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Freeman's Journal


... ?? .FASiIOVAE Bi 'I TET:l son; N WINDSOR, OCTOBER 23.-There*Ywa5- 11O ?? tionto-theroyal dinner party yesterday. The Queon walkedin the CVtle grounds this morning. Prince Albort, with the Prince of Wa8 and Prhice Alfred, rode out o llorseback. The Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Mary visited her Mjeity. Qrieea Christina ot Spain will lesve in a few days for Rome, where she intends to pass ...


... I FASHIONABLE INTELLJGRNCB. I WINDSOR, OCTOBER 29i.-The Queen and Prince, accompanied by the lrincess Royal, the Duke-of, Camnbidge, the French Ambassador and Countess Persig y, drove out iu op48 carriages yesterday afternoon, attended by Viscounts3s ,Joeelyn and the Hon. Caroline Cavendish. The dlunnr partY included her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent. her Royal Highness the Princess Royal ...


... - BALmORAL, Oct. 2.-Her Majesty the Queen, with the Prince Consort, their Royal HighnegseS the Princess Royal and Princess Alice, drove to Strath-Don yesterday, return. irg by Gtern Shiel. There was no addition to the royal dinner arty yesterday. The Court is expected to leavo BEsmoral on rursdaynext, for the south. Her Taejesty will visit Osborne before the close of the month. His Royal ...


... - I~s- Tree WAm.-_Zy W. H. Rusell, the VN(8'CorVeaou t I (G. Roulcredls rai'd Co., Farrilagdonte-sfe LOsdon AOasl~ss -tid Gill, Dublin.)-The second volume of the History of the War, by Mr. W. H. Russell, or, as we should now call him, Dr. Russell, the famous correspondent of the Timies, has Just been published by thelessr i. Routledge, of London. It contains all Mr. Russell's correspondence ...


... FASHIONABLE INTELLIGEMCB. BALMORAL, OCT. 7.-The QUeen, accompanied by the royal Princesses and Prince Alfred, and attended by the ladles and gentlemen in waiting, went yesterday to Glen Vcg, whenco her Majesty and party rode to the top of Craig Clumy._.. His royal highness went to the hill deer stalking. The royal din- ner ?? the Duchess of Keut, the Prlnoess Amealia of' Hohenlohe ...


... I F 'FASL~ZO~4E~E '1T.9LZIGE*CE - . . v , . V'CletEALt COUBT,_-Hi Excellency entertained km T0I Y*evephgs.~.H Grace the Ar-chbishop of Dub~It 5Md, Miss Whatelyi, Lay Dover, Him XL -A apel, the- LaidChanceflor, the Chief BAron, the Alttrnej-Geh~j1-, tlhe 'Solieltor-General ,colQ61,laand hirs'Xdrcom; Coloziel asd- Mrs lsrowne,'CzpfaIA ana M'~rq cjofton, CaptalA psid Mrfs Whjttg, Mr and. Mrs:J Q ...


... 1IcFASHIONABLE ANTTEMLIGENCE. WINDSOR, TnUrtsuAY, OCT. 16.-The Queen ann Prince Albert, with the Princess Royal. Prince Afred, and the princesses Alice, Helena, and Lounds, attended by the Dttchesf of Wellington, the Hon. Mary Seymour, Lord Pasnnure, Major General -the non. C. Grey, Colonel the 'Han. 0. h. Phipps, and Lieutenant Cowell left Balmeral yesterday morning at eight o'clock, and ...


... TnrATttn ROYAL.-TsE 'ITALIAN! OPPRIA -The first or the three operase constituting the repertoire of the brief engage- ment effected by Mr. Harris with the leading vocal aris-ties of her Majesty's Theatre was presented yesterday evening beiore an audience which might with Juqtiqe bo called an overflowing one. There were no disappointed multitudes outside who had. Ito retire discontentedly, as ...


... BALLINASLOE M 1''I:' ' (FROM OUR OwYS cortEic5ONDEST.) iBellinsaloe, Monday MOrfllng, 6th Oct., 1856.. Nine o'Clock. The sorry appearance of the fair green this morning showed In the most unmistakeable manner the enormous sales that were made on Saturday. Flocks are certainly still coming lopbut up to the present the show of eheep is much leas than I ever saw it on the second day. There wreo ...


... ANTIENT CONCERT ROOKS-MR. HARRIS'S CONCERTS. The first of this series of concerts took place last evening. The audience was meagre, but weahesitate not to predict that saah will not be the case on this and future evenings. Those mho were present at last night'e concert will, doubtless, speak of the teautiful Instrumental eflects produced by the combined performances of the members of the ...


... Tits UNIVEREITY IMAGAziNaz-(Dtb!hiS: Meteaar. Hod9es and Sieila)--Wae have been late in our uvual notice of this magazine, not from eny indifforeuce to its welfare or a want of appreciation of its contents, but simply the pressure of other matters on oar attention. Glencore leads the num- ber; the young heir appears in the new character of a suc- ceesful sculptor, and his sudden eminence ...


... TEIEATRlCALS.. THEATRsE IRovAL -The ergagement of ?? very clever anti original comedian, known as Sir William Don, Bart., has hli- therto succeeded in drawing together full and fashionable houses. Last evening's audience was particularly good, taking Into account the number and variety of other entertainments nowv preented in Dublin. The performanoes commenced with the petit comedy of Used UVp ...