Advertisements & Notices

... INVALIDS USE PORTABLE EL-ECTRICITY, r AS EVOLVED FROM FEINIG'S GALVANIC ELECTRO- XE7YER A TOR FOR PERSONAL USE. L ITS efficacy in NERVOU#, RHEUMATIC, AND; si FUNCTIONAL Disease- is traly rmarvellous ! ! C Thef irst year's Report (gratis, or 4d jy Post) oritains 42 PrAGES Oe LUTTERS FROM MORE THAN 600 PER a, WITH PULL NAMES AND. P ADDREsSSES, eured SOely by this little Portabldo Apparatiti, 'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W Parties answering advertisements In the Mercury are Taluested to attend to the following explanations:- Apply at the Mercury-ofice, means that personal appli. Gtlon must be made at our office. Address [cerpitail letter arid number] Mercuiry-officen meansr Chat appicastion must be made &V kbter, poat paid, kand in ao other wav. Applications not in conformity with these directions cannot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. Freight by the Mall Steamers to Halifax and Boston, and to New York direct, £4 per ton, and 6 per cent. primiage. ;,rIght, on Parcels 5e. each and upwards, according to sire. PACELS for different Consignees, collected and made up I Single Packages, addressed to one party for delivery in5 America, for the purpose of evading the payment of Fegts will, upon exa~ilnation InAmerica by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SUPERIORITY OF GRAY, DUNN, & CO.'S BISCUITS H S created for them a demand hitherto nnparal- lLlelecd, and notwfithstanding the repeatod erection of addi- tional powverful Steam Machinery, G. D. & Co. recommend Cus-I tomers to forward Orders before being in immediate want, so as to prevent inconvenience, in case there might be a little unavoid- able delay in their execultion. hlR WtILIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tiICULAB NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Travoiers proceeding tothe Contnin~en~atI LAEat. onstntinEople. he and£& ach paabl atal th prncial eno wthont doduetlon also forsien mecca' or ec~ryeO~ot570 m the Bullion and Buklog-office, 79, TTCH, SPANISH, AMERICAN, AUSTRIAN, JJ} and other foreign COUPONS, due Ilt July. ar, now being MpAID oesrciontatlon at a high rate of exchange, at the Banking-office of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... no! P MORNING CLASS FOR A SELECT NUMBER | OF YOUNG LADIES, 40, UPPESR SOUTn-STnEET, GSPOoT. |ll SS J. M. LEGCT begs to acquaint her Friends iL that she wil; have TIHREE VACANCIES for Pupilb at the enrmine Quarter. !rs September 26, 1856. of - oer TO LIGHTERATEN AND OTHERS. st, GOSPORT GAS AND COK E COMPANY. ^a fjIIE Directors of this Company are prepared co it-I d ?? TENDERS FOR LIGHTERAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Foth! SLIILLINGS PEA POMIND, T 1 IH, RIPE, STRON6, OLD.FAS1IONED TEAS-Carriuge Paid oil P'arcels of Mmx Pounds and upwarde JLV RIPE b~poif witbin 1OO miles of our 1p]oce of busineos. WILLIAM STEWART, TEA AND COFFEE DEALER. 18, GRUINGER STRERT, NEWCASTLE. C HE A P P A P E R I A N G I N G ! BEG to announce that they are SELLING OFF the ?? of their act vez'i STOK coosiotiu , PAPER HANGINGS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLAsGow TO COPENI0ON Splendid Steaneship ME RLI N A 3 160 Horse rower daptainl ?? Smal parels or Seden ox, Denroiark requiring 'ep. editious deliry maybe ~ntri i. . IVEOI, corn ffooter, klannl1srg .Ditch, [Ily day up to WeineeaS' erdthe in ataut, ait four OrClock. InauroaCo three per oot Frii'hs rasoable. TOBEFSTvd FLEETWO0D, 'EVRRY EVENING. .j4~0c~y~ntway(Ytrtcrr StoenO.t Fleettlw~ 1.5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pts the ing :al- 'hc ind ner ate qr. the Ally art ory his for the le. I. nty the :hat ling :on- ces- nsl,; laret kore 3ur- nce his his the tion 0ool end that ted . .t a the I a and bler ably the left the ived le is ious Don- r of tent ;*glbl IUl d. e A S MANTLES and JACKETS are so A s very gencrally wvoru this season, J. MAC LENNAN, 36, CHURCH-STREET, (aPPOSITF PARREsrnlrEHTr, Has made ...

Advertisements & Notices

... roapwtico for 5alt. FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, TENEMENTS of WO3RKMEN'S HOUSES, substantially 1L built, fully Tenanted, and will be Sold to yield a good return. Also, GROUND TO FEU, or for SALE, in St. Yin- -cent Sti-eet. Apply to 31. T. Fozier, 46 Retfield Street. COTTAGE AND GROUND FOR SALE. T HE COTTAGE, AtMADEIRA LOWE, in Duke Street, TDunoon, and the GROUND, 36 Poles Imperial. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .5, . -~vrts.. %. . - - N OTICE.-BRITISH PROTECTOR . L1FF fl N ASSURANM COMPArY.-BRANCH OFPICES REMOVED .LJ TO 7, RK ETSTREET.-Buslnesa for the year ending, July 21: - Policies inued, 1,305s Sums assured, £126 182, A beinra firet-class general busineas, and showing the coindence of the A puhe in this company. Mr. .. W. WiLLIAMS, Manager. .D. HE. LANCASHIRE INSURANCE E oxchange-atree8t St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New Dress Wiuseys, Cobirgs, Prints, &C. A BERDEEN and Perth best nmade WINSE.YS, 500 Pieces Cso *oumvilc[ItCRS, us every shndc, from 4d to Si Is 2aper yard. I 470 Pieces New W-1de PRINTS, :3d, 4.1, 5d, 6d. New Che'ked WINSEY l;IESSE`S, 9s to }(;s. New FLOUNCED DRESSES, 12s Wd to 22s. The' ile Striped l;iyasey Pctticoat, teore Ivithount a scamt, Ss 6d to 12., Gd cech. AT FATR1ICE: COLLIB'S, ...