Advertisements & Notices

... NOT' 'm Fsht by tl:c MXail SteftlP~0As to Haslifax and Boston, and to Newf, Yorl; sreot., £4 s'ar~ ton, and S per cent. primage. IP lralli on F.,rcelx 5r. eachl anid upwards, accarding to size. PA ILZ' gnri ditforont Congalgces, collected and maode, up in TI Sin to Pcleaer, dfrctcd ..on party for ?? in Amtl alti:cts tCU ' in l pM1OO5 oif- cycl--11ing the', pa!y:' ant of Freight, 0O a isoixop, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11RINDLEY'S WOOLLEN WAREHOUSE, 7, TENANT STREET, CAUTION, fup in nT BRINDLEY having bad several compliaits of the wear of Clutlil, fro pateswoba1ogh1unrn VV o cipled persons in the trade, ?? samples purporting to come from his Eetahlishment. but which halve not El been mande fromn Pure Wool, although they have teen charged the price of a sterling article, begs (not having arie such Goods in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Under the Managemsnat of Mr. BUCIKSTONE. THIS EVENING will be performed SECOND LOVE. Raiph ornihill, Mr. Buckstone; Cptalis Dangerfield, Mr. Howe; Haw- buck, Mr. Ci nspton Ellillor Mowbray, Miss Reynolds; Mildred Vernon, Mi r M. Oliver; Lucy, Mrs. E. Fitzwilliam. To be followed by the Spanish Dancers. After which, the comedy of PRESENTED AT COURT. Geoffrey Wedderburme ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Under the Maiiaenwrt of Mr. BUCINSTO E. THIS EVENING wvill be ?? A COMICAL COUNTESS. After wvlchi, the concdy of SECOND LOVE. 'aplt 'ilhoralhill, Mr. Hueklitone: C-platin Danigerllel~l, Mr. H-owe; Ilawbuuk, Mr. Or.upton:, Ellinorl ?? P^yiol'is 1:1dred Vernon, Ui 9 AlI. Oliver; Lucy, Mrs. E. Fitzwillen). To befolow0ed by the Spaisb D):ancr3, Witll tbo farce of LEND 31E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ppROACHING CORONATION OF THE TOE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. ejetors of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON f ~le.g diepotobed aeveral Artists to St. Peters- d hgscovs have the honcurto announce to their bsr9 bers and the Public, that the interesting cere. bef EMPEROR'S CORONATION, and the Iodeniatsrep~rsry and subsequent to it. will be fully ieottsedt i sente numbers of this Journal. ports of the proceeiings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~1EAM, from London to WEST COAST ofl AVRIA ~Te nw clppe vcrsY team ship IDA, A 1, 637 to~ne tev- r ntlintr t e -herS lur~e of Lloyds,'i, still be deotstached ft5~ te-tc~l ti kson Munitoy. Sepit. 15, for Gorge Batburet 5c~ca ?? si it, C ?? (Coetle, Aecra, Logos, toiany, Old tr~l-t. i' r' ~r, aI eracInils'P l 'M.6anehbwte goods will be ad-, OIMOO' ar aard or f ?? thinugh Mfeert. Carver and Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ciD 1 1ic.Ianeou,1 -cD'NCERT will b ge~,uosptonerer Eii' ih, In the Spacious Schoo A'Mar liill) IloILck rn Se ike an elticnclt choruns. 1511 ,, L; the C~onc'rt tO com01oetae at half-past, re, ?? Oelk stsr~vo~ aes,ls. 61 .; turcsorvdtd eats, 1is.; back seats3 C; sodgler. Ii~5+li.f, lovving pittces-Mr. J. Sykes, music seller. - Mai-oe 0 rlisll-sh ort, Holbeck; Mr. 'Whitaker, p~~srllr or I ens yt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIF, Party who took a Gent.'sLight Brown Marled PLAID from the Steamer i Rothosay Castle, on Saturday Even- ing, will please return it to Capt. Smart, P'olice Oice. 'EOUND, on Weodnesday last, a GOLD WATCH and I 1 CiiAIN. - Whoever has lost the same, by proving their Jproperty, will have it restored on paying nll expenaes. Apply to Jas. M'Eean, Roundknowo, by Broomhouse. T~OUND, a Largo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A T R E ROYA L, DUB LIN.- ITAKLIAN OPIEBAS. ' T. HARRIS has much pleasure in announcing that b made arrangemenuts with the firm of Messrs. Cramer, hesle and Co., for a short series of ITALIAN OPERAS, t '0@,imne on MONDAY, September 16, 1866, with the f0lswig emiinent artistee- fsdemD Griri, Signor Mario, Signor Gregorlo, ?dsam Lornni, Siguor.Salvianni, Signor Grazienni, bladlle lazeri, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MO- ,THEATREAROY A L, BRISTOL. j . LESSEE AND MANAGRR, JAMES HENRY CHUTE. QeEEN.sQuAnE, BRISTOL, AND AL 1REDsTnEDET, BATH. P3OX - OFFICE at BRUNT'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, o, ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, DRAWBRIDGE. ?? e Manager begs respeatfully t o announce that i in obedisn to a generally-expressed desire, he has made arrangements for one mare Representation of STILL WATERS RUN DEEP. THE LONDON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - E - 1t 9+ Y AL 1, ~D-I LIN' ITLTAE OPERAS. -; J 5ARBI9 haf much ?? - de 8[ e gezrena with theafirsof Ieaara timqt, ba;; h Go for a .hert Wsre of 1TALIAN. OPERAC, B^la, once MonpONDA ?? 16, 1866,; with to emnent artistes : : ?? Signor Mari, - ,,SignorGregorlo, BaB40e Grz00, Signor Salvitis. Signor.Grazianni,; lisdahil Lortzekin AIr. Tenrant Signor Revere, Diadlle SO dadet Signot .or ni0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, IIAYMARKET. ;,7nleler tbii -man;gernlrt c Mr. BUCKSTONE, THIS EVENINSC- Ni l he prenec'tcd Slakspeare's cmnc~ly of AS Y6U l.. IT. ir .li:,3d, Mini LoLh,. TO 1? b f wed.,e th. tlewt Spa-ii' t'ct pauto*iiiule, cevtitld THE CAPfIVES. i3! B Xrea Newe ajnd !e Sopavish Dancers, After wif!c. 'R 1- RtGIITS AND WRO(NGS OF WONAN. To cov dc with GMw ?? c- TIlE SPANISH SERGEANT. ROYAL ...