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Advertisements & Notices

... P RI NTI NG. nHOMAS ALLAN & COMPANY, TI LAW .tc GENlERAL PRINTERS, Beg to intimate to Law Agents and Otlters that they execute every description of PllINTING onl the Shortest Notice. 263 HIGH STREET, Edinburgh, July 1S56. G EORGE CRUIKSHANK, ESQ., of LONDON, u the Celebrated ArtiSt, is at present on a Visit to this City, and ha- lindly eansentced to give en ADlDllESS st the ElDIN- BUBGli TI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VFRLND PRCEL$.Prepaymcltt optiotr-0 (Jci erand~oirois. Invoices callectdairntdlvr poo'.vel aidonrcliatiofl. Parcels and Packagei to Cai- of 0 orubay. andl Ceylon, 4th and 20th ;to Singapore CcJ' r34t or1ver moth. Parcels received till Sept.2- G l~~e plet~ o. W. WHEAV,EY anid CO. (la6te eed~l5t, and Cliaplins', itgent-cireus. ?? LIONUM1 VITX.~ TfteSOREKEEPEIIcOEN ItI.AL of th NAVYS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R'STALJ PAL;AC .Tbe Palace will lbe RY e e k PA &H.Te saturdlay execeylcd), open daily during theo present week (Stidlexpd) TromTn till Eight, ei'.lmiasof Ona Shillilig ; lstidreis half price. on Saturday opien at Twelve, adminssOn, Haldf-3-CroWn ;children one shailing. ?? order, G. GitOVil, Secretary. Crystal Palace, September 1, 1956. RYSTAL PALACE.-NAYAL MUSESUM.- The GALLERY of NAVAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUt SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. WE beg to announce that we have made every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage and delivery of our unstasmped papers in the principal towns through- out Ulster, in order to ineet the requirements of the public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be made, consistently with our aim to furnish the earliest and best intelligence. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C-IHOLERA T A}ER.-omiteform U, 'si'rdinig ?? Sufesfo-Cloler at $adeie. ThRIgit lion. theiortMy: W Ciseotti-EN 'Ie1e . ED f' te. Charles phlAphibaiWbEsqM. ofth d'laltteeomlte ar' 11yprmil1 foor~EtotisadinHhtjHctereoo- dicinlO tt ce' accounots recie;teeteywhsilprun blb the C' 'tes tho comulil sfe h ret eest fedn osl fnesr SitnothOCt aSI ;tey ,litnti. ?? be received byMss. rect&Co62, Thyead-'- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of of Scotland's Premiums. 7 INVERNESS MEETING, 1856. HERNULEWICZ, MAIN, & aO., t MANUFACTURERS OF IRON AND WIRE FENCES, GATES, U RAILIXGS, AND BRIDOES, CONSERTATORIES, &C., 81, ANN STREET, BELFAST, .T AVE BEEN AWARDED First Prize for the best Iron Field Gates. First Prize for the best Iron Hurdles for a Fence to retain Horses, Cattle, and Sheep. First ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13SSRS. MONEY WIGRAM and SONS'4 p~~7 t~for AUSTRALIA.-For PRT PHILLIP o-ctrtOR I~'4on lie 11thiuclet),hltheopllendlddtpper( ~ ~ ~ ~ im,e~ in the Eao India. tineco AN THONY ~'teeetlot. rb~, fvonurlte chip hag ?? iand elegan~t andiitl eo third claill pamengers at moderatit Mecca ?? ow , ?? freight or pannsage avply ,s~ooa),4 I, IT. til ,tltGAN. otithi Melnses. MONEY ii~,1,.Lcadlutihall-stroet. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AmD LANDS. SUMMER RESIDENCES. 1JESRS. BENTLEY are now ready to forward to the Ar' Nobility and Gentry lists of ell the ?? Iouse3 TO BE LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, in KingestoWX, Killiney, Stillorgan, Monktstown, Ballybrack, Enniskerry, Blatchrock, -Bray, Wick B, Melabide, Saudaycove, County Wicklow, loowtb, Dalkey, Dandranm, Clonterf, &f., Comprising very many detached Houses Ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOOEING. GLASSES.-The COMMZRCIAL JU PLATE GLASS COMPANY Ifaancr' CHARtLES MLEAN u 79.andd 0, Flee-sbtreot, and 165.Oxiord-tr3oet (note the name and tU numbers). very repd!i acrly invite the Nobility, the Pablic and the Tee tO il'crt teiarvc extensiveandmeagnbicet ?? of CIMNEY ~O~SUL~ad PERGLASSES frmeed in every vaety ofet-.ylo an tie ableeooli1A mahogany table and cbeval glaaeee. coneote, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I p I E S S E and L U B I N. FRANGIPANXI PERFUME, 2sv. d. FiRANGCPAN-NI S~E s FliANGIPANNI SOAP, Is. FRsANOIPANNI POMAIE.s 2s. }ILANOIPANNI nNCENSH-1,s. od Perfumery Focters. 2, New Bona traet, landowL Sold everywhere. ?? by Royal LetterB J Patent of England, and secured by the ieals of the Eerle de Phar tnncl do Pane, and the lsiipenial College of Mcdwine. Vienna Triese. tar, No. L is sremedy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA T A E ' UO Y A . D'U BvL N: 1lM ITALIAN. OPERAS., !l. BABIRl b3as mach ple&auie in announcing that h h35 m0 arrangements with thd firm of0? hesrs.;Craner, Beals, and Co., for a short series of ITA11AN- OPERAS to clommence on MONDAY, September 16, 1856, with the fllowing emine~nt artiste :- 1adaMme Grisi, Signor Mario, Signor Gregorbp, Madame Lorini, Signor Salvianni, Signor Graziannai, ...