CKS, Fayilattisa, Debility, Leaguror Sterility, or any: other of thoec dietroesang sifectione arising frorn causes necaiartfemes, rdvhich hare ...

Advertisements & Notices

... onaeela tsbls, ise. O(RIGINAL 01L PAINTIN y O and Moderm Mas ?? immense STOC nwnSALE, at un- precdelitedly low pricee, at C. NAYBOUP cn oo 4 rounry- aeet. nea Vare-street, Gentleioail fomn elriaadeut ietare dealerv are especially invited. IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. I~~te~g~~ea Cotreetnole trnh.AbD lee Travellers Proacoeding to the Continent, EAIt, OtES tlfe. eZ 1 EI ?? , can PROCURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S COTC01H SPUN SILKiS for SUMMER snd 5 A UTU N ifyWEAII, in all the CLAN TARTANS and neweert fancy pattcrns, moado in percououlet colours, aznd an extra stout quality, peanuaratured excluslvcls for Scott Adie, The Rtovat Clan Tartan a'ed Sceohd Shawl Wanreheuso. Patronisced bythe Quiecn and Royal Family, 115, ItEGENN-SrRtEh'T, corner of VIQO-SIltEET. I'atteors sent to thec OUlltry freo. ~IlRST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... console tablee, &C. RIGINAL OIL FAINTINGS, by Old and ,HOt. noe~e V~ere-streot. Gentlemcen donnin ?? ?? toounu iploture dealers are ospecelalo invited. C Travellers proceeding to tbe Conltinent, Eait, ConStvntisePleOo flos ond *e verye corngtatio tthi e° ,ullionarnd Banllet ?? COR 9 ~rdHret,-DAM~ N AU TRIAdNor 'LTn EREIOSE MAJE;S TY' THQJ]] EATRE.Ci~. I111 RCNINOMIl tOS4IL BlOiE ISa-3 rE. ier ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E N TT'S MODEL WATCH, 65, Cheapaide. B `iA g~re`at variety in silerr from 5 gus. ; In gold. from 12 guits. A-'41YS [AL PALA(2E.-Tttf public are informed ~Jti~t te ChAT COCKmantfacturtel by RENNETT~of Chea ,je elreol) ?? I 'aieeis ow rected In the entre Traoelto tre i earhe icted Inacton. t i cor~stru .,ted to strike totln o th re~citeie 5~e~~tn~twit ?? at radaove D¶IENT, 61, Strand, and 34 and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %R PORT ADELAIDE Direct (and ?iU leave V1 ?p?ioon the 11th of Au0ultC, the finefirst-c I1Il.ioh elboper - ?? soI?A *o the Jetty, I.ondoa LIoClO. ThIs ?? is well knowil U trade for her fsot 'ailing nalitico, has beautiful soocom. w f,.r cal in ?? t2ke a liinlte'1 number of socord (IC leeifhtor IAELL. ?? OPEN, and Co.. oe Mary AxoC or to flItlEitSON and TWEED. Jeff O??Q Cewyercoort. Corohlll, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALCLTT:~ fliret (with jinimediale delipatcli) I~ n .111fi.c1 liit clipper shii ltt'XPIIRATE,, register L 1,1. raidcog In tihe Lundt, Dock'h'. IWa coed ..T r.- r ruizht sr pa~-1lgt lid lly to JAMES OMBAY I) rect. - Te &'Is SOUTH SEA, 'H lo~~~ r o ,ionIch. hoe alher dead weightenlonboel~.. -.h 'ce TI eacuretnent goois. WiI mneet ?? l ~~2n~i ~ o .1 AMES T1 0IMSO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M O U ?: N I N ?? Publio are respectfuill M nforsured that MlOURNING of overy description, ht the greatest tariety, suited to alt requiremuents, t'psn tbse meost advantageous terms 'o plursbhsers, llD be found read' for Smmediate usc, with an ex* tonsiven ariety of eboslcc millinser, at 1' GWifS FAMiIL1' MIOU1KNG X tV.AllEIIOUriE, the tirst csteeblbehed in the Unithd Ringdetn, 163, Itcgtnt ...