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Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS EVENING. MI'ENT EE'S BOO K M ART, 86, JIERCULEC STREET, Belfast. UHEIIE will be a SALE oif Books, Prints, and 1 Music THIS EVENING, at Seven o'clock. The selection of Valuable Works already adver- tised will be3 sold on MONDAY Evenilng, See Catalogues-to be had at the lart. M D p. MI'ENTEr, Auctioneer. ZLParties having lBoioks, &U., t dlispose of, are respectfully informed that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITRINITY CHURCH SUNDAY AND DAILY MALE, FEMALlE, AND INFANT SCHOOLS. r~ H ANUAL SERMONS WILL BE ri- P H E ANcAdo willilng, in Trinity Church, on SUNDA Y, Novernber 30,1856, by the Rev. T. CAMPBELL, MIA., Incumbent; After which a Collection wvill be made in aid of these Schools, in which upwards of 300 Children of all denominations receive a sound secular and Scrip- tural Education. 3 YOUNG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LET US REASON TOGETiqii. Id T3 OLLOWAY'S PlLLS.-WHY ARIE WE SiChi ?- e ?? It has been the lot of ?? human race to be ?? dt down by disease and suffering, Holloways Pills are ie adapted to the relief of the wen;, the flervous, tie delicle avd W the infirm, of all climes, ages. exe8, and ounititutiOns. Pra le fessor Holloway personally superinterds tbe eanufeactureol hi h medicines, and offers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PURE FRENCH COLZA OIL; PALMER'S CANDLES. ROBERT & D. J. PATTERSON, 40, High Street. 3526 ON SALE, A T 2, CORPORATION STREET, BEL- A FAST, at moderato prices, a large Stock of BAGS and SAMlKS, including a lot of very superior quality for use of Farmers; also a large quantily of Indian Corn CALICO BAGS, at from :Is to GR per Dozen. 3527 R. M. CARSON. PATENT FELT. m HE SUBSCRIBER BEING APPOINTED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST ANNES' CHURCH. SERMON ON TO-MORROW (SUNDAY.) TrHE REV. CHARLES FALLOON, RECTOR of Ballynure, will preach (God willing), in the PARISH-l CHURCH, Belfast, on TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), the 9th inst. After Sermnon a COLLECTION will be made in aid of the Funds for the Repairs of the Church. 3424 SERMONS TO-MORROW. THlIE ANNUAL SERMONS ON BEHAIF OF 1 the DONEGALL SQUARE WESLEYAN SABBATH SCHOOL, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOIL A MARVELLOUS AGE I | OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT-TUE GRAND EXTER, II NAL REYBDY.-By the aid of a microscope, we se millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Througb these this Ointment, when robbed on the sAin, iscarried to Any organ or inward part Diasses of the Kidneyes discrderseof tbe Liver, affections of the Heart, lndammatlon of the Lungs, Aeth. mas, Coughs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDI TION AL' XAREROMUST A RE NO0W PREPARING A ~ CARLETON'S 'jsLADIES' Nr CH8LDWBEE'IS BOOT AVJD SHOE WAREHOUSE, ED ~ALADIES ?? sA. WDESTO~ D-STREET. RlSRrj dAB ETOX gratefo11y acknowledges the patronage he ba3 received from the Nobility ad Gentry since o Ce boys Eetablishmnt in ection with his House In Castle-etreet, and begs to Intinate he will have rady opening the, EsRhiNmey, EXTESIVE ARE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBICATION S. ATOL IC BOOKS, C - ~ in every Variety Of Bindin at No. 1, PAIILIAMENTSTEE ..(Opposite Royal Exchange). X3CECH'RINTS, STATIONS Of the CROSS, STA- Tl~~IM , &c., just arrived DIRECT from PARIS. JOHN MULLANY, Printer and Pobllsber of A TOLI O R K S. Tui Dy s ke , ublisbed, Price 15. A VOICE FO HITRor an Inquiry as toth A nostice, Espadiey, nd Utlity of our Intervention at Naples. By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEWEDITIONON NEIGVOiS AND (tii DISEASESI!l Just Published, Twentieth Tliouemnd, Price Onc Shiiling, of freelby post for eighteen Postage Stainljp, T 'EALTH aud HAPPINESS, t&e meuans by uili I thJ J.L may be obtained, a Medical Work, vwith ous. L.i-ln,4 the trertmeent of nervous debility and indige-ivki- eI h.i of rili tal and physloal tone, arising from early indio reiion. 6c., By J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION- SKER COLLEGE, ATiHENRY.-.Thsrare Vacacis - E in this Educational Establishmentforsalimited number of Boys, whose training Is uder the immediate supera-_ tendenice of the Prior and Community. db Pudpln -preparing for. the Universities are in0rsted by t able and distinguished Masters. Lessons ?? given also in Agriculture. The pension is £8O a-year, to be paid quarterly and In advance. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MlUSICIANS. OR SALE, A GRAND PIANO-FORTE, F the PropertY Of till lat,? .M1r. JoIIN HANLON, Procentor of May Street C'iuic'Lh To be seen at 12, Innis Place, Blackstaff Road. B3E A R S F O) R S A L E. r WVO FINE NO)RTH AMIERICAN CUBS, ApplY Yl the Ofnee Of' this Paper. ___3572 NEW S A:UCE. rI1RY MICKLEBURGH'S CELEBRATED L BRIGHTON TONIC SAUCE, the most de- licious Sauce in the worid. To be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R E M OVA L. /IR. G. 1EHYN 1HAkS REMOVED 1ils 1A Office to the CORN EXCHANGE BUILD. INGS, VICTUARI STREET, formerly Belt st L loyd's Room. Belfast, Nov. I, 1856. 3443 RE E O V AL. JOLIN DONNFLLY, SILK, WOOLLEN, and F.ANCY DYEIR, begs ti) inlfolrn his nlume- rous patroeis, that he his Removed from Banrk Lane, to 111i'o cemmodious premises, No. 28, KING STRREET (nealrly opposite the Savinvs' ...