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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... EFT lIR 1l)ME, on the 3d instant, a YOUNG GIRL, - L I 13 years of ngo. Ilad on when s81e left a Dark Frock and Polka. Ited Ilair and Dark Eyes. Any information will be t&11ikfully received by her distressed parents. WI LLIAM KERR, 435 Gallowgatte. ?? _ ~~in T 051, on Tuesday Evening, either in Crown, Adelphi, L Stockvell, Argyll, Trongate, or Saltmarket Streets, a GOLD WATCH KEY, with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE FOLLOWING ADVFR7TSEtE1S[TS REA0,7'HD US' TOO LATE FOR1 INASEITI 0V IN OUR EARLY EDITION. W ANTED, a Few Respectable BOYS to Sell Newspapers W on the Railways. Apply to Juames Hcnderson, Waiting Rooms, W harf. lW ANTED Immediately,a WESSACE BOY, about l5 or 10 years of age, for a Warehouse in Towun. Apply to Nisbet Ys Carswell, 20 Howard Street. W7TANTED, a Lades SECONDIHIA-ND for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARTIFICIAL TEETH FROM 5s. EACH, MP. F. D. DAVIS, SURQEON-DESTIST (from London), M continues to supply the LOSS of TEETH, either Singly er in an Entire Set, on his Improved Method, without pain or inconvenience, or the employment of any visible meaus of at- tachment. DECAYED TEETH rendered perfectly sound and ?? by means of the Enamel Cement-charge, 2s. 6d. each. 99 SAUCHIEIiALL STREET, GLASGOW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO LEGATEES. ?? FRaEDlm5Ft 3PUREGOR SCOTT, lately residing IT in Drundee, appointed the Trustees under his Deed of aR Settlement to pay the Residue of his Estate equally to all the Surviving Children of the marriage between the 'I'estator's late I Grandfather and Grandmother, WILLIAM IAGREGOR, sometime Coal Agent in Glasgow, and HR8. GRACL CAR- MICIIAEL or WIlGUtEG(lt, and to the lawful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE ARTS. W- BLACK BULL NEW AUCTION HALLS, E VIRGINIA STREET. 0 3IE891SRS. HUTCHISON & DIXONbegtointimatecat h T 1, theremaining Unsold PAINTINGS, which form til 1 ?? Part of the Collection, still remain for Private Ra Sale This Day and To-Morrow. Ro GU TO-)IOsaOW, AT 86 A-usoTSe0oD PLACE. Ha _ Th LICENSED SPIRIT & GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT, Pu WVINES, &c., Sm BY AUCTION. (we TTUTCHISON & DIXON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EORGE BUCKLAND, E8Q.,LONDON, iS GJ on OLD ENGLISH AND PATRIOTIC SONGS, ori in the MECHANICS' HALL, Cannling Street, Calton, To- exi MORRO W EVEN ING, at a Quarter pest Eight o'clockl. are Adnussien-Sixplence Each, am - ?? em r HE G L, A S G00W AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S for T WINTIhR IlO11W of VAT~ CATTLE, P1IGS, SHEEP, by POULTRY, avid J.AIRY PIZIODUCUE, will bell hld otn 12111 ma December next. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A STRAYED SHEEP. R. JAS. al ALLIST'ER, Farmer, Croftbiead, Bishop- i}jbriggs.has shad a Strayed SHEEP in his possession for Some time. If it is not claimed within Six Days from the dato c of this Paper, it will be Bold to defray expenses. C GLASGOW POLICE. _ ?? 1 OIJND, in possession of a Suspected Party, on Saturday F Night last, a GOLD DIAMOND RING. Apply to Captain Smart. OUND Trespassing, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .1rorticsi for 5Inle. GROUND ANNUAL FOR SALE. To be Sold, within the flall of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow, upon Wednesday tie 3d day of December next, at F Two o'clock Afternoon, A GRtOUND ANNUAL of £37, Os. 6d., most amply secutred £A1 over Buildings situated at the corner of Paterson Street acid St. James Street, Kingston of Glasgow. For further particulars, apply to Walt~er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICE. 1T'rE SALE of FURNITURE, ?? advertised for ThisI T -Day, nt Twelve Noon, wthitlarge Saloon, 18 South Hanovr Stret, S UNAOIDALY. PSTPOED, until ondayvfirsti, the 10th inst., ia conseqtenaeo of tile dense fog on thel~ierp~eledtt ~le Seamrs uning, the ballk of the stulff to be Sreoldbeuinrg still inl tansitX. WM UR, Auctioneer, 83 Mitchell Street. 71t November. HE TRUSTEES of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i}t~i'i~c£ sltc S C O lTT I S II lP I D O W SI' F U N7 D AND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. EsTAnrAstien A.D. 1815. T IE DIRECTORS are desirous of reminding those who T intelid joinig this Society for the first thne, and like- wise teose whlo (being already members) wishl to increase their Assurances, that POLICteES EFFr7CTED BEFOItE TrIE CLOSE OF THlS YEAR, upon tre participant classes, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROPERTY FOR SALE. rTpWARDS of £300,000 worth of PROPERTY, in various 1 Li parts of the Town and Country. Lists, containjhig full particulars, to be bad on appicaton ieto r Carswell1 & Christie, House and Land Factors, 7 Union Street. b FOR SALE, a IX SHARES of the (late) GORBALS WATER COM- St PANYS STOCK. i Apply to CGordon, Douie & Leitch, Writers, 6 South Hano- 9 ver Street. TENEMENT IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TcST, in Argyll Street, on Mtonday Evening, October 27, L~ Ile MINUTES of a YOUNG MEN'S LITERARY SOCIETY for 1856, in Loose Sheets. Any person bringing 4 them to the Religious Institution Rooms, St. George's Place, v will be Rewarded. OST, on Monday last, in or near Ingram Street, a Massive L GOLD BUCKLE GUJARD RING. Whoever returns the same to Mir. George Edward, 58 Gordon Street, will be ...