Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN ADVERTISEMENTS. ?? ST. ALBAN'S CTOLIC CHIAPEBLACKBURN. her ('NSUNDAY, November 23rdi 18 ',Two SERMONS fell will be preached Inthe above place'; iathe Morning wl by the Rev. CHARLES TEEBAY, Of St. Edward's COl- but lege. Liver~~o~l end in the Evening by the Very Rev. T. the CANON ROOKER, D.D. Ka Mornlng Service at Eleven o'clock; Evening ditto at A balf-past Slx.-COl5OttOUs will tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A SERMION, TN behalfof the NA'TIONAL SOCIETY, Will be preach. en in BANcOoR CATHrEDRAL, On SUNDAY MORNING NEXT, November 9, by the Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. Divine Service will coin- menco at half-past Eleven o'clo-k. North Wales Training College, Camnarvon ADMISSION OF STUDENTS. ~79OUNG MI EN of good character, desirous of being admitted to the College, to be trained for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER SAIIMNGS OF THlE I 6PaUNCE OF WALES'I Steamer. wvi H CTYOFrDUBLIN STEAM PACKET a CO PAY give noticeethat the or PRINCE OF WVALES, - riterofte omay's vessels, is intended 01, to sail fronm IENA] BRIDGE (calling at LLANotDUDN-0, weather - pmitting), Oil MONDAYS and FRIDAYS, itt 10 o'cock a.m1. from i'ltI.N CE'S I'IE11-11EAD, LI VERPtOOL, WE1YttNL sDAYS and SATURDttAYS, at 10 are., till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NUMJ1BER 2, GRATIS, WITH NUMBER 1, PRICEE ONE PENNY. BEg Booksellig Trade generally, and the Dealers in Cheap ' erioditas eoteclally, ate informed that Nos. 1 and S2, of .rqagner. the 'Vehr-Wolf, by George W.. I. Reynolds, will be ,, toy publicatlan an Wednesday next. The work will be con- rinued tn ?? Penny ?? and Itlonthly Slxpenny Parts, epleadidlY illustrated by the -pencil of Genary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * PUBLIO AMUSEStNS TUZATRU* tbraus DRURY LANE. *.1 ;L~isssa, MaLELT.Sitsoxn GIAlwo ITALUAMOPEBA, ENGLISH 0OMRlDYsand BALL11T. ItaLia Qia sessuppoe h olwn ?? ArtiStes. Madame Grs aaease SignorAlbilelai ?? HrEleatj g0?oeO Madams mdt sgovls os ase Powsaful BAND mand compet HOUcnitgofupwards af One Hundred and Fifty Proms.Cnoir,'iui1-aa and Herr Ausohuer. VIOMORUOW Ilosplay). pos~itively ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oilt THE BIENEFIT OF SUFFERING1 FIWMANITy-A r~etired Gentleman heaving cured pcarei ji Ifect of Sight, arier suffering upwards of 25 Iteathiek 'int . s dotv tormake the remedy known for the ~enet o theeffiemi at will forwiard the Icirtiealsrs far thocor o ti saeon the receipt of a statopid envelopre, ?? ilirc elilrs Rv. J. JOHINSTONE, 1, Park 'fecraw uldes R H15i.ttCCe Eseror, Devonshire. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE STOCK TON NEW GAS ~COMPANYS,I T 11I TIE POCIi0ON GAIS C0ONSLUSIFER3' COMIPANY (Lnnt~d)-To ife ilecorlittuies~aii rguarlw tire Un ited Core- rai . riai ~authoriso, thle rnris ?? of ridditlonfti caPrlal. Powers to sell the undertaking to tire co~rporartion ?? Stockton. Powers to. the corporation to effect such puarchase. Powere to raise money and for other turilUSc3. Notice ii horerey given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iTEM t AUTRALIA, Carrying only one -,dA~ ct -akenU at £05 ?? European and Austra. n~a I0I o~p (Lbimited) 'will despatch their steamship - I EC0PEA'N 2,550 Tons, and 050 H. P., Efis~O1 onFriday, the 12tb. Decevaber, 1856, fo Mol. d3 c crring H H. Mails ond Cabin Passengers ~ Uories9 Fares to Melbourne .. £0.;5 eel .1. ,, Sydney ?? guineas. veof WNincs, Spi4rits, -and Malt Liquors, which may lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. SALE THIS DAY AND TO-MORROW. RE EDMUND ROBERTS, A BANKRUPT. 1t .ESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLDbeg toanitounce IVI that they are favoured with instructions from the Assignees of Mr. EDMUND RonERTS, a Banktrupt. to SEDI, by NUCTION, on WEDNESDAY and THURS- DAY, the 12th and 13th of Nov., 1856, at the LEsCTUlE HALL, Wardwick, Derby (where they will he removed for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. b We oannot undertake to return com~muolcation of which we do v not Dvsai ourselves. C'onamunications should always be legibly ti ?? and on one side of the paper only: if long it increases I 6eiculty of finding space for thor. Wisatever is Intended I for iserton must be autenticated by the namne and address of a the writer, not necessariy for publcatlen, bat as a guarantee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO JOINERS, BUILDERS. and Otbers.-13i' of TIMBER, BUILDING MATERIALS, IRONMONGERY, &3., Mount. Pleasant. By MESSRE& WALKER a; ACKERLEY, This Day (F'riday), the 14th instant, at Eleven o'clock precisely, on the Premlses No. 148, Mount-pleasant. HESTOOK-IN-TERADN, BUILDING THE.MATERIALS, IRONMONGJItY, Cart, Whitechsapel, and othe Efect, te popety f te lte r. Thom-ia Page, corn. orlinga gnerl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Anchor Line of Steam-Packet Ships, SAILING RtEGULARLY BETWEEN G-1LASGOW AND NEW YORK A Tons. Commander. PC UNITED KINGDOM, 2000 - DA d & JOHN BELL, 18000JAs. ALEXANDER. RPI TEMPEST, 1500 JOHN HENDEICSON. Fitted 'up with a view to the comfortable accommodation of Il lsse of Passengors. The splendid Clyde-built iron Screw Steamship TEMPEST, AlI at Lloyd's for 12 years, will sail, with Goods and ...