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... flyorfill#. IRISH COURSING FIXTURES FOR 1850. OCTOBER.-Wexford, 2nd and 3rd; North Union (County Antrim), 5th and 9th; ltelleek (Fermanagh), 22nd anri 23rd; Limerick, 29th and 30th. NovciamEn.-Alount Loise (MAonaigian), 6th and 7th; Limerick, 19th and 20th. DEcct tBaIn.-.Molntaiistonwn (Meath), 10th and l1th; Limerick, 16th and 17th. At a meeting of tlie Directors of the Limericl and Foylles ...


... lat Its .Yq EOWTII RcMITTA, 1856._The first regatta heli in this picturesque and attractive locality took place oil Monday under the most favourable circumstances for weather and for the pleasure seeirer s. The Lord Lieutenant.proceeIed.-to .Howth, ?? by, Lady Dover, Lady Fanny Howard, and several of his suite, at a quarter-past one, and in ton niniutes after arrived at Howth, where they were ...


... $11¢l't.ilYg. DONCASTER MEET[NG.-WciDNrSDxV. Thc Alunicipal Stakes of 200 sovs each, Ih ft; two- year-olds; colts, Sit 71b; fillies, Sst 411b; the se- cond to save his stake. Red Hlouse in. Four subs. Lord Glasgow's colt by Surplice, Sst 71b (Aldoroft) 1 Mr. Bowe's Bel Oiseau, Sit 71b ?? (Flatuman) 2 A fine race, wvon by a head. Corporation Plate of 100 sovs in specie, adhied to a Handicap ...


... ?? - ?? I . 'flyortilvo. CURRAGH SEPTENIBER MEETING-185G. WEDNESDAY, S1EITVMBsR 3. Tins, the seconl day of tlie Royal September Meet- ing, was most delightful. The attendanice was rather limited. The running calls for no comment further than will be foundi bolow. Wellington Stakes, 15 sovs. each, 5 ft, 50 sovs. added.. Three Years Old Course. Sir T. Burke's b c Chiekon, by Magpie, 4 yrs, ...


... IA finite. :.M LOUGH DERG REGATTA. LAST WeekC this beautiful lake presented a pleasing spectacle. On Friday, the 12th, commenced the annual aquatic sports, and a more favourable day could not be desired. The rendezvous was off Drommeer, and, at a little after one o cloelc, a good start was effected for the Handsome Challenge Cup, valued at £40, and a Purse of Ten Sovereigns added:- Name. T'ns ...


... #11ortillo. CURRAGH SEPTE.MBER MEETING-1856. STewvAaos-Sir T. Burkce, 13art.; Marquis of Water- ford, and' Win. Quin, Esqi' Ranger-RObert Brown, Esq.Depty~afler ad Kepe ?? Match- bokqo. DepThtyHun'ter, Esq. liJeudage-Mr. Robt. ?? HYunter. ' ai The' bove meeting was 'biought to a most sati- factory terminaiion on Friday. Tbe weather was .faivourable,'and the running, tolerably good:- Post ...


... I?vI quittl Co. 1IOWVTH AND BALDOYNE REGATTA. TUESDAY, SllrTEMNBER .9..'Theo regatta wvas con- tinued this (lay, but in consequence of the unpropi. tiousness of the weather till noon, the attendance was much smaller thamn on Mondfity. The Earl of Howth, the Earl of Mleath, Lord Powerscourt, Lord St. Lawrence, Lord Talbot de Malahidle, &a., how- ever, were present, and seemed to take a warm in- ...


... -(04plyortinq. T11T. LATLI DONC'iSTER MS1iriETNV AND THI, SETTrING. -At Tattersall's, ott Molday, the business of the Donensler meeting wvas brought to a conrclusimir with that all-importunrt event tie sealing. Although several absentees Ivere reported and complaints were occasionally hearid, yet a large majority of the heavijest accounts wevre wound up, and altogether the meetilng, ?? from ...


... . '01yortia; O. CURRAGHI SEPTE.NMB 3R MEETING-18i5. TIURSDAY, SErrTFMB3In 4. Hew Mijesty~s Plate of' 1010 guinea:s for two anfl three yrs old-two yrs old, (ist; thlree, Sst I0lb; 31b allowed to mares and geldings. One mile and a half.' Mauqluis of Waterford ceh c Cheerful Horn, by Harlcaway, 3 yrs (D. Doyle). . !Mr. Watt's br f Citron, 3 yrs (J. Foley) ?? 2 Mr. Maxwell's b c Fireblast, 3 ...


... 51yortilto. DONCASTER RACES.-THURSDAY, T'IE Soarborough Stakes of 25 sovs each, 10 ft, for three-year-olds. Mr. T. Parr's Fisherman walked over. Handicap Sweepstakes of 11) sovs each, h ft, ?? 50 added, for two-year-olds. Mr ?? Strawberry, 7st Glb. (J Goater), ?? I ?? Dawson's Janet, 7st 91b (Bates) ?? ?? 2 Lord Anglesey's Tricolor, 8st 41b (WVells) ?? Sir NV IOotli's Fantaronade, 7st 61b (Bra ...


... ffljlorfiltq.? CURRAGH SEPTEM1B1R MEETING-1856. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. TimS above meeting, which commenced this day, was most fashionably attended, the balcony. in front of the Grand Stand presenting a most imposing front of rank,' fashion, and bltlaity. 'Th6'enclosure in front of the ring wias also fully furnished. Atnongst the nobleme-' snd' geiitlerne'e*presientwere -The Earls of HowIt and ...


... #porfiltq. Tilro Armagh Grand National Steeple Chase of 15 sovs. each, 10 forfeit and 5 if declared, with 100 sovs, added, comes off on Thursday next, and for it the following hories have accepted :-Mr. Ml Corry's Rover, agel, 11st lOlb; MKr. Cassidy's Sting, 5 yrs., ?? 61h; Mir. O'Fla, a's Rejected, 6 yrs., 10st 41b; Mr. Keelinr's Mlaid of the (Alee, aged,12st 21h; Mr. M-Grane's Penelope, a ...