Advertisements & Notices

... OOKING. GLASSES.-The COMMERCIAL JL PLATh ULASS CUBIPAN' Y, Manisger, ClARLES WdLEAN Is.7d~andte. Fle-t-tret tand 165 oxford-strtet (notothe tame end the aumbers, -rve reepect-ully i she tho Nobility., the Public, read the 'rade. t ispect their es.rsive area waemetieut Stockof CSiIsNet Co SBUJLE. and PiERt GLar -SES. fraued in everyvriety of Etyle; onsole. cetre, and pser tablcs solid mahogany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. V1'H PUBLIC WORKS, Crawford Street, Port.Dundas, 1 1tdvertised for SALE on WEDNESDAY the 24TH i EZEP . are now WITHDRAWN. MISSING. ILLTAaI WILSON left his Fntlter's House, 203 New S W City Road, on the 2Gth of June last. Age, 12 years.- f llad on light canvas jacket and trousers, dark brown cloth vest, end light g rey cloth cap ; stout made, reddish hair, light blue _ ceyss rbinill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. DMIVINE SERVICE WILL BE RESUMED D (iF the Lord permit), ON THIURS DAY 4TrI. INST. 2604 NORTHERN BANKING COMPANY. rF HE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF T the ProprietorsoftheoStockoftheNORTHERN BANKING COMIPANY will be held at the BANK, in Belfast, on THURSDAY, the 25th day of Sep- tember, at TWELVE o'olock Noon, to trausact the usual Business. (Signed by order) WILLIAM COATES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kno~furance OomtPall(%, DEM OV.AL. OF OFFICES ^ - I BRITISK EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COOLPANy, INCORPORATED 1847. 'Results of nine years' business:-7809 PoliceiBiseuedlin860f £,C2,71,229; Accumulated Fund from Premium O Annual Income,1£45,481t1s.ld.; ProfitslDivided,28,00 i Ni'w OFFICES, 82, NEW BRIDGE-STREET, BLACKFRIARS, LONIj0~ JAMES INGLIS, Secretary AGENTS FOR BRISTOL. r. El. B. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... heal:% Jbs vfiriate -liarSP DiILNGA VIE- FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, tHE HORSES, CARRIAGES, and HARNESS at gre- 1 sent used for hiring at the Black Bull Inn hero. The Purchaser is expected to take the Stables, Coach Houses, &e., and carry on the Hiring as fiormerly, where it has been done in all its branches for the last 15 years. The present Proprietor ' retiring from the trsale. Applfy to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jr*9 Pa true rs vormg~ adv.:rlsen~erot in, thse Jletetry or, fferli'eaed to r ttenl I to tile (Aliawing explanations .cnPlY Rt thea 2Ercury-olliee, nmeans titat pcrsonctl arppb' -.'iees rnu-t 1he ITIVlo nt oar outs,:e Afita rlap c2itee letter a.nd number] Jrnyofle on ~ha op .cio ?? be niado by letter, posit patid, and in 1oo tahl Way Apoitatie-cto not in ?? with these directions eannot S be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..TO CORRESPONDENTS. Ws cannot undertake to return oommuications of whiob we do oot avail ourselyes. Communizutions should nlwa~ be legibly wtten, and on one side of the, prior only: If long It increases the dcli -dty of finding space for them. Whatever is intended t(i: inserton must be authettiqatod by the name and address of the =riter, not noeessarily for aublication, but as a guarantoe of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IONARCH FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COM- CAPITAL, £300,000.-ESTABLISIIED 1835. SCOTCH BRANCH, ROYAL BANK PLACE, GLASGOW. Directors. JOHN STRANo, Esq., LL.D., Chairman, Chamberlain of the City of Glasgow. E. COLLINs, Esq. of Kelvir.- JOIIN KERR, Esq. of Saugh- dale, field. A. GAL13RAITIK,Esq.,Mcrcllbnnt. JOHN NArIEE, Esq., Engineer. Aledical Rteferees. Wmi. WEiIn, Esq., M.D. I JOIN Al. PAGAN, Esq. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | HIGEa DOCK, SOUTH SHIELDS. ?? _ fl~HE .,Business of these premises, carried on . T ' i by the late Mr Edwards, will,. from I this date, be carried on by his son,.(aptain t EE S. EDWARDS, solely on his own account. e The Graving Dock being now completed and ready for immediate use, he embraoes this opportunity of as, a saring the public,. and more particularly the friends of his late father, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ORCESTER ATJTMN IEETING.- TUrESDAY and WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4 and 5, 18G. Stewards: Viscount Elaley, HI.P., F. W. Knight, Esq., REP., Colonel Ituahont, M.P., J. H. H. Foley, Esq., ?? Osman Ricardo, Esq., MP., and William Laclelt, Esq., H.P. FIRST DAY. The WORCESTER AUTUMN HANDICAP, a sweepstakes of 10 Bove each, h ft, and 3 only it declared on or before Tuesday, the 28th of October, with 100 ...

Published: Sunday 07 September 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3738 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL OLSYMPIC THEATRE. LmS82 AND MlAxma, Min. Avana WGAx. LastI de nights-of the semen. ;W nd during the week (Saturday ecIepted), THE I GRN.BW DMONSIERIL CharacersbyMe6rs F. obson, *5 and Danvers Mises Catleton, Marston, and Toy- _11u a n e newr Risri~ca, imynthological, pglslatical rba 6y, called MBDEA. Creon, Mr.' Rimey; Jason, iss Julia St. teorge Orpheus iss Ternanl Medea Mr. P. Bleoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -DEACE! PEACE! PEACE! A Nevr 8ofg,,(. illustrated, 2i. 6dI-1 The furore excited by 'The POIost G irnock'I will be 'oloe~zged by this new conmpotitionl-wortbly of fs populur writer an~ composer of tilat urnravlledsong 1IESSIAH, as sung by Madame Jenny (Gold- G. MY schnsidt) Lind, in limp cloth, 3s. &L.; the lirr 0Y in'1 C boards, 6s. 6d. ; folio. 1fe. Speeimon page gratis. and fl re the cheesy ...