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Advertisements & Notices

... EIGHTH GRAND MASONIC BALL, AT LIVERPOOL. I TO WIT'-IC THE PUBLIC WILL BE ADLfITED. S( Il4E ANNUTALGRANDMASO'NIC BALL, in Aid 1of the Funds of the WVest Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of Children of Distressed Freemasons, will be held at the Town Hall, 1 Liverpool, by thle permission of the Worshipful the Ilayor, and Town Council, on Tuesday, the Gth January ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *X HAIR..DESTROYER. I LITTLE QUEEN STREET, IHIGH1 HOLBORN LONDON L F EXANDER ROSS'S DEPILATORY, for removino effec- ,J. talljysuperfluous hair from the face, neck, arlns and han(ds 0too t tthc slightest injury to tie skill. A. t. vvill wvarrant it m 1t irrtate the fle-h in the smallest degrce, and the hair to be l'.IV e~tove. Sbt n bottles at 3o. lid., 5S, lid., and 10s lid: * t irelat the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Carnarvonashire and Anglesey Infirmary and Dispensary. I r NOTICE IS HtEREBY GIVEN, T HAT the Annual Meetinlg of the Governors of zi | the above institution, will be held at the BOARD B ]00M, on WEDNESDAY, the 5thl day of NOVEmIBcr ntext, at P2 'clock at Noon, for the purpose of Ex- endu~ing the Accounts, and other general purposes. A.J. DODSON, Hon. Secretary. Bangor, Oct. 21, 1850. . I THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W A N'T-E D. 'T A SITUATION as HOUSEKEEP ER for a Single A Gentleman, or to wait upon an elderly Lady, and do plain needlework. Satisfactory references can be given. Apply A. B., Post-office, Tremadoc. NEW SONGS. THE DYING CHILD, written -by Miss OWEN :1 T the Music by E. SrAsu. b THE CAPTIVE OF AGINCOURT, sung by hIJ Madam CLARA NOVELLO, composed by G. A. AIAC- D. London CllAMER, BEALE, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SERMION, TN behalfof the NA'TIONAL SOCIETY, Will be preach. en in BANcOoR CATHrEDRAL, On SUNDAY MORNING NEXT, November 9, by the Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. Divine Service will coin- menco at half-past Eleven o'clo-k. North Wales Training College, Camnarvon ADMISSION OF STUDENTS. ~79OUNG MI EN of good character, desirous of being admitted to the College, to be trained for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER SAIIMNGS OF THlE I 6PaUNCE OF WALES'I Steamer. wvi H CTYOFrDUBLIN STEAM PACKET a CO PAY give noticeethat the or PRINCE OF WVALES, - riterofte omay's vessels, is intended 01, to sail fronm IENA] BRIDGE (calling at LLANotDUDN-0, weather - pmitting), Oil MONDAYS and FRIDAYS, itt 10 o'cock a.m1. from i'ltI.N CE'S I'IE11-11EAD, LI VERPtOOL, WE1YttNL sDAYS and SATURDttAYS, at 10 are., till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? or vWM1QH. REVIVAL OF THE CORPORATION.A APUIBLIC DINNER will takce place in celebra-A JA~tion of this event, at the Caowt; H-OTEL, Pvil. sue~ heli, onl TuESDAY, the 25th November, 186 at o be O'clock precisely. W. BI. HUGHES, Esq., Mi.P., President. Catptain P1. D. LOVE JONE S-PAlRRY, ?? 'Vice-President. (In Tickiets, including winle, 7.9. Wd. each, to be had at. the Bar of the Hotel. ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... trHE CHIEF CONSTABLESHIP. To the Lord Lieutenant and Magistrates of the County of Carnarvon. 1i fY LORDS ANI) GENTLEMEN,-I solicit I [VI yonr votes for the ahove oflice. If not elected, h I anl again a Candidate for the same in Arglesea. o My qualifications are £300 a year in the Borough of Carnarvon. sfrven years' standing at the Bar, Masters' standing at Oxford ; I ?? Welsh, German, and tl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUPTURE CURED WITHOUT THE SlIGHtTEST PAIN 01R DIFFICULTY OF APPLICATION. THillS isteistion has ciuresl hundreds of sitferers, 'oven in case ITofllupwarls ilfa3dyurs stanistlxail will iultimately sipersttle ci tirely thoe ?? ssis siicomnfortable truss. Fitll partic lais n Ivill be senit, osl reeipt of a letter, contaitlig7 a ottitip-dl cili d1i- f reted etnvelope, to ALFRITED a, 41, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MElRRATA IN THE BISHOP OF BANGOR'S CHARGE. -nAGE 40, 3 lines fronm the hotttoni, for submit (1 _ read admit; page 41, line 13, for absolute read abstract. to BANqGOR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1856. fil TIltE BISHOp OF ST. ASAPH ON CHURCH ESD)OW\i'NTS. ot A very important letter appears in the 'Tinmes' th o} Thursday morninig, trom the Bishop of St. Asalib, hli addressed to the Marquis of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~tlE OF STARTING-'OF THE &MLWCII OMNIBUS.I, rvitl notI F 0 ROM AMLWVCH on MONDAYS, at a quarter-past lfal -V6 arm., and on Tr11URtSDAYS ait 2 pin. Fron - MENAI BRIDGE On WIEDNESDAYS arid SATUR- DAYS, on the arrival of the Stearner fromt 1iverpool. Performed by the EPublic's inost obedient servant, HENTRY 1-LUMPHREYS. t Menal Bridge,_Nov. 9, 1856. froir Every Descriptionr of tire LETTER-PRESS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ruumw~ nlmaosun kttftt~~iAii~ of tisiahoh, int titse .,of Densbigh, the 4Valuecr actin.' in the matter of toe j,~osure of the WVaste Lands of the Lord'ship of Ruthiti, Situate. Ic the etrill parishes of Lianfair D% ifryn) Clhyd,l In1nelidan. ]evnClocaetig tenechtvd, end Gy3 ifyltiog., w heCunyO, Dentigh, Hereby give Noti~ce, that a R.tq leaigfo ieD 33oundaky of the' Pari-hes of Lbanirnioli ...