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... THE TOILETTE. Now ready, Priee IB., post free Is. ?? Elegastly Bound In T H.E T .O. I ' L ,E T ,T E BX IlfE EDIIL OF TiH HOO4EHFOLD BOO- OF ., PP.CIids RrcvjPTS This work will be foaund invaluable not only as a. guide for the improvement of the personal appearance, bat likowise as affording suggestions for the preservation of the health. Office, 7, Wellingtn-street Norhli, Strand ' MYSTERIES ...

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... DOMESTIC ECONOMY. New ready,-price s., Poet freeS.A 4d1 i1 a stiff Wrapper, the Eleventh Edition of that incoimpasable Doin6~tlc Work; , HOUSEHOLD ,-BOOK -OF 'PRACTICAL; XtECEIPT THE ~By MAIR. GO W. M.; RaxxsTs. This vohrune contains242 largsrBptes, p~rited ini double coisujin2s, ?? g ?? ld Domestic Offce, 7, Wellrlngton-street North, Strand' THE TOILETT.E' .: ?? ready, Price Is., post freeols ...

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... beILET, No. 23 HIGo8rAEso the upper part of the House-over Nos. 28 and i~ atreet. - Apply to~fr. Cxrsonn, Booksellerb; .. tr3 CHULMLRIGH AND CHITTLEA1 PT0N. _13tbe LET, by Aundion, on WEPHESPAst $ T 3t AueIST, at tbile FosTeu slsna Soutbmolton-road Station, TWO FARlS, respectively called HILL BEAD (ognaisting of upwards of 40 acres arable and pasture,) and HAWKINS. May-be seen on application ...

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... GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. oh Uzcsrsion tea ?? Weat of Nngland-._ R15~~4n ioth~~en (off~eringibead Devn)oz ll~ga t Waefiiud1rldne.M ?? ?? 2m 'Si :* sntou or TiveztanreoaD ?? ToayTtn1oo onwitrtun atrayso t legith Taunton or Ti~~orlon-ooad . 2l ?? loe deford ?? 170rST articl 1of GRE.AT-WESTERN -RAILWAY. D'EAFECUSO toXCUTRanSBIOSTO.n'~ lld ffl BEepTRAIN$ 0th, a RAN il ...

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... ___E7 T ROYAL, DUBLIN.- 1ri ITALIAN OPERAS. P cIa9 nsncn1 pleasure in announcing that Mr. de argempenta with the firm of Meesre. Cramer, bie b e ma for a ort series of ITALIAN OPERAS, ilBsl, 5r O MvONDAY Ssptember 15, 1856, wiith the lciog eineat ?? G MsPdirtfli Grin~, Maerdatme Lsnirii, N3Atlle Ss.dlatzek, Madame Amadei, Madame Gassier. si-lor Mario, Signor Slivianni, Sigeor Lrrini, Swanor ...

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... P R I N T I N G. THOMAS ALLAN & COMIPANY, T l LAW & GENERAL PRINTERS, Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PRINTING on the Shortest Notice. 265 HIGH STitErPT, Edinburgh, July 1856. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. THE EDINBURGH NORMAL SCHOOL TL will ?? on TimlensvD , thc 4ti Septemiiber. QUEI;Se 5 ScuoLArs Will not present themselves for Enrolment till Friday, the ...

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... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS& AU Connmamications, and articles of intolligeneo, intended for publieation, require to be authelnticated by the name and address of the wvriter. Unless this is attended to, Corres- poldents alay rest assured that no attention Nvill be paid to their communiiieations. ...

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... Loc. STEAM railrl RAIL --The( 1?'U~bSTEAM NAVIOATIUN COMPANY'STAI 'o Wharf- rot CAMAB. el a oin. Sunday, Aug. 24, at, 7 moruing i ~ a 0arrriug IThursiday, An 2~, at 11 MOrN, ?? th lay eAuu. 3 1, ait 2 aft. i *rr. 7, a 11 ine.Thiu rsidri, S~plt. 4, at tenon1. irerrec r ClaS alooni, 1-s. l'Fore, 10A. Tickets IV ILL ?? - Tv ETRN RAILWAI.-CHEAP & ~I~loN to BATH and BRISTOL. -On Saturday, wlelylae ...

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... BY MESSRS. MOODY' AND NEWBOLD l BURNASTON.I TIHE LITTLE DERIBY HOUSE: AND LAND AD- JOINING. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, X By Mlessrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD, 1 At thle SeabEAD EAOLE INN, in1 Burnaston, on THURS- DAY, the 7th day of August next, at 6 o'clock in thc Evening, i n the following loots, or in one or such other Lots as may be then determined; LOT I . A. B. P.l rrlElOld-Established PUBLIC HOUSE ...

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... CHARGE FOR THE TRI-WEEKLY MERCURY. c UNSTANIFPED EDITION. paid in Advance. On Credit. c Per ?? ls. Od ?? 203. Od. t , Ialf Year ?? Od ?? 103. Od. Quarter. ?? 49. Od ?? 5s. Od. STAlNVED EDITION. C Per Yenr - ?? 01 ?? Od. Half Year ?? 14i. i ?? Od. Qtlarter ?? 7. 3d ?? S. .t CIIARG'1 FOR THE \WEEKLY MERCURY. UNSTAMPED EDITION. t Paid in Advanco. On Credit. c Per Year ?? ?? Gs. U ?? 7s. 6d. t ...

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... nafuug states. NOTICE. 17eight by the Mail Steamers to Halifax and Boston, and to pe 3 1ew Y rodrct, £4 per ton, and 5 Per' cent. primasge. lurd brih on Parcals 5s. each and uipwards, ?? oBo. N' _ACELS f'sacdirfirontoCsizi.noOT5 fmrcaqr theprpose Cofsigto. collected and made up in coem uingie Psecagiesi, addlressed 0o00 psa-ty for delivery in crom' Ameica fr tle uroseofevading the payment of ...

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... CHARGE FOR THE TRI-WEEKLY MERCURY, UNSTAMPED EDITION. Paid In AdvaAco. On Credit. Per Year ?? 16 s. Od . ?? 20s. Od. ,, Half Year ?? 8 Od . l. s . Od. Quarter ?? 4. ?? ,. 5s. Od. STAMPED EDITION. For Year ?? '29s. Od. ?? 349. Od. , Half Year ?? l4s . 6d ?? ?? 17s. Od. Quarter ?? . ,, ?? 7t 6d. CHARGE FOR TUE WEEKLY MYERCURY. ENSTAMPED EDITION. Paid in Advanc. On Credit. Per Year ?? ?? , ?? 0$. ...