Advertisements & Notices

... THE XING'S ROOKS, WI SOUTHSEA. R.HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to an- T. M nounce his ROOMS are now Open for the Soam- Euc vner Season. Chu The NEXT Sontme, MoxiDAY, AUGUST 11th. Ve' N v NAVAL EDUCATION. H~ar PREPARATORY Poe' R~OYAL. NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT, Ve' EASTERN PARADE, SOUTHSEA, f' ON D U C T E D by Mr. Thomas Eastman, CJ R.N., 19,L years .Naval hirs~uctor in I-I. M. Con service, five of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C8RIST CHIURCH, PRESTON. DAY SCHOOLS, DAILY INPAJTS' SCHOOL, AND LARGE DISTRICT LIBRARY. N Sunday net, the 10th instant, the ANNUAL U J COLLECTIONS are to be made in' Christ Churcb, for the aupport of the ?? valuable institutions. The sermon in the morniag, by the Bev. JOHN OWEN PARR, MA, Vicar of Preston, Hon. Canon of Manobes- get, and RUTS! Dean; in the afternoon, by the Rev. G. ALKEB, M.A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G REJ cE(;i;E ?? H.LT CII.APEL, Leels havig ben Clocd for Repaiir- and Allecelons, wvill be 11F. OPEN 1).on ?? Agulo Seved teenth 18a, Whlen S rvice will iso hell:~ the M-rising t balt-past teaj. ?? -d itte. N-v ,iglt solf- Mat six. ROBJlUTt~ BEV 11E, F-s tii %yPEN I NNd ?? ?? \iAN Kil',h-IjsND- 0IIILT, WESLEYAN CHIAPEL, LRIED'S On Thursd'.sl'i, Ao-moc doreet', ;olo -Wal n f S _.C~t1D hI th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HuE GOVERNESSES' .INSTITUTION, 34, A. Sb qure~-ro.WAGHSJRN. who has resided nmany years abrod, eopotfllyinstes the attention of the nDoility, gentry, and pr~nipal 01 choos tobeeREGISTER of ENGLISH sod FOREIGN I (~ENERAL DOMESTIC SERVANTS' kX BENEVOLEN1T INSTITUTION. 12, Sackrilleotreet. Estblihet My.104, fr he uroseof ?? Relic! Undr te ptroaceof er ?? his Rsoyal PlACES WANTED.. . CTh1racter 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fISS LEGENDRE will RESUME ber CLASSES on Al MONDAY. tbeFonJUTi[ of AUGUST, at 29 Ayr Place, 13 St. George's Road. mbe ,A limited number of Boarders can be received.l 30th July, 156. _ __ _ __ - SOUTHERN lPtIVATE INSTITUTION FOR THE d RDU'AU.0 ON OF YOUNG LADIES, MAX WELTON PLACE, PAISLEY ROAD. THE various CLASSES, under the Superintendence of Tthe MISSES IIARLAS, will be RE-OPENED on MONDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To EiNGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, aind CON- TRACTORS-ZINC ROOFING, including timber or iron framiework, is as cheap as slates or galvanised hon, lighiter and moro durable. Certificates ad miodels of various deocriptionis may be seen, and estimates obtained, on applicaticn to the Surveycrof ?? Montagne Zinc Mining Company, 12, Manclcestcr-build- higs, Westminstcr. Roofi constructed under his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -LITERKATURE I N . ?? ?? . . i . . .: ' .: .~ T : i ! TH. SVJB.PLINE EtINGDOX. . - (r. - 2 S[COND ie'TrlC.]. , The cure of tgming seemsltosbe ia the vey ?? of thte iedmontes5 an |;g° erlliient does its bea and it6 'wvorst to Cspread the disease. A co~ordg tei Mtr- St.' Tolsi~i ice lofttery sceurgta the ?? op tho people, event as the BlackDeath, prithe Sweat ing Siekna do,- etrciyed lives.. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eotwttrt g4oim to act. TO BE LET, For August and September, t ( OULPORT NEW COTTAGE, perfectly free from damp, 3 %J and finely situated on Loch Long, opposite Ardentinny. t Eight Beds can be made up in the Cottage. There is capital fishing at the place. A Boat will be let along With the.House,. Apply to Mr. Marquis, Coulport, by Ardeoitinny, who has for Sale a Four-Oared BOAT, 23 feet long, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jbzttoa~c g1of (c. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. COTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, J the only Oce which combines Participation in the WHOLE PROFITS WITH MODERATE PREMIUMS. The Premiums, at early and middle ages, are about a fourth lower t han in theother utual or Participating Offices. They are as low as the Non-Participating rates of the Proprietary Companies,-which they admit of being, not only with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REIDENBACH'S MILK of CUCUMBER, BR for 311aling seertingand irritation, sunburn, freckles &c and inmpartinR n refreshingecoolness to the ?? 6 5. quarter pltsto. B New Iond street._' o~in WVELLS AND CO. 210 REGENT STBIEET, LONDON' AXMvINSTE1R, AUBUSSON, VELVET, A RRUSSELSOnd TAPESTRYCARPETS. SP1.ENDID. sllot gBOCADES, Damask and Cbintzee, at m oderate prices. rotlerno, Deoignt, and Pricos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P R I N TI N G. THOMAS ALLAN & COMIPANY, T LAW & GENE1lAL PRItNTERS, Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Others that they execute every description of PRlINTING on the Shortest Notice. 2l65 H{IGH STBEET, Edinburgh, July 1856. VROPEAlN AND AUSTRALIAN ROYAL Ed MAIL COMPANY. The Directors of this Companly are prepared to receive TENDEllS for the supply of what COALS may be required for the Ilse of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEIRS WANTED. INTIMATION. N. the Process of Mlultiplepoinding and Exoneration raised I in name of James leid, Esq., Receiver of Crown Rents, Exchequer, Edinburgh, only surviving and acting Trustee and Executor under the Trust Disposition and Settlement of the late Robert Kay, Architect, Duddingaton, near Edinburgh, against Peter Brown, Farmer, Lawrencelaw, by Penicuick, and Others, Lord ...