Advertisements & Notices

... INVALIDS USE PORTABLE EL-ECTRICITY, r AS EVOLVED FROM FEINIG'S GALVANIC ELECTRO- XE7YER A TOR FOR PERSONAL USE. L ITS efficacy in NERVOU#, RHEUMATIC, AND; si FUNCTIONAL Disease- is traly rmarvellous ! ! C Thef irst year's Report (gratis, or 4d jy Post) oritains 42 PrAGES Oe LUTTERS FROM MORE THAN 600 PER a, WITH PULL NAMES AND. P ADDREsSSES, eured SOely by this little Portabldo Apparatiti, 'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. Freight by the Mall Steamers to Halifax and Boston, and to New York direct, £4 per ton, and 6 per cent. primiage. ;,rIght, on Parcels 5e. each and upwards, according to sire. PACELS for different Consignees, collected and made up I Single Packages, addressed to one party for delivery in5 America, for the purpose of evading the payment of Fegts will, upon exa~ilnation InAmerica by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNERAL EXTORTION AVOIDED. -By FL xecutore mud bereaved Relatives of deceased noblemen, gen. lemen; tradesenpnd r others e~nding. Inthf ihrst tnstance toeSmI, LIBE ER'S ESTA LISli itE NT, CITY-ROA^D, ?? usmr, or No. 12, lorthqstreet, Quadrant, Brgton, iitead of emP oyi'ng Uhebruphols~teror, ?? undetler, vvho not possessm the needfuu requirements, resort to the ?? to h're tem, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MANTLES and JACKETS are so A very generally worn this season, J. MAC LENNAN, 36, CHURCIH-STREET, (oPPosicT PARKRs-sTstRET), Hius made arrangements to hava a Case of Paris MANTLES and JACKETS, in Velvets, Reversible Cloths, and all the otber Fashionable Materials, deli- vered every week for the next two manths therefore thoso Ladiee desirous of having the Fashions as soon as they make their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C-- ,$a s by Aucftion. ON TUESDAY MORNING. M JAMNES PRhiCHON, at his large Sale-rooeo, 32. Trini'y Kr JC s trec. Leds on Trieseaio noea. rhe T-centyl-eiqhth October tir7 . QlITAN 'qmTY of HOUSE HOLD FURNITTIRE TB A,,o other EFFECTS. Sale at eleven s'clock. Ocli be - iTvSDAY AFTEtRNOON, rthre v ljIRS FUntoE, at his large Sale Roonsi', 32, Trinity- I duct ' S P Leeds3 ors Teessiep ulfr, ntv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hales ba auction.1 PUBLIC SALE THIS DAY OF 200 BAGS SHIP BISCUITS, 2BGEq. ? WHEAT FOR FEEEDING POULTRY,_ 7 B UTTS FAMILY BUTTER, ;Cll SE, SOAP, TEA, 100 EMPTY BAGS, C BIF 3 ?? H OPFITTINGS AND UTENSILS, &c., &o. 3Mz will be Sold, by Auction, at 11 Virginia Street, To- £ Bhs-Cf biday) the 24th October, at Twelve o'clock, 200 Bags 5i4pl wssll,20 Bags Wheat for Feeding Poultry, 100 Empty , k3s ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... InEi)r of ?? SECOND' HALF- jlP'Y; .RLY DIVIDEND, being at the rate of Teti Shillingos MCil will hO PII. on: :e 13ONDS of the CONSOLIDATEi) hE.T,:1 lhte 1 opu',lic rt hCUADOR, on ard alter the ?? of Noavpl.'r lett, at the office Of th: Ecuator-!r Comimission o, Agce',. N:a. 11, Aistiut-fr'ar. %eare forum iwy bo obtained. O- o;cr 3.; 150.. E iR MAJESTY'S THEATRE, -.E - tile. PICCOL(MINI wili ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. J.. MIdlle. IvCCOLOMIlNI.-PEDUCM3 PRICES. TIS EVENING, Saturday October v5, LA TRAVIATA. Vi ,letla, E2dlic. i'lccolomini. ?? further representation can popebly be given, Mi3llse. Pico. olsoinil' Paris enmgemeut rendering her departure imperative. Pit, 3. 6f. ; galely, 2H. JIER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. HiM, JULLIEN'S ANNUAL SERIES O0 CONCERTS, FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. )1. JULLIEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DENTAL SURGERY. ESTABLISHED IN VIE NORTH OF ENGLAND FOR UPWARDS TWENTY YEARS. IW SSRS. MOSELY, SURGEON DENTISTS, Of 80, 1PJL Berner's-street, Oxford-street; and 42, New Bond Street, London; 15, Chapel-street, Preston; and 92, Bold-street, Liverpool, have the honour to announce that they may be consulted daily at their Preston residence 15, Chapel-street, Preston. The Messrs. M. are now enabled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLOTVIYG ADVERT'ISEMENTS REACIIED US TO O LA TE FOR INSEER TION 1NO UR ARL Y EDITION. 0OST, Yesterday Morning, from Wallace Street, Tradeston, 1 an EAST INDIA PARROT, grecn colour, with red bill, and a red ring round the neek. Any person returning it to AMessrs. Aorrison, 32 Eglinton Street, itill be Rewarded. S TOLEN or STRAYED, from a Pairk near Kirkintilloch, 1 a Brown Fat I[IGIILAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~TA NT BDtwo good .Wheelwrights. W A Constant emploi ent will be given. Apply to g1r. JOHN REED, Morchard Bishop. TO CARVERS AND CABINET MAKERS, BROTOK and Co., Exeter, have a VV. Vacancy for an experienced Carver. Constant employment and good wages will be given. Also, for Two or Three Men as Cabinet Makers. A GRAND PIANO to be Sold, a Bargain. TBROCK and C:o. respectfully announce W, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P Ch.t L'iss ZA! ?? is 1i0',) ~.tacrriii is sdria, isir ?? Sir,' my5 5 V stisiost, tic t i 7 wr s Msade,. 1,TiC '& SAUCIVE I, ! *. , thi n~r incirinl dealers~ in nsoree.. Co~~YS PECTORAL CAN1IIY.-Dr. Kernot W 5 DI Chris- ~ureet, Poplar, writes, I feel pie -sure in ye. .~enil5C -,Oliy5 eetorol C'indy in Pulmonary Coin- Liit Ijsltaus'Oi.: Coughs. Colds, Asthma, and Affections of pli' xi .u: ? ...