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Advertisements & Notices

... EFT lIR 1l)ME, on the 3d instant, a YOUNG GIRL, - L I 13 years of ngo. Ilad on when s81e left a Dark Frock and Polka. Ited Ilair and Dark Eyes. Any information will be t&11ikfully received by her distressed parents. WI LLIAM KERR, 435 Gallowgatte. ?? _ ~~in T 051, on Tuesday Evening, either in Crown, Adelphi, L Stockvell, Argyll, Trongate, or Saltmarket Streets, a GOLD WATCH KEY, with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITION OF THE PRIZE PAINTINGS E OF THXE ART UNION OF GLASGOW, IN THlE NATIONAL GALLERY, MOUND, Enestrtl. ,rills EXHIBITF'ION w ill Open on SATURDAY the I5TH! laST. SIJ1SOCRIBEUS will be admitted on showing their lleccipt to lthe Doorkeeper. TlICKET-1iOLDERS will be admitted daily froml 10 A.M. till 5 Isn the VEKNtG the Galleries will be thrown open to the Public generally. No charge will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW FURS. TAMES WILSON & CO. respectfuilly invite el attention to their present Stock of MUFFS, CUFFS, and RIDING BOAS, which in extent and quality is fully equal to that of former Seasons. ' ?? Seemsi BaRiDei STREsr *5 Patarsk's FRENCH MenIsos, PSRTH WlUCirs, &C. 1/rABBLE WASHSTANDS AND TOILET L LTETABLES, in every Shape, Size, and Design. The Largest Stock in Town to choose from, in MAHOGANY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Magazin de Modes. M ISS ROBERTSON has the honour to ann6Ynce 1 1T fi that her SHOW-ROOMS vill bo OPENED for the Winter Season, upon MloxNDY first. The present importation of Parisian Millinery has been sclected with great care, and lvill be found in gre at varietv, both in useful cheap Bonnets, and the p most eleTant and expensive; the same in Mantles, from Cloth, e at 16s to 10ls, and Velvet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLOWING ADVFR7TSEtE1S[TS REA0,7'HD US' TOO LATE FOR1 INASEITI 0V IN OUR EARLY EDITION. W ANTED, a Few Respectable BOYS to Sell Newspapers W on the Railways. Apply to Juames Hcnderson, Waiting Rooms, W harf. lW ANTED Immediately,a WESSACE BOY, about l5 or 10 years of age, for a Warehouse in Towun. Apply to Nisbet Ys Carswell, 20 Howard Street. W7TANTED, a Lades SECONDIHIA-ND for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mantle Department. THIS now forms one of the most iheportant Depart A Tnents in the House, antd engages special attention, bothinir. the selection of nmaterials, and making up. Ladies will alwayss fox find a large Stock of of MIADE MANTLES to select from, or they may choose the unaterial and havejtnado to order, in a few houns. H1andsome MANTLES, fashienably trimmed, .21s Od to 40s Superior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO LEGATEES. ?? FRaEDlm5Ft 3PUREGOR SCOTT, lately residing IT in Drundee, appointed the Trustees under his Deed of aR Settlement to pay the Residue of his Estate equally to all the Surviving Children of the marriage between the 'I'estator's late I Grandfather and Grandmother, WILLIAM IAGREGOR, sometime Coal Agent in Glasgow, and HR8. GRACL CAR- MICIIAEL or WIlGUtEG(lt, and to the lawful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARTIFICIAL TEETH FROM 5s. EACH, MP. F. D. DAVIS, SURQEON-DESTIST (from London), M continues to supply the LOSS of TEETH, either Singly er in an Entire Set, on his Improved Method, without pain or inconvenience, or the employment of any visible meaus of at- tachment. DECAYED TEETH rendered perfectly sound and ?? by means of the Enamel Cement-charge, 2s. 6d. each. 99 SAUCHIEIiALL STREET, GLASGOW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER FASHIONS. COWAN & STRACHAN respectfully intiniate a very Large Choice of NEW WINTER GOODS, in all the Novel ?? Fabrics introduced for the Season. iW CLOAK, DRESS, AND M1ILLINERY ROOMS. 15 PsitNCs STRRET, November. .N.R.-FAMILY MOURNINGS. AN EXTRAORDINARY PURCHASE nor B1 U R N S & R I T C-H 1 E, TWVEED AND Wll'XEl' MANTLES, WILL BE siHOWN ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, thc 20th, 21st ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Merchant Society, Old Aberdeezi. TjIHH ANNUAL GENERAL,. MBETING of this T SOCIETY, will be held in the TowN HALL, On MONDAV the 17th instanlt, at 6 O'clock afternoon. I!'.I GEORGE GRUB, Clark.: Old Aberdeen, 10th Nov., 1856. COLLEGE BOOES. fNLASSICAL, MEDICAL, and DIVINITY COI- I4J LEGE BOONS, SOLD BY Leslie & mlauie BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONBIRS, 985, UNION STREET, From whom maybe had all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL WALLACE MONUMENT. MEfiETING IY EDI5YRUPMGE. -- ?? MEETING in support of the enterprise of Al IEARlING a M1ONUNIENT to SIR WILLIAM WALLACE, will be. held il the QUEEN STREET HALL, onl the EvxiEXG of TIRfItuDAY, the 27th inst., at Eight o'clock. Doors Open at Seven o'clock. Tho Meeting il DI be Addressed by the Rev. Dr CeTllnie, thle 1Rev. Drl Gr.AsT, Prlfesscr BLACItir, and Others. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA SDT LO THIAN BALL. 1'ho HADI)LNGTON COUITY BALL is fixed to take place In tile. AsssMINLY Roois. HAD sGTolr, on thle EVENING of TutisnAy, the '2ith November 18586. at Ten o'clock. Ladies Patroaneses. iler Grace the Duensss of ItoxsrUsanE. rite CcoxTrorss of HADDINGTON. T'ito LADY EL011O. .Diredeors Sir DAVID BAiuri, lart. JoHiN FLETCIIEmt, Easq. JAs. G. SUTrrE, Esq. Htaldington. 12th Nov. ...