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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Under the Managemsnat of Mr. BUCIKSTONE. THIS EVENING will be performed SECOND LOVE. Raiph ornihill, Mr. Buckstone; Cptalis Dangerfield, Mr. Howe; Haw- buck, Mr. Ci nspton Ellillor Mowbray, Miss Reynolds; Mildred Vernon, Mi r M. Oliver; Lucy, Mrs. E. Fitzwilliam. To be followed by the Spanish Dancers. After which, the comedy of PRESENTED AT COURT. Geoffrey Wedderburme ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMARKET. Under the Maiiaenwrt of Mr. BUCINSTO E. THIS EVENING wvill be ?? A COMICAL COUNTESS. After wvlchi, the concdy of SECOND LOVE. 'aplt 'ilhoralhill, Mr. Hueklitone: C-platin Danigerllel~l, Mr. H-owe; Ilawbuuk, Mr. Or.upton:, Ellinorl ?? P^yiol'is 1:1dred Vernon, Ui 9 AlI. Oliver; Lucy, Mrs. E. Fitzwillen). To befolow0ed by the Spaisb D):ancr3, Witll tbo farce of LEND 31E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERUVIAN FOUR.AND-A-IIALF PER 1 CENT. LOAN, 1853.-Notice is herebv given, that the followitll shur-, Viz.., £111,000. thle arniouttt or thle Retlem t~iol Fund fer the siX tiio ntlti enidinig the 18t Ssptember, 1856; and £65 0s, the aimust of 1accuniilated interest of previous rede!np. tiolhs, have bevon eiploved in the purchase of £87,600, nominal salme, ?? that tile follotwing Bonds have been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tONVERSION of the POUTUGUESE EXTER- i NAL DEBT.-Tho Financial Agency will be prepared to receive on Monday. the 20th instant, and every succeeding Mon. day and Thursday till the Nthn of December next, in order to be stamped, the New Three per Cent. Bonds of 185I , which were Issued previous to the ?? of the 25th ultimo. A correct list of the Bonds must be left at the Agency at least four clear ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE SHAREHIOLDERIS OF THE UNITY GENERAL A9gURWCE ASSOCfIATION. LADIES AND GIusTIMRaIN, rnHE very large number of commumications I T hlbave received respectilg the rupture between the D rectors Valm myself hIS rendered it Impossible for me to bestow the atten- ti on them their importance demands. I therefore adopt this mode of stating to you that I will exercise my best endeavours to oerry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NPANISH CERTIFIC.CPIS.-At a Public S Meeting vf the Holders of Spanish Certificates resrn-iting the fifty per cent. of unr ltd dividends of the Spanish Debt, held at he Loutloid Taserit tt the 29th April last, a Committee was ap- pointed fer thle i.sepo-e of takinr; tneasures to obtain anadjust- lnent of the claluts of the said holders oS certificates, whora it w as resolved, That a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, IIAYMARKET. ;,7nleler tbii -man;gernlrt c Mr. BUCKSTONE, THIS EVENINSC- Ni l he prenec'tcd Slakspeare's cmnc~ly of AS Y6U l.. IT. ir .li:,3d, Mini LoLh,. TO 1? b f wed.,e th. tlewt Spa-ii' t'ct pauto*iiiule, cevtitld THE CAPfIVES. i3! B Xrea Newe ajnd !e Sopavish Dancers, After wif!c. 'R 1- RtGIITS AND WRO(NGS OF WONAN. To cov dc with GMw ?? c- TIlE SPANISH SERGEANT. ROYAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,--j'rED STA'LS' MAIL STEAMERS for NUK Te- steamers aro 10w fitted with water. V',,wrte ttr, ad, IS ?? the dangers front ice, Nvill lot i ,tt o i rofiundllitd north of 42 (le,.o aittofo C~IO UKen to thle 1st Auglutst-mTllO stuainer,; ?? this II': ',i)JO~lATIC, Capt. Wxeor; BALTIC, Capt. COMSiTOCKte )\,fle Cap. tisi E uinitit tt and arc, appolainted to sail I indu ittr freit L~iserpoiol fct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISHEaNT.] TiE A UTIJORITY FOR THE NA ONV-OBSERV-- ANYCE Qf 2gL ,,5EVEFTH DAY. It is recorded in Holy Scripture, Gen. 2. 2 and 3, That, on the seventh (lay of the creation, Almighty God blessed and salictified the seventh day ; this lie did, without ex- elmption of any nation, or limitation to any time; the coiI1- uanid, therefore, is universal and imperative It is asserted in direct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VFRLND PRCEL$.Prepaymcltt optiotr-0 (Jci erand~oirois. Invoices callectdairntdlvr poo'.vel aidonrcliatiofl. Parcels and Packagei to Cai- of 0 orubay. andl Ceylon, 4th and 20th ;to Singapore CcJ' r34t or1ver moth. Parcels received till Sept.2- G l~~e plet~ o. W. WHEAV,EY anid CO. (la6te eed~l5t, and Cliaplins', itgent-cireus. ?? LIONUM1 VITX.~ TfteSOREKEEPEIIcOEN ItI.AL of th NAVYS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R'STALJ PAL;AC .Tbe Palace will lbe RY e e k PA &H.Te saturdlay execeylcd), open daily during theo present week (Stidlexpd) TromTn till Eight, ei'.lmiasof Ona Shillilig ; lstidreis half price. on Saturday opien at Twelve, adminssOn, Haldf-3-CroWn ;children one shailing. ?? order, G. GitOVil, Secretary. Crystal Palace, September 1, 1956. RYSTAL PALACE.-NAYAL MUSESUM.- The GALLERY of NAVAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fi \f ?? to acors the dan tilers do wict, wallero 0 ,opckllsoesilatil noth f 42dog.of ltitolo fom o iii'll~~'rie 1s AuU~t-i~osteaerscontrleiig his D~ frm ierpool br .0WdnsttOct. 1p i TI ' eneittOct. 15. Pi AITC enoiitoc . 29. a ~~crYolelae ensdaly. t Al Cictcabto, 30 guineais ;second cabin, 20 fo 1i1S 1wiist. No berth secured until the pas-. 21 ?? surgeon is utti, 'hJod to each tc ltil j e Lo ...