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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... T'INNEIL to the GUARDS on their RETURN JLIF from the CRIMEA. COMMITTEC. Chairman-The Right lRon, the LORD MAYOR, Vice-Chali ?? RANE;AG II; Liout ?? BlROWNLOW KNOX, M.P. The general desire expressed to give a dinner to the Modal Men of the Guards having resulted in a large subscription, sin invita- tion was forwarded to the ?? thetregiuctits, svho accented en behalf of the non-couinissioned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITISH ARCHiEOLOGICAL ASSOCrA- B TION-hlio THIRTEENTH ANNUAL CONGRESS will be hold, for Exanleiation or Soniersetshire Antiquities, at Bridg- water and at Bath, August 25th. and termuifating on the 30th. PATIRONS. The LORD-LIEUTENANT of the COUNTY and the LORD BI- SHtOP of the DIOCESE. PtRESIDENT. The Earl of PERTH and MELFORT. Excursions will be niado and visits paid to Glastonbury Abbey, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Is. NOTICF. TO OIABINERlS. ELCAN~ ENTRANCE TO THE THAMES. Cfl0 ADD10ITIONAL LIGHT. TRltNITYIIOUSE, LoanOti JucS 5, 1855. ~ ai~ been) determained that, for tho better 1 of th~~'e rnes Chainnel, an additional Light shall Jel. ?? crein notice is herebs, given, thtpeosyt r 1u~a eat, n LIGHT VESSEL, vitl! be raiored on the ic 0t~5imelabout- midway Ibetween thle Tongue III115' an RED REVOLVING LIGHT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~TAMto T.PETHRSBUftG.C0011NA- EtdPll1t of RUSSIA at )JOSCOW.-ThO ~il tOPESTEA NAIGATION QOMPANY'S Nai ~ I~S S1AM 5111' wil be espached from London f-li4 ~ Osil,211 Au~st covle~ying p.ssegert to St. * . o hir irec ?? and Flen~sburg. P f-i tio' eid~ OC ~tO 2~tiwill airrive at Dlo~eco on ?? ?? ttadviance -1V tle day fixed WI 0 ~ teii~FarO Ltrdo toSt.. Peterlsburg, inceludling JA and Proiitr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Under the Managernet of Mr. BUCKSTONE. TPIIS EVENING will be presented SECOND LOV E. Ralphl Thornhill, Mr. Buckstone; Cipt. Dangerfiela Mr. Hotlw Ilaw- buck, Mr. Compton; Ellinor Mowbray, hiss Reynolds; Mildred Vernon,. Misa M. Oliver; Lucy, Mrs. E. Fitztvilliain. To be followed by the new Sp..nlsh balles pantohile, entitled THE CAPTIVES. By Perea Neoa and the Spalish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EICGHT flOURS in BOULOGNE.-Chloar. ?? BIOULOGNE and ItACK, osl Sunday, itmlicr 14.-A SPECIAL TRAIN, in connioctoioi with one' I ?? splendd stearvers from Fokheitonewl ?? dt,e d'Ternihil, for Bloulogne, onl the abase dav. at 7 a.uin dolr from ,ulogn~ at 8 pain-Fares, there siod back :Co- l, -niaeS ,s seconds class, Iso.,- first class 203. No pass. ecr~2r Ig Teotitus C. WV. EBORALL, Manager. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORTUIGUESE BONDS.-The Goveinment Oi I E Portu al having assented to tilh teris of the agreement proposed and accepted at the last General Meeting, the under- signed reconaietids to those Bondholders who have not converted t their Bonds, that they iiow do so. Onl behalf of the Commnittee t RICH. TlORNTON, Chairman. Old Swan Wharf, Aug. 5, 1850. 1~IEXICAN DEBT.-A GENERAL MIEET-I M. ING of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROAL PRISCFSS'S THEATRE.-T Tbis Theatre WILL OPEN for the SEASON on Monday lest, Scpt. I, When will he presenlted (lst time under the presenit manaagenlelit) Sheridai'8 tragic play of PiZ.lAtRO. Rolla, by Mr. After which, wzillihe produced, a new petite comedy, in two acts, entitled OUR WIFE. TEtEATRE ROYAL, EHAYMARKEfT. Under the Manigemenit of mr. BUCESTONE. TilHS EYENING the perflormiances ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'hINNER to the GUARDS ou tlieir RETURN , fron the CRIMEA. Chairman-The Right ilon, the LORD MAYOR. Vice-Chturimeu-Viscolnt RANE iAG IT; Iieutenant-COlonel BROWNLOW KNOX, M.lP. Tbe general desire expressed to give a dianer to tile Medal Iln of the Guards havinig resulted in a largo siubscriPtiOtl, RAI inVita- tion was forwarded to tile Coloneld aomilidl3 the rg im ent who accepted oil behalf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,VFERLAND R~OUTE. STEAM to INDIA anti ciCIINA, &c., via EGYPT.-Tile PENINSULkR and ?? COM'YPANY BOOK PASSEN- ' 'drcccr;C goodsaund parcels for thieMeditorranea~ti,Egypt, 0 G ER6ili ,avCCvlO, Madras, aiid C lcctta, by their mail packets,I IadC5 thusnpion on (Ire 4th and 20th of every month; anid forI lea ?? iia Straits 1sf' those of the 6th of the month. For fartrher particulars, pply at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PASSENGERS per TRAFALAGAR, ?? ip wilpoed to Gravesend to-day', ?? oeon on 'lcday next, the 3 d Septembier. ~* ~l3 5~, ,~ceefoereq tott SOMBARII during thle F.G 11ar 4, Coruhaill. ?? to s1MIUNICATION between ENG- asidt li AVJSTIALIN by the EUROPEAN 4n Ace- ~~ Mlo AL AL COMPANY'S STEAM SHIPS- CI. -al'k 2 2400 tons ; 580 hemse-poiser. ?? getat 2ALSA ,.2,00 ,, D 1,900 ,, 150 ?? 1,900 ,, 110 Ps (1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Loc. STEAM railrl RAIL --The( 1?'U~bSTEAM NAVIOATIUN COMPANY'STAI 'o Wharf- rot CAMAB. el a oin. Sunday, Aug. 24, at, 7 moruing i ~ a 0arrriug IThursiday, An 2~, at 11 MOrN, ?? th lay eAuu. 3 1, ait 2 aft. i *rr. 7, a 11 ine.Thiu rsidri, S~plt. 4, at tenon1. irerrec r ClaS alooni, 1-s. l'Fore, 10A. Tickets IV ILL ?? - Tv ETRN RAILWAI.-CHEAP & ~I~loN to BATH and BRISTOL. -On Saturday, wlelylae ...