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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT EXHIBITION of 1851. COUNCIL G MEDALI-EXPOSITION UNIVERSEgLLI,% I86. GRANDE st DAILLE D'HONNEUR.-GALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.- 3 P. BARBEDIENNE end Co. of Parts, rspeclully inform the Brieish dI public tat a complete Coiectlon of their MATHEMATICAL UEDUCTION by the Pro of M. Caolls from the Cheosf'tZuvrW . of Antique and Modern Statuary in the Galleries oa the Louvre, Plo- reoo, Lad Rome ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 o U RN I N G.-The Public are respectfully f 2 . i informcd that MOURNING of every description, in the g reatest variety, ~suitd to r U requnirements, o pon the nanet advantawce ss 3terms to purchasers, Vil be found readwy for Immediate usewith on ex- t ltnsiow~ieto choicomiitlinen, atPdGHlS FAMIliY h~OUltNIi6G a I~s~lIO ?? first established in thc Unitedi Kingdom, 193 5 {Rerent-street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kBSH4ALL and EDRIDGE'S LINE of n .rserss a ,dseI be found v~ry' deirable uppor- o -liaL I Tons Tons Ritr.Burden. Destination. 1 Port Phillip per - ?? 1010~ I Port Pbsslits ~r ies~l ?? msey. dit-try sale rood further ~~~St1ALL and IiD~tIDGE. 14. Feach -street. ~E1ENCLIPPER LINE.-For SYDNEY. A ?? .veorito cliipptr SHilPS will be deopatchod for Dirt 1t ociolty, to ho followtd monthly by other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REY HAIR RESTORED to its ORIGINAL . \ COLOIIL with ease safety, and certainty, by the PATENT GALVAiN10 COMBS arid ih3USHES, which are also an unfaiing 1 remedy for nervous headache, and all ucnralgic aflections. Illustrated C pasephietv, Why ?? becomes Grey, and ito Benledy, gratis, or by a p ifer tours oisp.-Odscxs: :F. M. HElilttNG, 3'2, Lasinghlia-stroet, where tesdinemlial* and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 OKIG GLASSES. The~ COMMERCIAL I IjPLATEGLAESSCOMPANY aInuager, CHABLES M'LEAN M 79 and 8O Fleet-street. and 166,Oxlord-itroct oteh name ans thE noaa n. very respetolY0 invite the Nobility.o he Public, and the , ta 1 ast lthe, extebostiv and magnificent Stock of CHIMNEY CO lind R GLASSES framed La everyv selety b f Sld6naIf . rCOa.N O Bnn~rLEĀ° m 3cunt PI ' onsle. centre, and pier tables SelD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f.IOLOMBO.Dire9I (hu~ only room for, light froight,I tIOR A3 a, - tin'ers rser. it. POTTERL. Commandur:; in II 'T'li l cie oters a fayourabie opportunity to 1, id-lach !Itooi good aceommodation, or Crosen. d1QT11W ld c,,Co, Miarkilone; or to TOULMIN,!h ?? C, iA, Gat St. Ihelens. Iiihotergate-struct. IEA1 o A ERCA.-T LIVERPOOL and ?? TEm SH1P COMPANY intend do. .~cch ?? ?? from LIVERPOOL ~~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i.i| -= II ara MARBLE CHIMNEY-PIEOES.--The nobility iite .L.VJ and gentry of the United Kingdom who axe building or re- m E g i n arerespectfulynvl.ted to Inspect the moss extea- ids.avsivc eolleotion of MAIr0tBe~bi C1.%13,N1Y PIEES at: tetv importedI from the continent. They comprise Statuary, GlaUo di Sienna, Vert 'Ra Etouge, Dove, Black and Gold, Rouge do Belmont, Bardigito, and otherl n3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUT STFFIU)I{IE ATERWORKS. ?? ani jljoratiottts rod ?? of water frots Bclstom tad Asl!tof~t cras ~ o tfl o ice tion of Work6-tt1ItttY o Water to So, thtt ,k-Armttfemtseft with Ccclsoatonof tcitjod a to Mnt'teCr cI t auto ?? Feoffoes of Lih fiel con~it an caseO of undcrttoinn-'ucrtn'e of Capital- Xtt~t'CI Idil tls ?? the sotrTH STAFFORD. 5ititte~t'ltitV~ii ~ .NCOP.0NY intenld to APPLY to PARi- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DLYNEWS LN ORA ME LNN 2' ,.dI.ADperP. qg estrain-tNo. N ews Acent. HE GOVERNESSES' INSTITUTION, A SobXN ?? ; WAG f ORN. Who has ruopdod many yuear brodts. rectbe i nvres tf h attention of the noility. aa ntr, an A IE I ttecoo Itoher REGISTER- Of HNGLISH and OIOLDIGN ,boVNof m EACubls Vthcr hIPIOeS. TUTORS. and pRi'EsSORs. Schoolprope rty traferred, ?? Engl.akranc, and GermanY. No Charge a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE ALEX ~R tee ?? ot ro- ?? Within temaso i ios 1! is IT Ct/ce sub tO .isala Alesarl 0 orccc't~ otto !,it of Hsoinour a Th heatt The in,,% ?? to the arc' couic fcth.i0,III areet oicy d or Piano-' I l'.rtc . lc Iltv tc'. cr~tilct a ~u~nI-er of Alexandre's cle-j roteci II. It' 'II NU&ct ?? r obine the elcx iat~v (l b~th t.. t.I enb uskd in colobtctitti.11 by tito LoItm O bot 't '1 ,1~c',II ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jonsale Levies. te (bRIGINA~i OIL PAINTINGS) by old Band S r~eceden~teudiey tlowT pricest Cl dWAYDOR a~ndo : Ce.'s. I d ?? dealers aes espeially n avited. (NOUPONS of Foreign Stocks now due are PAID C on presentation at Messrs. ADAM SPIEL3IANNaned Co.'s0 (IRCULAR 'NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. C Travellers proceeding to the Continent, Eat, ConstunthloPle, the icolonlee, Ainlrimva h., cann PROCUREl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EPoirt Paillilo (underengage- Olt N.FIBOURINE h mr- .~o11li. 'lv lo.lI' l ?? m it00 ' tile reL olt lu ~ Ii 11~. 11 0 ?? el': to SI:Y MJUII, F EDRII)(iI'S' LINE of .r aAt-ioIil4l, o 1t11.0. ?? `n`.1 0.121.0 ?? Loo o:, th,. L~ondollo 1teoks.- third. 1jo urjen. etnain IWO 110 ortl 'Llilip I C 114 70) Adciduol It Y , dieun, t hed t . coueta ,ntoe . 100.0 it Lri~or eis-, gtl; rg ?? fde Ofthelh ...