Advertisements & Notices

... f.IOLOMBO.Dire9I (hu~ only room for, light froight,I tIOR A3 a, - tin'ers rser. it. POTTERL. Commandur:; in II 'T'li l cie oters a fayourabie opportunity to 1, id-lach !Itooi good aceommodation, or Crosen. d1QT11W ld c,,Co, Miarkilone; or to TOULMIN,!h ?? C, iA, Gat St. Ihelens. Iiihotergate-struct. IEA1 o A ERCA.-T LIVERPOOL and ?? TEm SH1P COMPANY intend do. .~cch ?? ?? from LIVERPOOL ~~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1, ET, a WAREROUSE, in Ltiorli's-yi iO r ' ie, ect. threestoriso. s . a'ldl cOtta1-- re aidining. ieten ,~ i tars h o a pt5 l y t o J o h n l r orJ;* la iiu r fll S -t t, F*id e l- r u ?? 2siret e r id s -t K¶ Lr, stxcelllti rVAtttoliQlhi7L in';ritity- N H street: and a HOUSE and SHOP, ill Itunnshet-lr:stn. Altrty to at .e pttrehon. AuctinOneer. &C., 1' ljljtu-itke*t. eitils.F. . ' - a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .nu Li ~ ~ ~ wttn A Lit :gd ?? er WI err ~~~EASIDE~3 EDUCATIcN.-A Married Clergy-r ted k~so .Of Cabigreceives a few private PUPIL1,8 t T educate, either in Classics, Matherraraties. or Gensrail Literatuire, witleb ,idForeign Lantguages. A pply to le.p.S. G., WVeyeoubeoresbr It References given antid required.oth o 182$ire to 'he lMr. G. LAURENCE, Principal, ossisted by J, F. Is WtBo. f eed B.A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VORTH DERBYSHIRE RAILWAY.-(COU - NL' ftruction of rail ways fo Whly-bridge to D~ve'illole K in thre ?? ito Buxton, ati anid frons Roweley to Dove-holes; Incorporation g condpthe ;An powers to use th it tOckporDislY. AndjuWhloynrdgleyod t AelI Manchester, Buxton, Ratlock aim,( MidlnsJntoniiwy and to levy and lhrilt tolls ;faellltlGO for traffic; w,0orking'. ?? Ti ragmit ?? and North-Western, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. LAST WEEK BUT TWO. Tar NEW GRAND FRENCH QUADRILLE. THE GRAND SELECTION FROM LA TRAVIATA. First nppearance of Miss JULIANA MAY, Pril e Donna from Verona. Nunv. ELISA POMA, Prima Donna from the principal Opera- enaiIal, will shortly have the honour toaper The tiebratsd Pianist Miss ABABELLA GODDARD nylail make her Second Appearance Onl Thursday next. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOIF, ERBAL EMBROCATIONi, FOR THE ROCIIES HOOPINH COUGI. TjrnS i the only discovery affording a perfect cu~ru, Twith'out administering internal Medicine, the dliffi. culty' and inconvenientce of 'which, in till disorders particu- larly incident to Cheistran, airc too aveil known to prod any 'h'uen, ie Inentor tied Proprietor of this If osnoca. ?? ith pleasure and eatistaction, declare, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now ready, price One Shillinz, 'S NEW }dFAlIER'S ALMANAC FOR ~J0RTON'S NEW1867. BLA&C:;Ixsd So-;, Warwick-square, Newgate-street, Londou ; and all booksellers. Price One Shilling, , LNEY'S LETTERS FR1O0M1 T1lE PENINSU- W .AR. WA pleasing end instructive volume,-Er,. as A cheap shilling'8 worth of travel. note.- lestern Zigeea. Loende: Effirgham Wilson, Order of all booksellers. 4 COMPLETION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEACON ASSEMBLY OMS, EXNOUT SUGGG most respectfullyannounces to the J ?? Nobility and Gentry of Exmouth and its neighbour. hood, thst a BALL will take place on TnUSDAY, Novsxoew the 27th, 1856, to celebrate the coming of age of the Hon. Mr. Bolle. LADY PATRONE0SSS. Lady Duekworth, Mrs. Palk, and Mrs. R. S. Gard. STAWARDS. Sir John Buller Yarde Buller, Bart., M.P. Sir S. T. B. Duckworth, Bart, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE THIRTEENTH SEASON. SATURDAY EVENING CONOERTS, CONOT HALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. To CASE RSflF..MA A N ET A TR 5MECHA?I0, Tim MECHANIC A BETrM MAN. PATRONS: His Royal Highness Prince Albert, The Right Hon. the Earl of Soften, The Right Hon. the Earl of Harrowby, His Worship the Mayor, Francis Shand, Esq. J. 1,. Moore, Esq., M.P., John Stewart, Esq., T. B. Horsfall, Esq., M.P., Robertson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mantle Department. THIS now forms one of the most iheportant Depart A Tnents in the House, antd engages special attention, bothinir. the selection of nmaterials, and making up. Ladies will alwayss fox find a large Stock of of MIADE MANTLES to select from, or they may choose the unaterial and havejtnado to order, in a few houns. H1andsome MANTLES, fashienably trimmed, .21s Od to 40s Superior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION- SKER COLLEGE, ATiHENRY.-.Thsrare Vacacis - E in this Educational Establishmentforsalimited number of Boys, whose training Is uder the immediate supera-_ tendenice of the Prior and Community. db Pudpln -preparing for. the Universities are in0rsted by t able and distinguished Masters. Lessons ?? given also in Agriculture. The pension is £8O a-year, to be paid quarterly and In advance. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i.i| -= II ara MARBLE CHIMNEY-PIEOES.--The nobility iite .L.VJ and gentry of the United Kingdom who axe building or re- m E g i n arerespectfulynvl.ted to Inspect the moss extea- ids.avsivc eolleotion of MAIr0tBe~bi C1.%13,N1Y PIEES at: tetv importedI from the continent. They comprise Statuary, GlaUo di Sienna, Vert 'Ra Etouge, Dove, Black and Gold, Rouge do Belmont, Bardigito, and otherl n3 ...