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Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUt SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. WE beg to announce that we have made every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage and delivery of our unstasmped papers in the principal towns through- out Ulster, in order to ineet the requirements of the public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be made, consistently with our aim to furnish the earliest and best intelligence. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of of Scotland's Premiums. 7 INVERNESS MEETING, 1856. HERNULEWICZ, MAIN, & aO., t MANUFACTURERS OF IRON AND WIRE FENCES, GATES, U RAILIXGS, AND BRIDOES, CONSERTATORIES, &C., 81, ANN STREET, BELFAST, .T AVE BEEN AWARDED First Prize for the best Iron Field Gates. First Prize for the best Iron Hurdles for a Fence to retain Horses, Cattle, and Sheep. First ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AmD LANDS. SUMMER RESIDENCES. 1JESRS. BENTLEY are now ready to forward to the Ar' Nobility and Gentry lists of ell the ?? Iouse3 TO BE LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, in KingestoWX, Killiney, Stillorgan, Monktstown, Ballybrack, Enniskerry, Blatchrock, -Bray, Wick B, Melabide, Saudaycove, County Wicklow, loowtb, Dalkey, Dandranm, Clonterf, &f., Comprising very many detached Houses Ia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA T A E ' UO Y A . D'U BvL N: 1lM ITALIAN. OPERAS., !l. BABIRl b3as mach ple&auie in announcing that h h35 m0 arrangements with thd firm of0? hesrs.;Craner, Beals, and Co., for a short series of ITA11AN- OPERAS to clommence on MONDAY, September 16, 1856, with the fllowing emine~nt artiste :- 1adaMme Grisi, Signor Mario, Signor Gregorbp, Madame Lorini, Signor Salvianni, Signor Graziannai, ...