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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... roapwtico for 5alt. FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, TENEMENTS of WO3RKMEN'S HOUSES, substantially 1L built, fully Tenanted, and will be Sold to yield a good return. Also, GROUND TO FEU, or for SALE, in St. Yin- -cent Sti-eet. Apply to 31. T. Fozier, 46 Retfield Street. COTTAGE AND GROUND FOR SALE. T HE COTTAGE, AtMADEIRA LOWE, in Duke Street, TDunoon, and the GROUND, 36 Poles Imperial. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hales ba auction.1 PUBLIC SALE THIS DAY OF 200 BAGS SHIP BISCUITS, 2BGEq. ? WHEAT FOR FEEEDING POULTRY,_ 7 B UTTS FAMILY BUTTER, ;Cll SE, SOAP, TEA, 100 EMPTY BAGS, C BIF 3 ?? H OPFITTINGS AND UTENSILS, &c., &o. 3Mz will be Sold, by Auction, at 11 Virginia Street, To- £ Bhs-Cf biday) the 24th October, at Twelve o'clock, 200 Bags 5i4pl wssll,20 Bags Wheat for Feeding Poultry, 100 Empty , k3s ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLOTVIYG ADVERT'ISEMENTS REACIIED US TO O LA TE FOR INSEER TION 1NO UR ARL Y EDITION. 0OST, Yesterday Morning, from Wallace Street, Tradeston, 1 an EAST INDIA PARROT, grecn colour, with red bill, and a red ring round the neek. Any person returning it to AMessrs. Aorrison, 32 Eglinton Street, itill be Rewarded. S TOLEN or STRAYED, from a Pairk near Kirkintilloch, 1 a Brown Fat I[IGIILAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INFORMATION WANTED. REWARD OFFERED. w N 1845, JOHN YUILL, a native of Glasgow, then about 1L 29' years of age, Son of JO0IN YUtir,, sometime Wine and Spirit Ms~erchlant, and residing in South Wellington Street, HsutchesoutOwl, Glasgow, disappeared from that city, in which ale had served an Apprenticeship asff Hatter., It is conjectured that he may have gone to America, having been previously ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . . foosanctc ROtO . THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND T LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EsrALIscEnD IN 1836. (EMPOWERnD SlY SPECIAL Aurs OF PARLIAMENT.) OFFICES. 37 Castle Street, Liverpool; 20 and 31 Poultry, London; 61 King Street, Manchester; and 128 Ingram Street, Glasgow. SCOTTISH BOARD OF DIRECTORS. THOMAS RICHARDSON, Esq., Glasgow, Chairman. ROBERT STEELE, Esq., Greenock, Deputy-Chairman. J.C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUNTERS FOR SALE. HIESNUT HORSE, 8 years old, up to a heavy weight; has pr J been hunted Two Seasons with the Lanarkshire and] I Rbnfrewslirc, and the Linlithgow and Stirlingsliire Fox B. Hounds; also goes in single and double harness, and a first- Li rate Hack. Is now in the best condition to commence the Sea- B, son. 001 DARK. BROWN MARE; has been regularly hunted with cht the above named ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH1E FOLLOW.ING ADVFERTISEMFN'st REACH1ED US TOO LA TE FOR I.YSE2R ICON IN OUR EARLY ED127O0. r OUND,01on 9th instant, a Bhlmk NPWFOUNDLAND} ,L DOG. If not clained. in Eight Days will be Sold to defray expenses. Apply at (;5 Bell Street. W17ANTED, for the Office of an Iron Foendry in Town, a, BOY from 13 to ll yenis of goe. Apply by letter, addressed Coin, Herald Office. ANTED, an Active ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OG~O LOST, in Partick, on the 19th inst.-A Black and Tan JU TERRIER, five months old, long ears. Whoever returns it to A. Hamilton, Hillhead, will be Rewarded. If found in the possession of any one after this notice they will be prosecuted. UUND, a YOUNG DOG, which the owner may have on roving his property and paying expenses. If not claimed vithin Eight Days, will be Sold. Apply to Mr. George ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vrovertico for Salo PROPERTIES FOR SALE, F various Classes, from £1300 to £10,000 value. A List, with particulars, furnished oni application to Wim. J. Carswell, Accountant, 135 Buchanan Street. FOR SALE, COD HOUSE PROPERT Y, wvest end of Partick-Apsley G and Meadowbank Houses-along with the GROUNDS around them. For Titlo Deeds and other particulars, apply to Robert Walker, Esq., 54 Miller ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WITHDRAWAL OF' SALLD-'' THE SALE of PROPERTY, CORNER of OSWALD 1 STREET and BROOMIELAW, advertised to take place on the 29th current, is WITHDRAWN. I O c Evening of Tuesday. last,.a RUSSIAN LEATHERPOKET-BOOK, containing a statement of Orders~ and Noney. Any one bringing the same to 251 :3uchiehall Street will be Rewardedi'!- - L OST, last Monday, ?? House and 1Langbank L Station, a Long MARTEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N 0 T I C E. * 7'HE SALE of the TENEMENT at the Corner of GARN- 1. GAD ROAD and MIDDLETON PLACE, WILL N{OT TAKE PLACE on the 15th instant. J. & M. C. GRAHAM. THE Friends of the YOUNG LADY who disappeared some T time since from Inveraray (Miss A. B.) may learn some- ?? of her by advertising their address in the Glasgow Herald. T OSTa Small TERRIER DDOG,,with cocked ears, rough : white and brown ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Published, in Demy 8vo, Price 7s. 6d., MANUAL of BANKRUPT LAW, or ANNOTATIONS M on the recent SEQUESTRATION STATUTE, with Forms of Procedure in Bankruptcy; comprising also the MERCANTILE LAW AMENDMENT and JUDICIAL PROCEDURE ACTS. By JAmfs MunDocCT, Esq., Member of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow. Revised by HuGE BARCLAY, Esq., LL.D., Sheriff-Sabstitute of Perthshirer. ...