Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORIESP'ONVENTS. 'T. I. wvill see, by an announcement elsewhere, that the object of his communication has been answereld. EIs MAGN':T10 TFLEORAPII.] LON DON STOCK EXCIIAAN(J F'YESTERVAY. NOON PRICES. Consols for Monev, Do. for Account, .9- New Three per Cents 922 London and North-Western RailwaV, 0O'k- Great Western Raiiwa, C4' 54 Midland, . .. 8 80 2.15 r.31. PVICES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMON ON NEXT SUNDAY, QT3m INSTANT. -1-IE REV. CJIARLES FALLOON,RECTOR 1 of al vnare', ivill prach (God lwilling), on next SUNI)AY, in St. ANNE'S. After S mrinn a COLLECTIOtN will be made in aid of tihe Funds for Repairing the Church. 342-_ ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY AND DAILY SCHOOLS. rrHE A'NNUAL SERM1IONS ON BEHTTALF of these Sch onls rwill be Preached (I)-.V-) , SUNDAY next. tile 9th Inst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO O0R SUBSCRIBERS. WE beg to announce that we have made every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage anld delivery of our uvstameped papers in the pr illeipal towns through- out Ulster, in order to mneet the requirements of the public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it can practically be made, consisteutly wvith our Isim to furnish the earliest and best intelligence. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I.- ~ ~ ?? ?? f,IADIFS' 17DUCATIO-NAL IN STIT`1TION,q No .S,1-~aov cneto with thre Leodd melechi& VfICALT MUSIC. Ilveniri li-a- fir Adult ll'r1ttlea. i Thi; clais wviI cwnrrnrr,7-ii, redresdau, Deer-mnci- ThIrd, curt w~ill c-Iuitilnu, to be~et inu lb.I Wde-a -vlig -ii303:0 'ihiciir- b l ?? ?? by 5r r. Jrniet Witilaul-ou, Milrric 7I Preccl-trir. i mln 4so. Ier quarter. ?? nteingth ejls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,, ales it ~Auction. ON llTHRtiDAYV. ,,4qg ?? -' ritd - S,1t by Attion.t i 2ir Sitri. --t-,iLo o,li, a,-esdsy next, - o2 *ro' Titan ?? Iell' UA\T ~Yof H'4NP)DFLTRNI lUELP Ilnlngi ilio ie ?? pit cetP John L. ofn. sixga I C, 'ase hlar -id with balls anul cues con: flY I ghO n` ?? iuti.e I).r en y i-hairs, hii sties Chats, armncar, e pirl . 'f-et oil, wttld'ttoivtilpet osre'ils. &ic. do.. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. M. JULLIEN'S CONOERTS. M. Jellin ha th gratification to announce that Aliis CATHIE- E HAYES has kinedy consenntd itno appeear THIS EVENING. being positivelY her last appearance precious to her departure for the provinces. PROGRAMME for THIlS EVENING, Tuoeday, November 18. To commneuee at Eigi-t o'olock. PAcT 1. Overture-Oberon ?? Weber. Quadlrille-From0 Rossini's opera ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UENOS AYREAN FOREaIGN DEBt. B The Corarrittoo of Spanish American Bondholders r DqitSt a MEETING of tho COLDERS of BUJENOS AYE AN BONDS on Wednesday next, the 26th instant, at Two oeclouk peeclsely. at the Lonion Tavern. ALFRED GODFREY, Secretary. 11, Austiafiars, November 19, 1856. tN OMMERCIAL BANK oft LONDON, Lot~h- kJbury. Sod 6, Henriettil4tr~cct Covent-gardecs.-The Direc- tore heraby ge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GOSPORT. FORTO *q, & ANGLESEy WATER CONSUM -iRS' C3XMPLNY, (LIMITED). CAPITAL £25,000, TRUSTEES: Vice-Admiral John Brett Purvis, Bury Flall. The R-verend Edward Bursey, Clerk, Gosport. Thomas W.1ton, Esquire, Bury. DIRECTORS: The Riv. Edward Burn-y, Clerk, Gosport. Mr. Thomas Walton, Gospurt. Mr. Di&vid Compignse, Gosport. 'Mr. Henry Dashwood. Goepurt. Mr. William Rozers, Gosport Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITHE FIJ1 ST 1STAELIS3Yli) I0OR FU XllAL ECoXOMYE. J. TAPLINKeS FUN3RAL ESTATBLISlIMF. 1',TI 141, Q UtEEN STRlr T, PO RlTSEA. | F AMILIES are iespectfully inform 'I tho. cain, be dr I.c sujpp' switllh a cml iete l sst of Chl:grb - l crry J in !dosription cf Funclt giviu g tilnl an oppo rti:nity of as. ert alann the Rill C:it betorc gisvno tl.,eir Order,. (Riih Cov red C!lth or Velvet Ceoti.s, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... htKAL T'.13S NEW EDITtONON' NE'RVOUS AND UTijill DISEASESI 11 Just Published, Twentieth IThonoand, Price One Shillinog, 0 free by post for eighteen Postage Stamps, i EALTIH and HAI'PiNESS, the means by which thel L mway be obtained, a Iedical Work, with observationA Oe the treatment of nervous debility and indigeation, loss of meal tal and physioal tone. arisingfrom early indiscretion, &o., Dy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tEAD'Ri1iS NEW EV}LIlION. ON N'ERVOUS AND OTHES3 DISEASESI 11 fust Publisihed. Twestieth Thorsand, Price One ShIllig, of freeiby post for eighteen Postage Stamps, l-EALTH nud HAPPINESS, the means by which they liL may be obtained, a Medical Work, with observations On the treatment of nervouis debility and Indigestion, lose of meal tsl and physical tone, arising from early iudiscretion, &o., By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G UNS.-GENTLEMVEN SPORTSMEN who are in search for SECOND HAND GUNS, will find a capita' ot by all the beot makers, if they will call in upon WHISTLER. E will tale old guns and goods of any and every description in exchange WHISTLER, I1, Strand, opposite to the Golden Cross Hotel. rno THE SPORTING PUBLIC.- T1 SIA hORED HIANDICAP BOOK, containing the probabli wjnOetO at each meeting during the ...

Published: Sunday 02 November 1856
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1919 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices