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Freeman's Journal


... VASHZONAB.9E INTELLIZGEACB. OSBOItHFt, AUGUST 18.-The Queen anld Prince, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal. and the Princess Alice; attended divine service, at WhIppl3ghlam parish church, yesterday morning, when the Rev. 0. Prothero officiated. Sunday being the birth-day of the Duchess of Kent, the rnooing wai ushered in at Kensington by the ringing of peals on the church bells, aud ...


... ?? FAEZ4A A TZ-ZGENCE. V- 7 atl^L Cota.-4-HhsE1 llendy 'the Lord Lieutenant attendedL 5vI11 i ervice at tie Ciatiel Royal.o usun. day. The sermon wes presoed * by t* U Very, R.ov. thae Deat of Waterford. 'The anthem, 'Al laidtrns my cause, oh Lord, was saig yrt ms5ce. Hanlon, OROreI and awdtig,' andsiaters, Blce, Whieer, and ayior. - On Friday last Priniess Ahtite of:Saxony, fourth daughter ...


... * FASHIONABLE INTLLIGENCE. _ I [Eif e '2 -,~zNlezEZ.E TIE0P ROYAL PAVILiox, ALDEIIOTk, JULY 81.-The Queen reviewed the troops at Aldershot Camp, 'uhder the com. mand of Lieutenant General Knollys, yfsterday afternoon, Her Majesty left the Pavilion on horseback at four o'clock, accompa. ided by the Prince Consort and the Duke of Cambridge. The Princess Royal, Prhncess Alice, and Prince Arthur ...


... LITERATUR. - - - f nnX THEn BrnLEAGOEED 1HsAseTn; A NVLVnO Dolman; Dublin: 0. Bellewo).-A kind' of. msitery, which o 'ilbe altogether new to the readeso asinbe O5] pavdsti really singular story;- for it deals With a classy of ideass -which we have never happened to 00 ,f0rming thle d satple of such a book tef'ore. It vo~ldd be quite wrg to Is el'itar gous novel, for it differs entirely f'o th ...


... ABLE IWELLIGENCE, --;7A ?HIOA47BL-E ?'JVT?j lnf,.A I F,4 - -ri.. ?? anil Prinop- fli.P'Tr 7 .-Ehe ?? anea rrince, Toe rrsnu'e °S FrOn-e Alfred. th9 Princoss Royal, and Princess Alico of 'svFS the Fairyyesterday atternoon. The Earl and Countess ?? Generl Sir W. Codrinaton, Cflon I tle Mon. f COaendO a and Colonol the Hon. W. L. Pakenbam a'com. 0 Ceadogalu. The band of the Royal Marines played ...


... I f x, .L A- ~ - mgB (From fhtg nimes.) It is not very usual with us to discuss theatrical ralatter in a portion of our columns devoted to graver aubject tsnor )R should we now violate our ordinary rule but that a grave question of public morality is involved ia one which iB at 3rst eight but a matter of dramatic propriety. We are no IL purits on such Pointeb and are perfsctly w Uling to ...


... DEPARTMENT Or, SCIENCE AND ART-THIRD IIEPORT. MusEUM OF IRISH IrNDUSTay.-The director, Sir B. Kane, reports that during the past year the classification of objects In the museum has made much progress, and that important additions have been ?? for it. I he general arrangements are now so far advanced that it will soon be possible to pre- pare catalogues for the use of the public, and the ...


... TEATRIAe &O. , I - I QtMrik1`t' ROYAL.. flstrcV CiiertaIDMrtnt iwithin ~dooro admctitecliyhoald .be'aitidisoouet-durinugthi s extremely hot season.. ?? indeed ought hb the .nuee monen whiob can macneed In bringing together beneath theroof of a:,theatre durieg these evenings l aytbing -ike: a large assemublage of gentry and itizeas. Yet, notwithstanding the Intenseiheat of the weather at this ...


... . I; THE, E2[EI O ART TPREASURES AT , ~1. mA1CSTEB. Yesterday a, deputation, Consisting gof essrs. Fairbairn, Ashe, and Heron, members, of the Executive Committee of the Exhibition of Ait, Treasures, Fropeased to be held in Msncheiter in 1857, waited upon his Excellency at the Vice. regal Lodge at half-past one o'clock. His Excellency was iattended by Captain Everard,. assistant private ...


... I THE CouRT.--O9BORNr', AuG. 25.-'he Queen and Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, and the Princess Alice attended divine service at the parish church of Whippingham yesterdaymorning, where the Rev. U. Prothero offi. elated. IIlS Royal kighness Prince Alfred, accompanied by Lieut. Cowelil embarked from Southampton Docks on Monday on hoard her Ma;Jesty's yaoht Fairy, Master ...


... I 7ASHJOiVNA- BLg:INTBLLIGENCFR. ,OUTRAMP~ow -i 1vo. 5.-TEr CoU .6-HSWer the Queen, his R ad igighncas Pilnoe ?? ?? W0les tho Princess ttoyl Princess lice. ad Prince Arthur arrived at st this portlreis. 3aUIbuzy~thteSneSO hortiy after lie Wcloak sad embarked on board the roysl yaebtjht EXpastr (maunsder Balso,.iorsbornle Itouse..-.. ?? ' ?? . I Xthe r-koyal ;iii nesa a the Duches of Cam- ...


... - - as Tn3 RAhALX i B-iitd .L sd D.R& Hadaiase,. s). - The Rabue opens Mt t tiot with an admirable rvimew f Cheaviler Buntll'a work, ' ta Signs of the Times, exposing the very dangerous tondaney ar of that plausible ?? dootrine. Dr. Brnsen writes about _ religion:as If he realr mesnt that there wasaiuch a thzing'U religion; but on coming to examine the idels iwhich lhe ...