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Advertisements & Notices

... TIF, Party who took a Gent.'sLight Brown Marled PLAID from the Steamer i Rothosay Castle, on Saturday Even- ing, will please return it to Capt. Smart, P'olice Oice. 'EOUND, on Weodnesday last, a GOLD WATCH and I 1 CiiAIN. - Whoever has lost the same, by proving their Jproperty, will have it restored on paying nll expenaes. Apply to Jas. M'Eean, Roundknowo, by Broomhouse. T~OUND, a Largo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P RI NTI NG. nHOMAS ALLAN & COMPANY, TI LAW .tc GENlERAL PRINTERS, Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Otlters that they execute every description of PllINTING onl the Shortest Notice. 263 HIGH STREET, Edinburgh, July 1S56. G EORGE CRUIKSHANK, ESQ., of LONDON, u the Celebrated ArtiSt, is at present on a Visit to this City, and ha- lindly eansentced to give en ADlDllESS st the ElDIN- BUBGli TI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Z~arstou~%,hopys>mp to FAdt di TO LET, Within Fifteen Minutes' Walk of the Exchange, i XTENSIVE Pl(EMISES with Steam Power. Suitable £4 for Flour Mills, Stores, or Worksliops. Could be Let as a whole or divided to suit Tenants. Apply to J. & R. Pritchard & Co., 90 Mitchell Street, Glasgow r rro LET, in Whole or in Part, these Large PREMISES S 1 lately ocoul)ied as a Dye Work, on the banks of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENT. UENTLENE, HAVE This Day examined the ERECTION 1 now being put up by Mr STEWART, Joiscol, in BONNING- TON PAR R, to be used as a STAND for the PUBLIC, to witness the GAMES whhich take place on FRIDAY FIlRS, thee 5th ntims1, and I am perfectly satisfied that the Erection is perfectly secure; but I would suggest that a Longitudinal Range of Supports be put in below the Main Bearers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLOWING AD-4ERTrSERIETVTS REACHEID US TOO LA TE OlR 1VSE'l:TIOsUN INA OUR EARLY EDITIOy.N1 OUND, a SMALL SUM of MONEY, wvhichi the Owner 1 imay have by:plioving his property, and pa3ying expenses. Apply to Itobt.lTaylor, 3pirit Dealer, 171 Craighall Road. WANTED TO BORRW, oen good Heritable Security, Apply to How0ie & Locklrt, IV Writers, 14 Miller Street. ANTED, by Tlomas Matlt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. V1'H PUBLIC WORKS, Crawford Street, Port.Dundas, 1 1tdvertised for SALE on WEDNESDAY the 24TH i EZEP . are now WITHDRAWN. MISSING. ILLTAaI WILSON left his Fntlter's House, 203 New S W City Road, on the 2Gth of June last. Age, 12 years.- f llad on light canvas jacket and trousers, dark brown cloth vest, end light g rey cloth cap ; stout made, reddish hair, light blue _ ceyss rbinill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... heal:% Jbs vfiriate -liarSP DiILNGA VIE- FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, tHE HORSES, CARRIAGES, and HARNESS at gre- 1 sent used for hiring at the Black Bull Inn hero. The Purchaser is expected to take the Stables, Coach Houses, &e., and carry on the Hiring as fiormerly, where it has been done in all its branches for the last 15 years. The present Proprietor ' retiring from the trsale. Applfy to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IONARCH FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COM- CAPITAL, £300,000.-ESTABLISIIED 1835. SCOTCH BRANCH, ROYAL BANK PLACE, GLASGOW. Directors. JOHN STRANo, Esq., LL.D., Chairman, Chamberlain of the City of Glasgow. E. COLLINs, Esq. of Kelvir.- JOIIN KERR, Esq. of Saugh- dale, field. A. GAL13RAITIK,Esq.,Mcrcllbnnt. JOHN NArIEE, Esq., Engineer. Aledical Rteferees. Wmi. WEiIn, Esq., M.D. I JOIN Al. PAGAN, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £ ENTLEMAN'S very fine GOLD HUNTING WATCH, GI been little used, worth £20, for £15, 15A. Warranted to go to a minute a week.-Buchanan's, 8 and 9 Argyll Arcade. ONE SHILLING EACH. 4TURROCK'S NURSERY POMADE aud NURSERY S ~~~HAIR WASH. The best and cheapest Artioles for Family use. ETURiIOCK & SoNs, Perfumers to the Queen, 123 Buchanan Street, Glasgow, and 33 Prince's Street, Edinburgh; and Sold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the 27th inst., a PM1 T OUND OST ST, on d esdneda 'Bight th I7his, ~tEt The finder will b e handsomely Rewarded 1 Vin it at the herl Ofiesn d 0 ie il A iig st.. . .. f OST ethc tChyde, betw en Daesbattotand Port-Gloraspw4 L a aFA'G Whoever returns the same to Saricen Foundry, Gluasgow, will re ceive a Re ea of of Ten Shgllings T OST, on Saturday, 23d Aug.., VasJLargs Quay, a Little L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~HE EINBUGI{ IGHLND SOCIETY'S TICKTS fe th GRAII) IANI uno' bead at thle PARE, INNES MACI'HESON, Secretary. TO WORKING JEWELLERS. ITIMTED limmediatelv, a Good WVORKING JEWELLER. Competent to undertake the Geecrel .Jobbing fin ?? and Silver, in a respectable Shop. Undleniable referenecs as to character and ability will be required. Far fiirt ierpautieulers, apply by Letter to Jaicobs & Lucas, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O T I C E. * LL PARTIES having CLAIMS agalnst the Cil late WILLIAM HAMILTON, CABISNETMIAKtEIR, 19 Ho1me Street. are requested to lodge the same, properly vouched, with. Hr JOHN S. GREENFIELD, Agent for the Hull and London Life and Fire Assurmnce Office, 2 Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, in order to settlementt: and any person indebted to the Decensed is requested to woke payment to the said J. S ...