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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... COALS. ALWVAYS ON HANDS, ex SHIP AND STORE, a large quanfitY of Best COALSi for Huuse, Steam, Gas, and Malting purposes. We import largely of, and are sole Agents for, the Kirkless Uall ORREL COAL, ( 31. Thompson & Son's CARLISLE COAL, v BLENKINSOPP COAL, I Hurltord, SCOTCH COAL, Grey Southen CU.MBERLAND COAL. I JOHN CHARLEY & CO. t Offices-Donegall Quay, Steam Lane, a and Tomb Street. 2400 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEFST COAL YARD, B E L F A So ARD ANN sTREET, NEAO QUN'S 'RIDGE. T AM NOW DISCHARGING, PEII BRIG I FANNY, JAMRS MARTIN, Master, a Cargo of Best GILCRUX COAIL, which will be Sol1, ex Ship, at the lowest Market Price. UN BURKE l 2337JONB KE 1 HAY ON FOOT BY AUCTION. 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT ROSEVILLE, Whiteabbey, on SATURDAY, the 9th day of August instant, at TWELVE o'clock, about 18 Acres, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION AND COMMISSION MART, 5. SKIPPER STREET. 1T IE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY informs bis Friends and the Public, that he las commenced business as a COMMERCIAL & GENERAL ,AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION AGENT, And trusts, from his lengthened mercantile expe- rence, combined 'with unremitting attention, to secure for himself an adequate portion of public seppert. ROBERT MARTIN, co5MIERCIAL AND GENERAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST COAL YARD, Ann Sttreet (near Queen's Briidoe.) I AM THIS DAY DISCHARGING, EX Ship, a Superior Article of HOUSEHOLD WVIGAN COAL. 2419 JOHN BURKE. CONS E C R ATI ON. T HE PARISH CHURCH OF BALLYNURE t will be Consecrated (D.V.) on TUESDAY next, the ]Oth inst., by the LORD BISHOP of DOWN and CONNOR and DROMORIE, on which occasion a SERMON will be preached by the LORD BISIHOP, And a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONS E CR A TI ON. HiIE PARISH CllURClI OF BALLYNURE Twill be Consecrated (D.V.) on TUESDAY next. the 19th inst., by the LORD 13ISHOP of DOWN and CONNOR and DROMORE, on which ecasion a SERMON will he preacheld by thle LORD BISHOP, And a Collection made to defray expense of addi! tional outlay at thle Church for Stove, &c. An Omnibus will attend at the Ballypallady Station, at 9.50 Train, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST GENERAL HOSPITAL. TJHE ELECTION OF ONE PHYSICIAN and(1 One SURGEON to Iii' Bielfast Genera Hospitall will take place oil SATURDAY, the 30th day of August instant, at ONE o'clock, P.M. Dr. Lvjnch andl Dr. Moore, % lIo retire by rotation, are cligible for re-election. New Calnlidates are requested to seld in their ap- plicatiulls, %%1ithi their D)ogroes aid Diplorm :ss 1i dressed to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H1O L Y W OOD, A PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD A at the ASSEMHIBY ROOMS, BATH BUILDINGS, Hulywood, on SATURDAY next, the 1(ith instant, at One o'clock, P.i,, to consider the practicability of Establishing GAS-WORKS at Holywood, for the supply of Gas in the Town and Neighbourhood, at which all interosted are requested to attend. Bath Buildings, 9th August, 1856. 2392 STATUE OF TEIE LATE EARL OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. CONSECRATION. fIIB PARISH CHURCH OF BALLY-NURE ill be Consecrated (D.V) on TUESDAY (tie i9th inst., by the 'LORD) 1BISIHOP of re ,l( CO{NOR and DRO310RE, on xwhich n SERMION will be preached by the LORD BISHOP, a , collection made to defray expense of addi: i outlay at thle Church for Stove, &P. t Onnihts wvill attend at the Ballypallady *lt 9.50 I raill, to convey the Belfast Clergy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W., BEATTY, 21, Rosemary Street (opposite the Post-ofce), :CARVER- AND GILDER,. /A N IJ F AC T U R E R OF 'LOOKING- 1JY GLASSES, Picture Frames, WVindow Cor- nices, Gold Borderin'g for Rooms, &o. The Trade supplied, at London prices. 2440 NEW HERRINGS, DIRECT FROMd WICK, GI HE SUBSCRIBElt IS THIS DAY LAND- h ING tbe Cargo of the HARMONY, consist- ing of 520 Barrels Prime Early-cured FISH; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGEIN-TS. WIe beg to announce that we have made every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage and delivery of our uulstoeorped papers in the principal towns through- out Ulster, in order to meet the requirementts of the public, ansi rearder the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be madc, consisterrtly with our aim to furnish tie earliest arrul best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dress, Frock, andMorning COA TS, VESTS, TROUSERS, fIATS, 4c. at the H EI M ATE M P0 RI ON, 45, HIGH STREET, J. ARNOLD, PROPRIETOR. 1935 'NEW PARCEL OF TEA. JUST TO HAND, A PARCEL OF TEA, in which evill be found those ESSENTIALS so much sought for by Families, at 4s 4d per lb. Very Rich and Perfectly Pure COFFEE, at Is 8d per lb. JOSEPH ANDERSON, 1529 125, NOsTII STIREET. I N C 0 M E-T A X. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION AND COMMISSION MART, 5. SKIPP.ER STREEBT T HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY ' informs his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced business as a COMMERCIAL & GENERAL AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION AGENT, And trusts, from his lengthened mercantile expe- rience, combined with unremitting attention,, to secure for himself an adequate portion of public support. ROBERT MARTIN, COMfMERCIAL AND ...